Little help needed will I go early again?


Mother of 5 year old
Sep 30, 2010
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Hiya Ladies

Hope this thread finds you all well, my DS was born at 34wks due to the placenta failing. My consultant was awful first time around and we almost lost DS because of her. Luckily she went on holiday and she had a deputy who raced me in for emergency section,.. Low and behold went to see my consultant and it was the same one again!! unfortunately I am non the wiser... Just wanted to cry during the apt she hadn't even read my notes treated me like a normal pg and didn't even consider steroid injections or pre term complications this time around either..

My midwife has advised me to get a second opinion as she says the chances of the placenta doing the same again are high and she thinks steroids are required at 30 and 32 wks. I don't know how to get a second opinion as my consultant is the head at the hospital?

Has anyone else been through the same as me and gone full term? I have had an awful pg so far but luckily this week has been the first time I haven't felt to bad I have lost 3 stone so looking fwd to eating again

Don't know much about placental failure so I can't really help with that.

With regards to getting a second opinion, I would speak to the Midwife as to how you would do this. Or have you got a letter from the department with a telephone number? Maybe give them a ring and request an another appointment with a different consultant. If you can do the latter, ask your MW to write a letter with regards to the extra steriod injections.
Thanks for the reply Lindsay got a growth scan on the 19th with the horrible consultant again going to go and try again with steroid queries unfortunately my midwife didn't think she had any say when recommending over the consultant, I am coveted by BUPA through my work but these apt are through NHS do u think BUPA cover pregnancy I really don't know?
Thanks for the reply Lindsay got a growth scan on the 19th with the horrible consultant again going to go and try again with steroid queries unfortunately my midwife didn't think she had any say when recommending over the consultant, I am coveted by BUPA through my work but these apt are through NHS do u think BUPA cover pregnancy I really don't know?

Haven't got a clue with BUPA!

I don't see any reason why a MW cannot make a recommendation. (whether the consultant would listen is a different question).

I would see how your appointment goes on the 19th, if you get fobbed off again, then I think you would just have to tell the consultant there and then you want a second opinion. You are entitled to a second opinion & she will have to follow your wishes.

Good Luck
Thank u, defo going to have to do that I think she is avert good consultant hence being the head but only once a problem discovered, all my scans were perfect until it was too late which is why I'm worried just wish she wud at least discuss the steroids with me don't want the panic again this time, how is Jacob getting on? Xx
He's doing really well. Proper little chunk! :)

I know it's scary having a prem baby & you wonder whether it's going to happen again. With my DS1, he was born at 33+5weeks, just went into labour, no explanation as to why, it was "just one of them things" so when I fell pregnant again, I was considered High Dependancy until 12weeks, went to see a Consultant then switched to Low after that. Low & behold, at 34+5weeks, Jacob comes along. Still no explanation as to why I haven't been able to carry full term. I was offered steroid injections, but only once I was in labour!

How is your DS?
You won't be covered by Bupa. They don't offer pregnancy cover, but when you do get to being in hospital, remember there is usually a cash benefit i.e they give you some money for every night you habe to spend in an nhs hospotal.

Tell your consultant you'd like to be referred to someone else. This is your absolute right.
Tell your midwife you want a different consultant, you have a right to say who you do or dont want.
Thank you so much ladies, it helps so much knowing that I am not the only one and these things happen all the time certainly doesn't make it right but it helps to vent... My DS has a metabolic disorder which was extremly hard to deal with until he became 3.5 yrs old now he is absolutely fine and just a happy little 5yr old who just started school this wee one will also be treated as a MCAD baby too until the tests come back so she will go directly too SCBU or HDU which does make me feel better but this is through my sons consultant who will care for her and not through the pregnancy consultant who is really not helping me.

I have requested a meeting between both consultants so she can be told directly infront of me why it is important that they do not stress her out during birth.

Thanks for the heads up about BUPA I was convinced they didn't cover pregnancy so not shocked at that but liking the idea of some pennies be as well get something for all the hard work and pain we go through in SCBU help to cover the costs of commuting back and forth each day

Please make sure you get the steroid injections!
I have just come out of NNU yesterday with my 2nd son, born at 34+2 because of likely placenta probs and from speaking with the other mums in there it is quite obvious that it is the steroids that make all the difference. We were only in there for 16 days and we had a much easier ride than those who didn't get the chance to have them.
For the consultant to ignore this I think is a disgrace given your past history.
Please speak out and don't be afraid to make a nuisence of yourself - your baby is the most important thing.
Take care.
Please make sure you get the steroid injections!
I have just come out of NNU yesterday with my 2nd son, born at 34+2 because of likely placenta probs and from speaking with the other mums in there it is quite obvious that it is the steroids that make all the difference. We were only in there for 16 days and we had a much easier ride than those who didn't get the chance to have them.
For the consultant to ignore this I think is a disgrace given your past history.
Please speak out and don't be afraid to make a nuisence of yourself - your baby is the most important thing.
Take care.

If your over 33 weeks some hospitals wont give the steroids, i know mine doesnt.
Congratulations Beakerage on your baby son what was his weight and did u have a c-section? Was your first son a prem too, sorry for the questions but I am addicted to finding out when this wee one is coming... :)

I really want the steroids and everytime the dr see's me thats all they hear but unfortunately think my hospital going to be the same as Lozzy's shocking I know my problem is I am under the head consultant and they all get approval from her that I don't know what to do... My son had to be resuscitated 4 hrs after birth due to his lungs not being strong enough! Don't know what else I have to do to prove this is gonna happen again...

Oh dear Starchase it looks like you are just going to have to question everything they say/suggest to ensure you are happy/comfortable with their plan.
DS1 was born late (term+6) but was light 5lb 13oz but he didn't need NNU or anything it was just tough to be told that he had been starved in the womb, we didn't know there was anything wrong.
DS2 was born 34+2 by C-section (Yuk) and he weighted 3lbs 7oz. We knew from 20 weeks there was problems (which was emotionally tough) but the hospital kept me very well monitored and had the steriods etc and because of this he was in better condition than they expected and he only spent 16 days in NNU.
I suspect the placenta in both cases but I doubt I will ever no for sure (defo no more for me as I couldn't go through this again!!)
Please keep us informed of how it progresses. I found this forum late but it was a great source of comfort in the last few weeks because we've all been through it to varying degrees.
If you don't get the steriods it's not the end of the world. I don't want you to worry so I feel I should also add that whilst I was in NNU I was amazed by what they can do with babies of all sorts of sizes and conditions. It's a real eye opener. You just may need to prepare yourself for a longer stay in NNU (I was amazed that DS2 was only there for 16 days - that is quick!!)
Take Care Ax
Thanks honey, it is just really tough not knowing what is going on I know I do have OCD tendencies but truth is I just like to know and plan things.. Well I had a good wknd sorting out the nursery scary to think that DS was here in 6 wks time.. but had they not skipped my 32wk scan he would have been here in 4 wks I get my scan a wk tomo so excited to hear how she is doing and maybe get a clearer idea what they are gonna do and then push the whole steroid discussion again... crazy that I feel like I have to fight already but really don't want to go through the whole resuscitation and NICU again when I don't need too.. I hear you definately my last pregnancy too I am no good at pregnancy and definately can't go through it again


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