Looks like it's a fight after all :(

I do see what you're saying. My miscarriage was not caused by GD. Rather a condition that I was not even aware I had until after I lost my baby. I feel horrible that I caused any extra stress for you all. I did not mean to be inappropriate. I probably should have just thought my worries to myself and not said anything. I really do not know anything about GD but they made such a big fuss over it with my SIL that it made it seem like a big deal so I was worried. I apparently cannot say I am sorry enough, but I am and I will no be checking back for responses as so far everything I've got back has made me feel like crap when I thought I was just being concerned for another person. Probably just pregnancy hormones, but I feel that we all took each others comments too offensively and it's best if I just go on my way and find company in which I belong.

Again, good luck to you all and my sincerest apologies.
Dont take it to heart.. noone here wants anyone else to be offended, or to feel bad. I don't want you to feel bad.
All comments are welcome, but you really should have a clearer idea what you are talking about. Lets not worry about it... and you can be in this company anytime. I hope you have a fantastic birth and I also hope you are able to rid yourself of some of the fears you have about birth.
djw47 - I'm sure no one meant for you to feel like crap, I certainly didn't. But I have to be honest when I say I did take offence somewhat. I created this thread for advice and support in fighting a wrongful decision in my care, not to be told that I am potentially taking risks with my own and my unborn child's health. I am truly sorry that you've had such a horrible experience, however, that is your experience and it isn't fair to judge my situation based on that. As I said, I do not have any problems nor do I have GD, it's simply a case of my consultant wanting to veto my homebirth plans because he doesn't personally agree with them. I wish you all the best with this pregnancy and I do hope you pop back now and again should you want to :)

Bourne - Thank you :) I'm still awaiting a return call from the SoW, but once I've spoken to her I'll formulate a plan of action. First and foremost I won't be scheduling an earlier GTT, because I don't plan to have one at all. I will request a scan to confirm that this baby is big (Which will no doubt prove that it isn't) and mention that I *maybe, might* consent to the GTT if it shows baby is large.. I won't, but it does no harm to play the game a little.
As for seeing a different consultant, I think not. I expect I'll lose my temper should I be in the vicinity of any doctor over the next few weeks ;)

I'm still completely stumped as to how any of this is medically sound. I measure 3cms bigger than I ought to, that's all. On one day, by one doctor and suddenly I obviously must be having a massive child and must have diabetes? It's actually laughable and no doubt I'd be highly amused if I weren't faced with all this so close to delivery.

The law of sod states that I will get my way with regards to the GTT and my homebirth, but all the stress will send my BP through the roof and start the game all over again!
Are you doing hypno pink? Maybe you could do some fear release and the likes to try and keep the stress down. We all know you are right and you do too so the only fears/stress you are being given is that which has comes from this ridiculous doctor. Some hypno might help keep that at bay and focus on what you know.
fingers crossed this will be sorted out soon so you can relax and enjoy your final weeks of pregnancy. :hugs:

One suggestion is asking the midwife to take another fundal measurement. Those measurements can change based on baby position, the amount of fluid, or the person who is measuring you. If this doctor was against you from the moment you walked in the door, then perhaps he measured you a little large on purpose. Argh- what an idiot!
Are you doing hypno pink? Maybe you could do some fear release and the likes to try and keep the stress down. We all know you are right and you do too so the only fears/stress you are being given is that which has comes from this ridiculous doctor. Some hypno might help keep that at bay and focus on what you know.

That's pretty much my plan for this evening. Some hypno, low lighting (low lighting so I can't see the many many boxes yet to unpack!), essential oils, a good book and a foot rub from 'he who looks terrified of his newly enraged pregnant wife'
Thanks Spidey, I suspect you're not far wrong. He was definitely against it as soon as I opened my mouth so I wouldn't be surprised.
Glad you are formulating a cunning plan!

I don't blame you not wanting to go back to any consultant..and I think what you have decided to do is right - Hey I'm just confrontational! LOL ;-)
Never let the buggers get you down!
Glad you are formulating a cunning plan!

I don't blame you not wanting to go back to any consultant..and I think what you have decised to do is right - Hey I'm just confrontational! LOL ;-)
Never let the buggers get you down!

I'm usually very confrontational too, but I'm trying really hard to keep myself in check knowing that if and when I get my way, I don't want to have pissed off the women looking after my vajayjay and baby ;) :blush:
Well your OH knows where mine is if he wants some male support about managing angry pregnant women! :haha:
Afternoon ladies.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, things have been oh so stressful and busy over the last few days.

I did get to speak with the SoM the following day and we agreed to meet to discuss my care, unfortunately the only time she could give to me was during my GTT so I agreed to have it done and meet with her there.

The GTT went well, as did the meeting. She apologised for the care I'd received and told me that I had been failed by them. She arranged to meet me at home today to discuss the GTT results and the next steps in my care and getting my HB.

This morning I received a call from her, simply telling me that she was coming over this afternoon with my kit :D She came over, complete with kit and 5 large canisters of Entinox and sat with me for an hour discussing how I'd like the birth to go and the 'what if' scenarios and risks.

She also told me that the consultant I had seen is well known for his mistrust of HB's and that she didn't understand why I'd been sent to see him in the first place. She apologised again for the way things had gone and the stress I had been put under.

All in all it's been a wonderful resolution to a situation that should never have arisen. Oh and the GTT was fine.. *whispers* I bloody told you so ;) So now operation evict child can commence.. and I can finally admit, I've had enough. GET OUT!
soooo happy for you!! :happydance: It's a shame they put you through so much unnecessary stress but now you can go into your birthing time feeling confident in your body.
Just catching up with this thread now - that's great news Pinkmonki :happydance:
That's great news, glad things are on the right track now, good luck with everything, will look forward to reading your birth story in a few weeks or so! :)
Afternoon ladies.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates, things have been oh so stressful and busy over the last few days.

I did get to speak with the SoM the following day and we agreed to meet to discuss my care, unfortunately the only time she could give to me was during my GTT so I agreed to have it done and meet with her there.

The GTT went well, as did the meeting. She apologised for the care I'd received and told me that I had been failed by them. She arranged to meet me at home today to discuss the GTT results and the next steps in my care and getting my HB.

This morning I received a call from her, simply telling me that she was coming over this afternoon with my kit :D She came over, complete with kit and 5 large canisters of Entinox and sat with me for an hour discussing how I'd like the birth to go and the 'what if' scenarios and risks.

She also told me that the consultant I had seen is well known for his mistrust of HB's and that she didn't understand why I'd been sent to see him in the first place. She apologised again for the way things had gone and the stress I had been put under.

All in all it's been a wonderful resolution to a situation that should never have arisen. Oh and the GTT was fine.. *whispers* I bloody told you so ;) So now operation evict child can commence.. and I can finally admit, I've had enough. GET OUT!

No no no its our turn to say 'told you so'

LOL glad its all worked out for the HB, now you can start operation eviction!!
Thanks ladies, your support did wonders for raising my confidence enough to fight my case. I'm over the moon today and can't stop smiling when I pass by the big suitcase containing the kit (which is zip tie sealed damnit, I want to nose!)

I've been praying not to go into labour lately so it feels really bizarre to suddenly be amassing a 'must do' list. (It mostly consists of sitting on my birthing ball and being nice to the OH so he'll DTD ;))

It's also come as a bit of a shock to really realise that there's only a week 'til my due date. I knew this of course, but now it feels real. Suppose I better build the crib!
It is wonderful news Pink - you are fantastic!!

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