looking for reassurance


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
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Just looking for a bit of reassurance because I am so close to running out and getting formula.

My son is five weeks old and up until last week everything was going really well with breastfeeding we both loved it so much. Last week he got am abscess, they tried to treat it with antibiotics but it kept getting worse so he had to have a general anaesthetic to have it drained. I'm not sure if it was the operation or the antibiotics but his feeding has been really affected. Before he would feed for about 10-20 minutes at a time now it's a struggle to get him to stay on for more than five minutes, he keeps pulling off and the stops latching. When he does stay on he screams afterwards which he never did before. I am really worried my supply will be effected and he isn't getting enough any more :( it may be a coincidence but my boobs have stopped feeling full and I've stopped leaking, before I was having to change my tops multiple times a day despite wearing breastpads.

Any advice on what I should do?
I forgot to add that we had to give him a dummy because he was in so much pain and nothing would soothe him, the hospital recommended it. He also used it nearly all day on the day of the operation as he had to fast for seven hours (poor baby!!) His latch seems so weak and lazy now, could the dummy be the culprit?

I'm really desperate to get our breastfeeding back on track and feel really worried about it
The paci may be an issue, at this age it is so important for your supply to have him at the breast a lot. Could you take a nursing vacation? Get in bed and do lots of skin to skin and let him feed feed feed. Watch some movies and just cuddle for a few days, it can make a huge difference :)
Poor you and poor baby! That must have been horrible for both of you.

Lots of people find a nursing vacation really helpful. Lots of skin to skin and cuddling in bed, let him latch on and off as he likes. It may help to ditch the dummy in case that's causing confusion and see how you go.

However, at this stage, supply naturally regulates. I never feel "full" and never leak- this time around I haven't needed breast pads at all.Last time I stopped leaking after a couple of months. DD2 almost always has short feeds. 5 min feeds are common for us. If he's still gaining weight, content and having plenty of wet and dirty nappies it could be that the changes are due to normal regulation of his supply, and nothing to do with his illness.

Good luck!
Thank you. I was planning a whole day in bed together tomorrow anyway, after seven days of appointments and hospital stays and visits I thought it was the least we deserved, I didn't actually know about a nursing vacation!

Hopefully now he is on the mend I can get rid of the dummy, I didn't want it in the first place but it broke my heart hearing him scream during the Examinations And dressing changes and it really helped soothe him

I am really hoping that my supply has just regulated and it just came at an inappropriate time of him feeling sick and not nursing the same. I think if they had happened separately I would be a lot less worried rather than turning paranoid, I so don't want to stop breastfeeding and going to do everything in my power to keep at it. It's so hard to know how much of it is due to the medication he was out on, his dirty nappies have changed but he is still getting lots of wet ones.

Thanks again, I'm feeling a little less worried about him . I'm sure in a couple of days we will be back to normal
Good, I'm glad he's on the mend. :) The dummy is something you had to use in difficult circumstances. It can't be helped! If he has any more uncomfortable procedures/examinations etc, could you try feeding him through them instead of using the dumy. Have a lovely relaxating day tomorrow!
The other thing is that he might be coming into his 6 week growth spurt which could also explain the fussiness. But I agree with the others, just get into bed and relax for a couple of days. You definitely deserve it. Hope he's on the mend now xx
Thanks everyone, Henry's feeding has already started going back to normal. I spoke to the doctor and he said the anti biotic has a side effect of making mouths sore so no wonder he Kept Pulling on and off. Today he has had longer sessions, only strange thing he seems to have started is it feels like he is flicking my nipple with his tongue, it doesn't hurt but feels really weird.
The tongue thing is weird feeling but normal it's their way if testing the flow of milk I think as well as encouraging let down

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