Lost my milk supply! Help! UPDATE and questions at bottom of pg 1 and page 2


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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I know this goes in the breastfeeding section but I think it will get more views here.

I've been nursing my daughter successfullky for almost 8 months. It's been totally fine. I actually have more of a problem with oversupply than with under, which leads to mastitis. I've had mastitis 3 times so far, and I had it 4-5 with my son, so I'm no stranger to it.

So I went about 4 months without mastitis, which is honestly a record for me. Then, my dd started eating more solids and not wanting to nurse quite as much, leading me to being engorged and leaky A LOT. Well, a couple days ago, my supply just plummeted to almost nothing. I am 100% sure it's gone, my breasts used to feel so heavy and full. Now they feel totally empty. My dd nurses and fusses because there isn't any milk (well, not much milk. there is a little). She has never taken a bottle successfully so I have no alternative (except solids) but she needs her milk!

I will also add, this is the 3rd time I've lost my milk. The first time happened after emergency surgery and fenugreek and lots of water built it back up. The second time happened after a stomach virus where I couldn't hold anything down, and once again, fenugreek and water built it back up.

This time it is happening after mastitis and also I had a emotional breakdown a few days ago. I was tired, never got rest to recover from mastitis and was at my wits end (as a SAHM). I spend 2 days really depressed and cried a lot one day.

So....did this happen from mastitis (I've had mastitis 6-8 times in my life and it's never happened before), is it from weaning (she was drinking less milk, but my body should have adjusted to that- not just tanked my supply and started making practically NO milk), is it stress (could being depressed and crying a lot one day cause your milk to just vanish?!)?

AND HOW DO I GET IT BACK? Fenugreek and water (with constant nursing, of course) doesn't seem to working this time!! UGH!
Could AF be on its way? Do you tend to eat less when you're stressed? Could It be a growth spurt? Does switching sides more often help? Have you tried eating more and especially things that help with supply such as oatmeal? Have you tried pumping in the night when she normally sleeps through to signal to your body to produce more? I would wait this out and keep nursing as much as possible and it should come back.
Try not to fret about her fussiness at the breast. She could be annoyed at a slower let down but that doesn't mean she's not getting enough. I do definitely think the stress could majorly impact your supply so give yourself a break if you can and maybe that will help!
Could AF be on its way? Do you tend to eat less when you're stressed? Could It be a growth spurt? Does switching sides more often help? Have you tried eating more and especially things that help with supply such as oatmeal? Have you tried pumping in the night when she normally sleeps through to signal to your body to produce more? I would wait this out and keep nursing as much as possible and it should come back.
Try not to fret about her fussiness at the breast. She could be annoyed at a slower let down but that doesn't mean she's not getting enough. I do definitely think the stress could majorly impact your supply so give yourself a break if you can and maybe that will help!

I haven't had an AF yet since having her. It's a very significant loss of milk too. :( I probably eat more when stressed, or at least the same. Switching sides seems to help keep her from fussing as much. She used to eat one side only, now it's both and she's still upset. She doesn't STTN so I don't pump but night isn't as big of a struggle cause she's too sleepy to get really upset. I'll try the foods to increase supply, all I've done is fenugreek and water since it worked in the past. It makes no sense that I'm having this problem.
TAKE FENUGREEK ! I heard about this all natural supplement from a friend of mine who lost her milk supply and started taking it and it came back! I never lost my milk supply but I couldn't pump and breast-feed and build up a stock of breast milk I started taking it and now I have tripled in what I have been pumping!! I swear by it now ... It takes 24 - 78 hours to kick in, you can get it at supplement stores or GNC ... I get mine at bulk barn ... It works wonders !
Its possible its AF returning my supply dropped for a few days before I got mine. And then supply went up after it came. Didn't drop so much for AF in the months after.
Fenugreek and blessed thistle work best together. Drink lots of water, eat oatmeal (not instant) make lactation cookies. It's possible stress and being depressed dropped it.
As for repeat mastitis have you looked into taking lecithin to stop it from returning?
taking one tablespoon of lecithin per day can lead to improvement for women with a history of plugged ducts and/or mastitis
Keep feeding as its best to get supply up.
After I was ill I had a very low supply, it did come back with a lot of cluster feeding after about 5 days so I'd say 2 days would be a bit soon be writing your suppy off just yet.
It could be the mastitis, stress, af coming back, I'd suggest you take tge supplements suggested above, express after you attempt to nurse and try cup feeding.
Thanks everyone, I'm pretty confident now that this was hormone related drop (AF?!). My supply dropped and seemed veru very low for several days and then gradually increased to close to normal (maybe a bit less than normal but not a noticeable amount), I've also been crampy and both nipples have been very sore while BFing, which I read is due to hormonal changes. All signs point to AF except the fact that AF isn't here yet!!!

So how long before AF does milk supply usually drop? I would say I first noticed the issue on Dec 3 or 4, so it has been about 8-9 days and still no AF.

Another sign pointing to a hormonal change is the fact that nothing I did with my supply seemed to make a.difference. fenugreek did nothing to help and it usually does, and I actually gave up on it completely and my milk just gradually returned anyway.

Anyway, just frustrated and wondering if anyone can tell me when I might expect AF. Most things I read about supply drop right before AF indicated that it happens just a day or 2 before, not 9 days before.
Also super bloated, gassy, crampy just like before Af. I'm not looking forward to her retur . :(
Could you be pregnant? Also maybe they are just normal hormonal fluctuations but AF isn't coming yet. Like maybe your body tried to ovulate but failed even. I have noticed dips in my supply which seem cyclical (every month or so) but I haven't yet had a pp AF. Keep us posted!
I'd take a pregnancy test if I were you, if you have any habits that are contra-indicated in pregnancy. It can also happen closer to 2ish weeks before you get your AF, before an ovulation rather than before the bleeding. So AF might still be on the way.
Hi bookworm. I hope you keep this thread updated if AF does arrive. I've always had a really good supply, but noticed that my 9 month old started fussing a lot about 10 days a go. Even after both breasts, he was still rooting and wouldn't settle to sleep easily, even though he used to settle really well off just one side. Then I got mastitis 5 days a go, and since then I've felt like my supply has taken a massive hit. I no longer feel any let down, I can't hear him swallowing and he's always fussy even after a long 'feed'. I wonder if my supply has also been affected by impending return of AF, and the mastitis is actually another symptom of those changes in hormone levels rather than the cause of the drop!?!
Interesting theory, Ganton!! I hope your milk returns to something manegable soon. Mine is definitely not what it used to be but she's much more content lately than she was at first when I noticed a drop in supply.

Still no AF, this is day 11 or 12 since my supply dropped. My nipples arent quite as sore as they were a few days ago. After realizing I could be pregnant, I've been freaking out a little (chance of pregnancy is slim though) and I've noticed that I've been exhausted and going to bed with the kids, which is unusual for me but I do have a baby and toddler so being tired is nothing new. Anyway, I might take a test here in the next week if there is no sign of AF, I'll try to remember to keep this thread updated.
Updating: no AF but experiencing tons of cramping, bloating and gas and have been for a while now. Earlier today I had severe cramps while shopping and feel fine now. This is how it has been, very inconsistent. Took a pregnancy test a little over a week ago, negative. My body maybe trying to ovulate?

Milk is hit or miss. I'll get really engorged at times and other times feel empty. It hasn't ever gotten as low as it did when I made this post, thank god.

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