I need opinions! Lol So last month me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex around ovulation. Shortly after, on time, I got my period but it was short and pretty light with almost no cramping. Where as my period is usually 5-6 days every month with moderate cramping. It wasn't like my normal period at all but it also, I don't think, wasn't light enough to be considered spotting. This month I am now six days late. I haven't had any symptoms of getting my period except for the slight, tiniest cramps. I've had excess cm, to the point where I run to the bathroom thinking I started my period, but nothing- just lotiony white cm. And for the past week and a half I've had pretty severe nausea and even still am occasionally getting it this week..especially after eating fried/greasy food. Which is very uncommon for me. What do you guys think? Is it possible that I am pregnant? I plan on testing soonish but in the meantime, i'm just looking for feedback. Should I even test at all soon or just stick it out to see if AF will show within the next few days