Hi ladies, sorry I have been lurking around here but have responded much. The 2 guys are keeping me busy! Went to my 4 week pp check up today, the stitches have mostly healed. I need to go back in 4 weeks to get my diabetes rechecked to make sure its gone, and guess dr will check up on me one last time.
Jayden is already one month! Going by so fast! Dh wants to ttc again june-august of next year, he wants a Spring baby! Guess he wants a different season for each baby. Dont want to think about it, just want to enjoy my 2 boys atm, I bet by the time Jayden hits 1 I'll have baby fever again though lol. I was kinda sad at my dr's office today because it struck me that my pregnancy journey is officially over.
Hayley - Congrats and hope you get pregnant soon! Are you ttc a specific gender or it doesnt matter?
Ashley - Glad Cassidy had an awesome birthday! How is Rose doing? I'm also throwing a welcome home party for Jayden this Sunday!