Looking for Bump Buddies for Life Long Friends! Due April 2011!


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Mar 19, 2010
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Hey Ladies!

I'm looking for anyone due around April 2011. I would love to share experiences and really make some friends that will last through this pregnancy journey and maybe even subsequent ones! :haha:

For a little background on myself! My name is Nikki and I live in Vermont, USA. This is my 5th pregnancy, but will be my 4th child and unfortunately I only have 2 kids. Confusing Huh? I could break it down a little better...

DD#1 9/04- 6 yrs old
DD#2 5/08- 2 yrs old
DS 7/21- Passed away on Nov 25, 2009 due to SIDS at 4mos 4days old.
? "supposed" to be due 12/21/10 but unfortunately the baby stopped growing at 6wks5days. And I m/c'd at 14wks exactly.
? EDD 4/28/2011- This is my current preg!

Still confusing huh?

So I hope some of you ladies join! The best part will be when we get closer to labor and we can "finally" post....OMG first contraction!
Hello im Jorja, im 19 and got a little girl on the way :D Due 6th April..

Add me on here if you ever wanna chat :) P.s i cant wait to say ive have my first contraction haha xx
Ah Ha! Neato! And your pregnant with a little girl! I can't wait to find out what I'm having. We did the 19wk u/s but we just couldn't tell what the sex was. I go back on the 29th to just look real quick at the sex! I'm so excited I've been counting down the days! 9 to go!

So how has your preg been thus far? Are bellies are at that getting huge stage!~
Yeh team pink, got another scan booked in january tho so im just going to double check haha
You got any idea what you think baby is? I though i was going to have a boy lol

yeh its been fine, bit of low blood pressure nothing too bad you? Well mine's a small little bump just at the front lol you got a bump yet? xx
hi im having a baby boy in april i dont have any bump buddies nor do i know how to add some lol would love to share experiences and make new friends also so add me if you want! the site keeps telling me i cant add graphics and stuff until im a member for longer? so maybe thats why nobodys interrested in my profile haha
JWand: With my previous preg's I've always "known" what I was having and I've never been wrong. So in the beginning of this preg I TOTALLY thought boy, but now since it's progress I'm pretty sure its a girl. We are hoping for a boy because we have 2 girls now. But in a way we want another girl because our son passed away last year at 4mos old so it might be even harder emotionally having a boy. I just tell myself that if we do have a boy then God knows were ready and if not then we weren't ready for a boy yet. I am still real disappointed we didn't find out the sex!

I think I've heard that low blood pressure is really common in pregs because of something to do with blood increase and it going through you and the baby or something. Do you get dizzy with that a lot? I have good BP, but when I sit up to quick I get really dizzy sometimes.

My preg's been alright! Except an anterior placenta, which is horrible! I'm not sure if you know what that is, but it means that my placenta is towards the front so basically it provides more cushion between me and the baby, which means I still really haven't felt the baby move! Its sooo weird...with my other kids I felt HUGE kicks BY 4 mos and with this baby all I feel is just a flutter or a little tap like maybe 1-2x's per day! And this just barely started last Wednesday night. Before last Wednesday I hadn't felt one thing! It just stinks cuz I'd like to feel the baby! I'm calling my doc tomorrow...was gonna today, but it slipped my mind...She told me on Dec 2nd that within 2wks I'd be feeling good kicks! Well here it is almost 3wks and still practically nothing. I'm sure everything is fine, but I'm kinda hoping they call me in for a u/s! Then I can see the baby again and get a look at gender earlier than the 29th! I can't believe they made me wait 4wks to take another look!

So you have a little bump!! I bet its cute! Have you been taking pics???? You should post some if you are comfortable too! I've been taking weekly bump pics since I was 3wks along! Tomorrow I'm gonna take my 21wks pic and I will post it here! My belly is big, but thank goodness just all in the belly! :) We should def start posting belly pic in here! I will totally post one tomorrow!

1sttimemommi: Hello and welcome! I was happy to see you wanted to join! The more the merrier! I will totally send you a friend request. I've never received one so I'm not sure where it would tell you that you got a request from me, but I'd just say check your profile! I think that when I first joined it said that to me too! I just posted the mini and then did my siggy! HaHa! So when are you due in April?? And that is awesome your having a little boy! JWand is having a little girl and I find out on the 29th so I'll be the tie breaker! I'm hoping for a little boy! My last scan on the 2nd we couldn't tell what I was having! Bummer! How is your preg going?

Alright ladies! Lets get some bump pics in here! I'll post my most recent tomorrow!
Hey girlies?? Haven't been in here in a while! Well I wanted to post my belly bump pic! I'm going to be starting my pregnancy journal and will post my weekly pics. I've got a belly pic starting from 3wk! But here is 21wks 6days!

Hi, I'm due in May but just wanted to say thats a lovely bump! :)
Mirrie: Thanks sooo much! When are you due in May?? I'm almost due in May and could have the baby in May! My EDD is April 28th. Thanks again!
Your welcome NikkiCC! I'm due on the 19th so I bet our babies will only be a couple of weeks apart! Cant believe I'm going to even have a baby yet- still hasn't sunk in lol- How are you feeling? xx
Thanks so much for writing back! As you can see I've been trying to get some girls together that are just around the same due dates (whether its April or May doesn't matter to me) that we can really connect and make friendships!

We are def close together! After I get home with my baby and get settled you will be going in to have yours! Or if things were really a coincedence then I could have my baby a week late and you could have yours a week or two early and then our due dates would be the same! Wouldn't that be something???

I'm feeling good except the fact that I have a cold right now, throat feels raw and my nose is a bit runny! How bout you??

I'm very excited because tomorrow I will hopefully be finding out if we are having a girl or boy! I went in on Dec. 2nd (19wks 0days) and we just couldn't tell! When we looked in between the legs from one angle the baby totally looked boy, but from the other angle the baby totally looked girl! After that the technician looked for the two whites lines that girls are supposed to have, but that was a little unclear to because it almost looked like there was 3 white lines. So the doc came in and said they wouldn't call it unless they were 100% sure! Well after that they scheduled me about 4wks out for my regular prenatal appt and told me they would do an ultrasound to look at gender again too! So that day is tomorrow! I feel like I've been waiting FOREVER!

I have had 3 other children and with each one I always knew what I was having, but this one Im a bit iffy about it! With my girls I was really nauseous and with my boy I wasn't. With this baby I'm not nauseous. But with my girls I showed really early and with this baby I did to. There are other indicators of sex for me as well but this post would be long! Anyways some things say boy to me and somethings say girl! I've made my final prediction though on saying its a girl and my DF thinks its a boy. We would both like a boy, but a girl would be wonderful as well!

So I noticed you are almost 20wks which means your ultrasound should be right around the corner! Or did you already have it? Did you find out boy or girl? Do you want to find out?
oh my gosh u had to wait another four weeks-what a bummer!:dohh: my scan is next tuesday (6days not that I'm counting :thumbup:) I'll cry if we cant find out then! This is my first so haven't got experience to go by but at the mo it feels like a girl, for the first 14wks it felt like a boy so in other words I've no idea lol my friendsgot her scan tomorrow too, pics pls:happydance:
Well went to my ultrasound today and it was great! Were having a baby girl! My thoughts definitely did go more towards girl, but there was definitely some things interfering with that! Very, very excited about that! And your scan is in 6days! I can't wait!

Well I hate to cut it short, but I'm still sick and even worse today! My daughter was up ALL night on and off waking up vomiting and she just went to bed so if I don't fall asleep soon I have a feeling it'll be another day that I'm only going to get 2hrs of sleep! I'll post in the morning! And I will get my scan pics up tomorrow as well!
Congrats Hunni!! Hope u get some sleep xxxx
Ya! I gots lots and lots of sleep last night! My daughter only woke me up once and when I went to check on her I noticed she was just talking in her sleep! So I went back to bed and slept great! Thank goodness I was sooo tired! Still feeling a bit under the weather though with this cold. Cassidy is feeling much better.

So how are you doing? Anything eventful happening with you?
Yep, Mattie (My hubby) felt two kicks through my tummy for the first time last night! We were just laying there reading out baby names and I told him the feelings were more like thuds now and so he put his hand pn my belly and felt them without me saying anything, so now I know I'm not going mad - there really is a bubba moving about in there heheee!! Gald your little one & you are feeling better- I've got the dry sore throat now 2, but looking ofrward to a party tonight.. lets see if I can stay up past 12 :)

You got any new years plans? xx
Hi ladies I am due a little sooner April 12 but I would love to talk and chat. I am having my 4th child..this is my 9th pregnancy. I have a dd(15), dd(14) and ds(7). I have 4 angel babies.

Hope you ladies are having a wonderful New Year.

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