I've finished work now. After being in hospital last week I realised my body just isn't coping and I need to listen to it so have finished 4 weeks earlier than originally planned, although working til 39 weeks was probably a bit optimistic! It does mean I am going to have some unpaid leave now though as I'm now taking 11 and a half months off but can cover 9 months with contractual then statutory pay, then another 2 with annual leave so it's just 2 weeks I'll be skint but have decided time at home is worth it. I'm hoping I won't spend much while I'm off anyway.
Not keen on self checking cervix as I've never done it before and would be a bit afraid of doing some damage poking about when I don't know what I'm doing!
As for trying to help baby out, I'm going to try everything short of reaching up there and pulling him out! This pregnancy is just too hard on my body and I already know Dylan is big and doing brilliantly so I think a little early should be fine. I'm sure he won't come until he wants to anyway, and I have been having a few twinges so hopefully he wants to come a bit early but I am trying bouncing on my ball, walking, raspberry leaf tea, clary sage oil, acupuncture and dates. I am still a bit afraid about the whole blood clot thing which is another reason I want him out earlier as if I have got something then I can get tested without fear of hurting him. I am also having a sweep at 39 weeks so hoping if he's not here by then that works.
Glad your mum is ok murmers.
Sini I have diastatis recti which is different to spd but the symptoms are quite similar and I am in agony with my hips at night. Turning over is a big problem for me too as my abdominal muscles have split further than they should (that's what DR is) and every time I roll over it feels like something is tearing inside. So so much pain so I do sympathise with you.