I thought I had quite a good supply but yesterday all day including morning she wanted feeding every half an hour and fed for 5-10 mins and didn't do any sleeping. By evening around 8pm I must have ran out of milk because she was sucking furiously, yanking twisting and pulling at my nipple and being really fussy! My boobs did feel really soft and empty and when I tried to hand express nothing came out..... After crying for 20 mins which to me sounded like a hunger cry I gave in and give her a bottle of formula. At first she wouldn't take it in her mouth but when she realised it was food she wolfed it down then settled for the night and slept right through... I dream fed her about 2am for only a few mins as she was too tired. She is 3 weeks by the way. Has this happened to anyone else? Did I run out of milk? I normally do feed her on demand so my supply should have been good enough right? So confused..