Looking for a buddy


Jul 10, 2015
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Hi guys new to the site but me an my partner have been TTC for 12 months but just found out I have a large adenomyoma still having more tests but we don't really know enough about it. If anyone has had similar complications or just wants a buddy ☺️
Me and my OH are 27 he's a chef and I run a preschool. When I'm not making the most of the little free time we get together I enjoy photography and walking my dog Molly ☺️
Hi there! :wave:

I'm A - 32, married to J (also 32). We are TTC #1! This is my first cycle on clomid after 18 months of being off bcp and 'not trying, not preventing,' 2 cycles where I didn't ovulate and now I am 3dpo! :happydance:

I teach 2nd grade and love it - love being off for the summer to focus on my hobbies, such as TTC haha....DH and I like to cook together - well, I cook, he eats! We are complete opposites but still manage to have a lot of fun together. <3

So what is an adenomyoma? What can be done about it? :shrug:
I am waiting on bloodwork to come back for my thyroid and adrenal system, something is 'off' but we don't know what yet so I know how frustrating and scary it can be!

Are you still TTC with the adenomyoma? Or does that have to be put on hold?
Hey you sound just like us - opposites but In the best way (he does the cooking & I do the eating good job working with kids keeps the pounds off!:thumbup: )

4dpo eh! Now the long 2WW I always find myself not able to concentrate or keeping busy to make the time fly - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

Adenomyoma is a form of adenomyosis that forms a tumour around the tissue of the inner uterus. There doesn't seem to be a lot of info about it but it's generally found in women 35+ who have had children and then developed adenomyosis or endometriosis and the only real 'cure' as such seems to be a hysterectomy but hopefully with some hormone treatment, pain relief, positive thinking and surgery they'll be able to sort it long enough to conceive. We are still TTC but we have had 3BFP but lost them all pretty early in the pregnancy that's how they found the adenomyoma. Just waiting for another gyno appointment to find out more!

1dpo for us and you never know this could be the on that sticks! Looks like we both have the tense 2WW :winkwink:

I hope your bloods come back ok let me know how it goes :)
Hi there! I am first time actively TTC, after NTNP for some time, Im 33 and had a early loss in April. Im sure is not the same but I have a myoma, for more than 2 years now, different drs have told me its OK to conceive as long as the size of it doesnt increase.
Well, am now CD8, a little bit behind from you guys but will like to have this thread to share, vent and be paranoid:shrug
I love this site, its excellent to fullfill my need of baby stuff while my boyfriend is playing on the XBOX.
Hey I know that feeling my OH is always on the PS3 drives me mad :laugh: ad this is definately the right place for venting those TTC stresses and worries and fingers crossed before long we can share that BFP! :)

Does your myoma present and symptoms? I have the worst ovulation and period cramps!
Hey you sound just like us - opposites but In the best way (he does the cooking & I do the eating good job working with kids keeps the pounds off!:thumbup: )

4dpo eh! Now the long 2WW I always find myself not able to concentrate or keeping busy to make the time fly - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

Adenomyoma is a form of adenomyosis that forms a tumour around the tissue of the inner uterus. There doesn't seem to be a lot of info about it but it's generally found in women 35+ who have had children and then developed adenomyosis or endometriosis and the only real 'cure' as such seems to be a hysterectomy but hopefully with some hormone treatment, pain relief, positive thinking and surgery they'll be able to sort it long enough to conceive. We are still TTC but we have had 3BFP but lost them all pretty early in the pregnancy that's how they found the adenomyoma. Just waiting for another gyno appointment to find out more!

1dpo for us and you never know this could be the on that sticks! Looks like we both have the tense 2WW :winkwink:

I hope your bloods come back ok let me know how it goes :)

Wow that's so crazy! I will be praying for you that you will get a sticky bean and the adenomyosis won't cause anymore problems! That's so frustrating!

Hi there! I am first time actively TTC, after NTNP for some time, Im 33 and had a early loss in April. Im sure is not the same but I have a myoma, for more than 2 years now, different drs have told me its OK to conceive as long as the size of it doesnt increase.
Well, am now CD8, a little bit behind from you guys but will like to have this thread to share, vent and be paranoid:shrug
I love this site, its excellent to fullfill my need of baby stuff while my boyfriend is playing on the XBOX.

Hi there! Welcome! :hugs:

So I am having an ok day - didn't do much which has been nice but it's feeding into my 'symptoms' lol. Ohhhh self....knock it off! :nope:
Random and TMI question but - I am having a hard time with CM and CX check because my CX is so high - that's probably not a good sign (I've read that low and soft is PG) but is this common? Anyone?

Hello again!!

Yes...its wonderful to be here, found a lot of comfort so far and hopefully soon share the joy of our BFP!! sooner or later it will happen!
Well, my myoma didn't present any symptoms, I found out through an ultrasound for an emergency apendectomy (sorry if this is spelled wrong)that I had in 2012. But I think the last couple of years I had a little bit more cramping, heavier periods (not significantly more but still) and pain in the middle of my cycle, like ovulation cramping or whatever is called.
Sorry I have no idea about your question about CM and CX, I think nothing is definite about symptoms this early.
Wish you :dust:
Random and TMI question but - I am having a hard time with CM and CX check because my CX is so high - that's probably not a good sign (I've read that low and soft is PG) but is this common? Anyone?

I just read this:


Your Cervix at Conception and During Early Pregnancy

If you have been lucky and have conceived this cycle, your cervix should rise up again and feel soft. The difference here is that the opening to your cervix will remain closed. When exactly this happens will depend on your body &#8211; it can happen within 12 hours after ovulating or long after conception is confirmed with a pregnancy test.

Although your cervix will rise back up again during early pregnancy, it will not go quite as far back as it did before you successfully conceived. During these early weeks, your cervix will feel soft; whereas a non-pregnant cervix will feel similar to a fruit that has not quite ripened all the way. The cervix is soft in pregnancy because it literally becomes swollen with blood.

The key point here is to remember that even though your cervix will rise naturally when you are pregnant, the timing of this rise is unpredictable. Every women is unique and you may be experiencing a low cervix in early pregnancy simply because your body is taking a bit longer to adjust. There are many cases in which a woman&#8217;s cervix hasn&#8217;t risen in her first month of being pregnant. If you are one of them, stay positive and remember that your body may just need a few more days to adjust to being pregnant. If you are concerned for any reason then, by all means, you should consult with your doctor or OB/GYN.

Due to the unpredictable natural timing of the change of your cervix, you should not rely on the position of your cervix as an indication of a successful conception.
Why is it every time I get a cramp or twinge PO my brain goes into hyperdrive!! :wacko: time for some chocolate distraction :)
Why is it every time I get a cramp or twinge PO my brain goes into hyperdrive!! :wacko: time for some chocolate distraction :)

I don't know but I'm the same way soooo I have been making sure to keep busy! :thumbup:
I realized that I posted a response for this in another thread..:wacko:
Well I hope you all ladies are fine today.
Am having a slow day. Checked my cervix and it seems high, am CD10, am not sure if i can say it feels soft. Im a bit clueless..also CM seems to have dissapeared since CD8...
Well I will continue to BD to see what happens....
Am getting more and more obsessed about this site and about having my rainbow in my arms......:baby:
I realized that I posted a response for this in another thread..:wacko:
Well I hope you all ladies are fine today.
Am having a slow day. Checked my cervix and it seems high, am CD10, am not sure if i can say it feels soft. Im a bit clueless..also CM seems to have dissapeared since CD8...
Well I will continue to BD to see what happens....
Am getting more and more obsessed about this site and about having my rainbow in my arms......:baby:

I seem to be on here more and more too... it's soooo useful wish I found this site sooner :)

I'm totally clueless when it comes too the cervix :wacko: I use the BBT chart and ovulation tests although this month my BBT was all over the place but the OT was positive so fingers crossed.

Has anyone else used any fertility aids like the soft cup or mustard seed oil? Seen them popping up on other threads but don't really know too much about them. We both take fertility vitamins and minerals and obviously keep healthy and active in the bedroom :winkwink: but we haven't really tried fertility aids as such,

Hope you're both well :hugs:
I used the 'instead' cup the day before O - I had ordered "yes, baby" but it arrived the day AFTER O....:cry: But this sounds crazy and is probably TMI but when DH and I were BD, and he *ahem* finished, he said something like "here you go" :haha: but it really made me think "this is it"...is that crazy?

I don't really have a lot of symptoms per se - but my nips are VERY sensitive right now (like as in painful) and my boobs are somewhat tender (not overly so but enough to notice) and I have a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen. The thing is though, ALL of it can be run back to the clomid. So who knows! :shrug:
I used the 'instead' cup the day before O - I had ordered "yes, baby" but it arrived the day AFTER O....:cry: But this sounds crazy and is probably TMI but when DH and I were BD, and he *ahem* finished, he said something like "here you go" :haha: but it really made me think "this is it"...is that crazy?

I don't really have a lot of symptoms per se - but my nips are VERY sensitive right now (like as in painful) and my boobs are somewhat tender (not overly so but enough to notice) and I have a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen. The thing is though, ALL of it can be run back to the clomid. So who knows! :shrug:

Not crazy at all :)

We are going to order some soft cups tonight can't hurt to try it fingers crossed :hugs: and for you too
Yeah, go for it! It can't hurt to try them! They were a little tricky to put in in bed but that's the best way to not 'lose' any magic juice! WAY TMI but I kind of 'scooped' it when I put it in lmao. OMG I never thought I would speak of this to anyone - especially someone I don't know! Forgive me for the graphic description. :-/
I learn so much reading these posts..hahaha I had no idea about the cups and the scooping..:haha: Sounds very interesting!
I felt very tired last night and ended up doing some robotic BD...today I feel better and will do my best not to be robotic and actually have fun!
My boyfriend says am thinking too much...of course, but I cannot help it!
I also bought today new vitamins called Compleet Mama (dutch) and they come with some Omega 3 suplemments so from now on 3 of these pils per day.
Im not temping or doing OPKs, just checking CM and cervix. At least for this month.
Well, I feel very optimistic...for me is Hump day also!!
have a wonderful day!
Yesterday I got my bloodwork back and found out that I have Hashimotos Hypothyroidism - which means that my body is producing a lot of antibodies that are attacking my thyroid. So I started on 50mg of Synthroid last night. I'm excited to start feeling better soon!

In other news, I took a test this AM and it was a :bfn: of course (only 8dpo) - but it was still so disappointing. It makes me think I'm "out" for the month even though I know logically it's still way too early. Bleh!

I went to a water park yesterday and got really sunburned even though I used (and reapplied) 50spf! I think it was old or messed up or something - the sunburn is miserable!

My 'symptoms' at this point are really just feeling 'full' in my abdomen and sensitive nips. My boobs hurt in my armpit area today but I think it's from crab-crawling around yesterday at the waterpark in the little wave pool. Ha! I'm old....
Hey how are you both?

I have been sooo exhausted past few days, so far putting it down to work but have been feeling full and tender boobs :) trying not to get my hopes up but stocked up on tests today!

Hopefully the soft cups arrive soon my OH is already laughing when I mention them lol should be interesting!

Hope you are feeling better soon ttcdfw :)
Hello Keep Smiling:flower:
Am ok, a little bit lost cause Im not temping nor doing OPK's and it has been hard to check or be sure about anything regarding my CM and CX.
So just DTDing with faith hahaha thats it. And staying positive.
Am not even sure if I ovulated already but I know it can be tomorrow or the next day (if it was not today already:blush:)
Having my last glass of wine now!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!:hugs:

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