LO feeding constantly


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
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My 8 day old is in my breast continuously. I'm sure some of the time he's just comforting, but when he comes off and I lie him down, so I can shower/eat etc, he cries. I've tried a dummy but he spits it out. I'm hospital the we're topping him up with formula, I've continued to do this since being home (although it's racked me with guilt) and this seems to be the only time he will settle, when he's had 2oz of formula. I feel like such a bad mother. I was so adamant on breastfeeding, and I know there's milk there. I'm also expressing to try and increase my milk supply, but after using my electric pump for over an hour, in both breasts all I can get is a little over 15mls. I feel a failure, and a bad mother giving my son formula to settle.
There is nothing wrong with giving him a little formula to fill him up, you are doing a great job. Keep pumping and make sure you are drinking lots of water.
Totally normal, he is just trying to build your supply.

Honestly the best thing you can do for your supply is slowly drop the formula and feed on demand.
I have been feeding on demand, and he's on me all day everyday, with maybe the odd short nap if we're lucky. I'm struggling to get time to even shower.
Have to agree with Staralfur. It all sounds completely normal for only 8 days in. I sometimes went days at a time with only a quick wash, some days I don't think I even managed that. It will get easier and the feeds will lessen but the only way to build your supply it to try to drop the formula, otherwise it becomes a vicious cycle. It sounds like you're doing a great job though and do not feel guilty in the slightest. You just have to do whatever you can to keep your sanity at this early stage xx
It is likely normal. If you can you should stop the formula and just keep feeding LO constantly. That is the best way to boost your supply. Maybe try a ring sling or other carrier so that you can have hands free while feeding.
The other thing to look into is tongue tie. Just take a look under the tongue after looking online for pictures so you know what to look for.

I don't think its the issue but worth taking a look anyways. It does sound like typical newborn behaviour.

It does get easier as time goes on.
I'm so sorry but it's very normal :( it does get easier though I promise. I remember feeling as if I had become one with my sofa until Joshua was about 6 weeks old.

I have a 2yr old to contend with too so I really can sympathise with not getting a shower. It's bloody hard work. But take this opportunity to rest and feed and watch shit telly, they don't stay this small for long. The world is a scary place to them & they want the closeness of mummy and mummy's milk xxxxxx good luck
My daughter was on me constantly for the first two weeks and then during the 6 week growth spurt. It was frustrating at first, but at 8 weeks in i've gotten used to it and even learned to enjoy it. It takes time and it's hard to imagine, but it will get better. The first few weeks are a blur to me now.
As others have said, it is completely normal for babies to feed constantly for the first few weeks while they build up your supply. The best thing you can do (if you can) is just resign yourself to it, park your bum on the sofa with a supply of DVDs and feed him all day long :) let the house get messy and let yourself get smelly. It really doesn't last forever, honest!

My LO fed all day long for the first 4-5 weeks then by week 5 he was giving me an hour's rest between feeds, by 6 weeks he was going 2 hours between feeds and now at 7 weeks its more like 3 hours so it really does get better soon.

You really shouldn't feel guilty about the formula top up, but if you do want to stop just cut it out gradually and he will build your supply back up for you.
This is what newborns do and it is hard for the first while, but it will get easier. Keep feeding on demand and I wouldn't spend too much time pumping as once your LO gets the hang of feeding and is feeding on demand, your supply will increase accordingly.

As the other ladies have said, this stage doesn't last long and you'll soon be able to get a bit of time to yourself in between feeds. I know it feels quite tying but try to enjoy it as I promise you'll look back in a few months time and wonder where your newborn has gone!!
The same as the others have said it gets easier in time. My LO was on my breast sometimes for a quick twenty min break! I felt sleep deprived and frustrated and i had my ups and downs. But i dont regret it at all. And i love breastfeeding. And its ok about the formula but you dont have to. But dont feel bad either. I did here and there...
My midwife weighed LO yesterday (day 10) and he'd lost another 10 grams. :-( she's thinks I have a low supply. She then contacted the paediatrician and he's advised to feed LO, then top up with 2pz of either formula or expressed milk after each feed. I'm quite upset that my milk isn't enough for him, but like mw said, giving him a little extra is better than an underweight, unhappy baby.
Stick with it!! My baby lost weight and didn't even get back to birth weight until 3 weeks old, I had to bf, expressed and then feed the expressed milk then top up with formulas. Some babies take a while to get going. We are ebf by the way, after medication & a strict feeding/pumping reigime I managed to increase my supply to meet his needs. Good luck xxxxx
I formula fed my 12 month old and i certainly wouldn't class myself a "bad mother" for doing so..... I'm only breastfeeding this time round because it's working for me! My daughter is a trooper at latching and I'm not in pain or anything like that she brings up her wind good and sleeps 4 hours in between feeds oh and my boobs look great (bonus) I'm not doing it because it's the right thing to do or anything silly like that. I don't like all these breastfeeding champion badges.... Makes people who struggle feel like a failure IMHO so please don't feel bad there is nothing wrong with formula feeding its what works best for you and baby x
I formula fed my 12 month old and i certainly wouldn't class myself a "bad mother" for doing so..... I'm only breastfeeding this time round because it's working for me! My daughter is a trooper at latching and I'm not in pain or anything like that she brings up her wind good and sleeps 4 hours in between feeds oh and my boobs look great (bonus) I'm not doing it because it's the right thing to do or anything silly like that. I don't like all these breastfeeding champion badges.... Makes people who struggle feel like a failure IMHO so please don't feel bad there is nothing wrong with formula feeding its what works best for you and baby x

The reason most of us have them is because we've struggled and are very happy and proud to have overcome it.

Not everyone is as blasé about breastfeeding as you seem to be and it's clearly important to this mother which is why she's reaching out. No, she shouldn't feel like a bad mother for struggling, but she also shouldn't be called 'silly' for wanting to do what she feels is best for her baby.

OP: I would stick with the formula top-ups then until your LO starts gaining, and then work on slowly cutting out ounces of formula after that. I was combi-feeding at the beginning and managed to have my LO on exclusively breast milk by 7 weeks. If you need any tips on how to phase it out then feel free to PM me when the time comes. Good luck. :flower:
Why would wanting the best for your baby be silly? I'm not against formula at all but fighting for what's best is definitely not silly.

Op - my supply has been up and down and I've found success in supplements to increase milk production. Take a look at more milk and mothers milk tea (I would link but I'm on my phone). You can find them on amazon. Also, if I'm not drinking a ton my milk supply really suffers. Oatmeal is great for supply too.

I know I'm not much help sorry! I hope things get easier for you. :hugs:
No I don't think it's silly to want the best for your baby at all. Talking from a personal and experienced position it was silly for me to carry on feeding before when it was making me depressed and crying everyday. Once I got over the guilt which took a while because not everyone is "blasé" about it - my little boy and mummy thrived. I am lucky breastfeeding is going well this time round because it is best for my baby and me! Nutrition is very important and so is mental state.
For the first few weeks of DD2's life I bfed and then topped her up with expressed bmilk until she started gaining better and then we started cutting back the op ups afterwards. There is nothing wrong with topping her up with some formula when you need to. Keep pumping after feeds though to help increase your supply.
I remember how tiring those days were and all the steps to then do it all over again but you will make it through.
We struggled with weight loss in the early days too. We had to top up with formula for a few days until I was able to pump enough to top up with bm instead. This phase will pass just hang in there :)
(Says one of those people with the bf badges who is extremely proud of struggling and sticking to it when it would have been so easy to give up ;))

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