looking for some advice


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2008
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hi girls,
i hope you dont mind me asking in here, feeling a bit lost just now.
i lost my little girl Maisie last year at 35 weeks to a placental abruption, and im now just over 33 weeks with another little girl. my delivery was planned for 35 +2, which is 2 weeks today. im not coping at all just now, in constant pain and absolutly terrified the same will happen again. i have been given the option of having her a week on monday instead with steriod injections a few days before. i really just dont know what to do, i know its only a few days earler, but i dont want to put her through anything she doesnt have, but at the same time my higher risk of abruption makes me feel she would be safer out than in. just now she is estimated to be 5lb 3 and is really active.

i think i looking for advice, as in what to expect at just under 35 weeks, and if after your experiences you would think id be better to risk going on a bit further. i just want to be able to bring this little girl home this time :cry: xxx
:wave: Hiya Lisa

Course you are welcome here! Often it is a case of better out than in.I dont' know what it's like to have a 30-odd weeker, personally, but theres a few girls here that so, so I'm sure they will have some words of wisdom. :flower:

Theres lots and lots of tiny preemies around this section doing fantastic - look at my lil doughnut - so if they are anything to go by, a 35 weeker will do grand and go home quickly.

Maisie is absolutley beautiful by the way, and she will be there looking out for her sibling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have a 35 weeker who was born due to a placental abruption.

Findlay was born at 5lb 7oz and was in hospital for 15 days and needed help with his breathing via CPAP. Most 35 weekers won't need any help with their breathing (a friend had a 33 weeker who needed no time in SCBU at all!) but he has additional issues unrelated to being prem.

I can't really offer any advice as I would be just as confused as you as to what to do for the best. Would you be able to spend from now until your original delivery date/due date in the hospital on constant ctg monitering? That is what the hospital made me do and whilst it meant I spent longer in constant pain it meant that Findlay got as long as possible inside but as soon as his obs dropped significantly they rushed me straight to theatre to get him out.

I'm not sure if my reply has been of any use or not but I also want to send you some :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Such a difficult choice, and one I would hate to have to make.

I think I would go for the "better out than in" option, having been through what you've been through.

Abby was born at 29 weeks and needed minimal intervention, and after 6 weeks came home.

The odds at 35 weeks are really very good these days. If you are being offered the steroids and an earlier delivery, they must think it is worth doing.

Fingers crossed whatever you choose works out for you.

I think I would be going for the earlier delivery and steroid shots too. Connor was born at 34+6 and I'd had the steroid injections a few days before. He needed no assistance with breathing at all, and we were only kept in until he reached a decent weight.
thank you so much girls xxx
i think i have more or less decided to go for it a few days earlier, have got hospital again on monday so will have to decide one way or the other by then. i just hope i make the right decision and she hangs on in here for the next 10 days.
love to you all and your little ones xxx

I was given the choice of 2 dates with my ds as i had previous placenta abruptions and was showing signs of another i chose the early date cause even through it was a few days between them it put my mind at ease that it was nearer than the other date.
Hope everything goes well for you xxx
hi not really sure what to say but didnt want to read and run..

so sorry for your loss last year, i am sure maisie is looking down on this LO :)

My girl was born at 25 weeks she was 1lb 3! She is so amazingly strong shes now 3weeks corrected and is 7lb3!

I'm near you, (sort of) if you want any support let me know ohh and I have to sort out my tiny baby clothes if you want some just let me know xxx
My baby was born at 33+5 and spent almost 3 weeks in SCBU. He needed some help with his breathing at first but other than that, he was fine and just needed to get feeding established. He was born at 5lb 1oz which was a good weight for his gestation.

I had a very fast (and totally unexpected) labour and although they gave me steroids, they didnt have a chance to work as he was born about half an hour later. I believe that if I had got the steroid injection earlier, Thomas probably wouldnt have needed the help with his breathing as his lungs would have been stronger.

I am sure that your baby would be absolutely fine if born at 35 weeks, especially if she is 5lb 7, and I can totally understand why you would want to have her earlier.

Whatever you decide, I really hope that it all goes well for you and your little one. x
I think I would go for the better out than in option too. The steroid shots are amazing, they make such a difference. I had Sophie at 27 weeks weighing 1lb 13 and after 12 weeks in neonatal she came home (6 days before her due date). She is now 5 months old (10 weeks corrected), weighed 9lb 1 at her last check 2 weeks ago and is doing absolutely brilliantly. She's so healthy and strong and she's doing everything you'd expect from a 10 week old baby. You are at a really good stage now, and these babies are little fighters.

Lots of luck
I know how you're feeling :hugs:
I lkost Shauna in scbu when she was 6 weeks old. When I was pregnant again I was offered aplanned section at 38 weeks - but it ended up being 37 weeks due to my mental state.
I had a healthy girl, then 2 years later a healthy boy.
Then I got pregnant again and had Mikayla at 33 weeks due to a concealed abruption. She was ventilated and very poorly but that was due to the hypoxia caused by the abruption - not the fact she was 33 weeks. Usually at 33 weeks babies do great without ventilation. At 35 weeks she may need to be in a warming cot to regulate temperatire and possibly jaundice (I don't know a premmie who escapes that one!) Mikayla is healthy 18 month old now.
I wish you a healthy baby and a short stay in scbu xxxx :hugs:
Maisie will be looking out for this baby for sure.
Ethan was born at 36 + 1 wks eventually - I had the steroid injections at 35+5. He was jaundiced and had to be on a heated matress, and needed a few days to feed properly. Not sure what difference 35 wks makes.
I'd also think better out than in though, unless you can remain in hospital under constant monitoring.
Hope it all works out brilliantly for you x

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