Long term TTC success stories wanted!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2012
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Just wondering if anyone could kindly share their BFP success stories? Would love to hear some positive, reassuring stories, particularly those who were previously long term trying to concieve!

I’ve not used contraception for 8 years and am now actively TTC so would really appreciate any people who were in similar situations that eventually resulted in a BFP! I’d love to hear from you all, thank you!!!
I have PCOS, so I lost weight and started exerciing and my husband has got problems too and was told we had a very slim chance I was trying a lot for 3 years with charts, ovulation tests, I eventually gave up and just told myself it was never going to happen I have got 2 beautiful children and 2 step children . On Thursday I got a big shock and found out I am expecting again. Don't ever give up hun, it can happen
Hi hun. I didn't try for that long (8 months) but I was told that I had PCOS and fertility issues due to the chemotherapy treatment that I had.

I tried everything in the book every single month, with no BFP. Then on my 8th month of being cancer free, I went for my regular cancer check up and was then told that they found abnormalities that will affect fertility. I was also diagnosed with PCOS and the doctor said I didn't ovulate and my uterus lining is too thin (I was 6dpo then). I was going to start Femara as soon as AF started.

That month we missed our timing totally. I did acupuncture for the first time and ovulated two days earlier than usual (i was adamant with the doctor that I did ovulate that month but she said it wasn't a good ovulation then). Anyways, AF never showed up. We got our BFP.
Hi, I was ttc for two years and decided it was time to go to the doctors in October last year to be told I would have a 6 month wait to see a specialist after my blood test came back normal. We tried using fertility monitors and taking my temperature but it just was not happening.

I was fed up and really down so we decided to take a break untill we had the specialist appointment and just enjoy christmas. Then last week I did a test and it came as a huge shock to get a bfp! As I had stopped tracking and thinking about my cycles I had no idea how far along I may be so I went for a scan yesterday I was 5 weeks 3 days and saw a heartbeat it was amazing.
Congratulations! Both really lovely stories... Hope I’m lucky enough to experience a BFP soon!
Thank you! Just do not give up and try to stay positive about it (alot easier said then done) hope you get bfp soon! My sister was trying for 3 years and is now starting IVF this week so I am keeping my fingers crossed for her too!
Don't give up! I had. After 7 nearly 8 years TTC we got a surprise BFP out of no where. Tests showed nothing wrong and I basically just thought it wouldn't happen for us. We went away for our 11 year anniversary and 3 weeks later found out we were pregnant. Completely unexpected wonderful surprise. Only thing I did differently was I lost weight and exercised everyday - I never felt better and full of energy. I might not mean anything but I think it really helped. I still can't believe it - he is 11 weeks old now!! I hope to have another, hopefully won't take as long. Big hugs :hugs:
We were TTC 2 years. Tried Clomid, one private IUI, 2 laparoscopies including Ovarian Drilling. Finally got referred for NHS IUI, followed by IVF. We went for the initial consultation and I was waiting for af to have my control scan and to pick up the injectibles.

Needless to say af didn't arrive! (Although I had quite a bit of implantation spotting). The only thing we did differently was use TONS of Conceive Plus and BD'ed every day rather than every other day (DH has low morphology so recommendation was BD every other day)
After 2 ectopics and being told I had a 0.002% chance of conceiving naturally, I got the BFP for my son just 3 weeks after the second ectopic. I laugh when people say "relax and it will happen" because I have never been LESS relaxed than I was that month.

Now I am trying for #2! Falling pregnant is one of the most impossible and easy things to do at the same time! :flower:
After 2 ectopics and being told I had a 0.002% chance of conceiving naturally, I got the BFP for my son just 3 weeks after the second ectopic. I laugh when people say "relax and it will happen" because I have never been LESS relaxed than I was that month.

Now I am trying for #2! Falling pregnant is one of the most impossible and easy things to do at the same time! :flower:

Same here! The cycle we caught was the least relaxed ever! Not only I was starting IUI the following week I also didn't get positive opk till CD24. I was stressing every day, not knowing what was happening. And the the bright red spotting from 8 DPO was just the last straw as I thought I also had sever LP deficiency!
Lovely to hear your stories ladies, congrats! x
Thank you all, they're all lovely stories. I just wish that we were ttc like anyone else without the added worry of those 8 years of no contraception. I know it could be as simple as missing the right days but it still gets to me.

Anymore stories out there? Thanks all so much!
dh and i were ttc for almost 2 years. i have mild pcos and dh had devastatingly low motility and morphology. we were told we needed icsi to conceive. we decided to take some time to save up at least some of the cash we needed for the procedure. in the meantime (nag that i am) i made dh give up his daily beer habit. 2 days before i was going to call our fs to schedule our icsi consult, i got a very surprising bfp. (i'm still convinced it was the beer.)
I started TTC back in August 2008, got BFP in October 2008 but found out I'd miscarried in December 2008. We started TTC again from then and a year later, I fell pregnant again but that was a chemical so we started TTC again and then it took 2 years (so 3.5 years from the very beginning). DH's SA wasn't great but not that bad so we were told we'd need IVF. The month I finally fell pregnant with this little one, we used Pre-Seed and :sex: every day for 5 days over my fertile period (I'm lucky in that my cycles are very regular and very predictable) and I got my BFP in November last year.

I'd say give pre-seed a go. I definitely think it played a huge part in me falling pregnant. Good luck to all of you waiting for your BFPs xxx
Great thread, just bumping up for more positivity!
Hi kzee, im in the same boat, been 7 yrs with nothing, waiting for specialist appointment,dh has had two sa"s which are ok but I have long cycles 35 -75 days! Good luck! X
Hi Star25! Good to know I'm not alone! I still feel like eventually we'll be Ok though somehow... I do have regularish cycles (25-28) but still it doesn't mean everything's ok. I had a friend who told me she stopped using any form of contraception for about 8 years, not really trying etc but she had a baby in the end, I don't even think they were TTC. I'm going to the doctors in a week so hopefully we 'll get the all clear too and it'll just be a case of wrong timing.

Good luck to you too! X
P.s how long have you been actively TTC? Xx
Hi there I was actively TTC for 19 months then a month of ntnp after a m/c at 11+4 i only have one tube so that plays a big part the month we did ntnp we only dtd one time 2 days before O and 10dpo we got our long awaited BFP and we now have our beautiful 5 week old DD and DH is ready to get right back on the TTC ride best of luck and lots of baby dust

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