A little background story...
At 31 weeks I went to my ob for a regular check up and he said that my cervix was really short. Told me to stop exercising and no sex. Wanted to see me again at 33 weeks. Came in at 33 weeks and was told that my cervix was even shorter! I asked him was it short enough for me to go into labor anytime and he said yes. Immediately he called over to the hospital and scheduled for me to come in and get an nst and a ffn test the next day. Baby did fine during the nst but the ffn test came back positive which means theres a high chance I could give birth within the next 1-2 weeks. All the nurses told me that I need to try and buy time until 35 weeks since babies born then have a much better outcome than those born at 34 weeks. Called my husband and he immediately took time off from work so I can go on bed rest. I continued coming in every 2 days for the nst.
Saw my doctor the following Monday and he said my cervix length got better. He said he never put me on bed rest just house arrest. Seeing that my cervix got better. we decided to take Zachary out the night of July 4th to watch fireworks. Now thinking back, I did a bit of walking. I dont know if that could've been the reason I went into labor...but I went into labor 3 days after the event so I am not certain if that was the case.
Now my birth story...
July 7th, 2014
7:30 am - woke up to go to the bathroom. Went back to bed and started out with mild contractions. Thought it was just braxton hicks but it became much more frequent I started timing them. By the time I reached 4 contractions I began waking my husband up and said I think I'm in labor. Just finished my sentence when I felt full blown contractions. It was happening so fast! I could barely walk! I had to wait in between contractions to get to the car. What made it harder was that we had to take Zachary with us since we had no one to watch him.
8:00 am - On way to hospital
8:30 am - arrived at hospital and had to be wheeled in contractions were so bad I couldnt walk. Upon getting into the birth room, the nurses asked me a bunch of routine questions while waiting for the doctor. I seriously wanted to smack anyone who was trying to talk to me.
8:40 - 8:50 am - Doctor came in to check my cervix and said I was almost complete (9 cm dilated). He left the room (guess he was waiting for me to dilate to a 10)
9:20 am - Doctor came back and the birthing process began. He said it was going to be quick and it was quick! Pushed for 10 minutes or less and my little guy came out at 9:32 am!
Baby Jayden came out weighing 6 lbs 5 oz at 35w3d. Categorized as a well baby with no significant problems. Had low blood sugar in the beginning but was resolved after 24 hours. He was able to room in with me. Wish he could've stayed in there for another 1.5 weeks so I could have a termie but guess he had other plans.