I posted this in the third tri board but thought I'd see what you ladies thought because I swear that no one on this earth understands what its like to be pregnant unless they are...even if they've been pregnant before!
I'm so sick of hearing:
1) "Are you sure you're not having twins?" Seriously??? Really??? So I look that huge? Thanks for making me feel even bigger than I already do!
2) "Any day now!" No shit!
3) "I'm so exhausted!" Really? Because I'm 9 1/2 months pregnant working the same job as you, waking up every 3-4 hours to pee...but I'm so sorry you're tired.
4) "How are you feeling?" Umm, my stomach feels like its going to rip open, I'm so tired, my feet are swollen, I feel like I'm about to start my period, bust out crying, or break something...oh wait I need to go pee again! Plus, 5 minutes ago I told you I felt fine...so yeah I guess I still feel fine.
Anything you're particularly sick of hearing?
BTW congrats again Murmers, she is so beautiful!