I found it hard at the beginning, felt like I was constantly feeding him and that he was never happy! I think that the health visitor suggested not swapping all the time during feeding, because the hind milk (the food) which is what fills the baby up comes in a few minutes into the feed and if you keep swapping then the baby will be getting lots of the fore milk(the drink). I found that writing down when James fed, made me realise that he wasnt actually feeding as often as I thought and a pattern began to form from what I was writing. Do you have a v shaped feeding pillow. I dont know what I would do without mine, James is feeding now as I type with both hands, he is led on the pillow ! Also my boobs didnt use to feel full, they really only do now because James is sleeping through so in the morning they are like big rocks !! also I cant tell when mine are 'empty' I just go on the fact that I cant hear any swallowing sounds from him anymore, but sometimes that happens and then two seconds later I can hear him gulping down again. As long as he is gaining weight and getting wet and pooey nappies then I'd say your doing great. I think at the start I must have been feeding him every hour. Now its every 2-3 hours. If he's just had a feed then ten minutes later he seems hungry, I just whap one out and stick him back on !