You may remember my brother's ex got pregnant and found out just after he went to Australia for a year. He came back from Australia and they were making a go of the relationship. There have been lots of dramas and ups and downs, not made any easier by problems with the pregnancy (she has fibroids and this seemed to be the cause of the problems). They went for a scan at 15 weeks a few days ago and everything was fine, and their relationship seemed to be going well also. Well unfortunately she has lost the baby last night. I won't go into details but it was obviously very traumatic at this late stage (not that it is ever easy I know). I am so desperately sad for them, and it has also made me terrified that something may go wrong now with my pregnancy. I know I am in a different situation so it is unlikely but it has still scared me. I feel selfish for being scared but can't help it. I really thought after everything they had been through things were going to be ok for them, it's just so sad. Difficult to talk to family about it as everyone is upset, and my mum and dad are also looking after my brother's gf's daughter so can't really talk in front of her. So just wanted to share with you ladies, hope you don't mind.