LTTTC #1 need a buddy!

thank you kindly for that, fertilaid seems like something i would like to have my husband on. he has a low sex drive and energy levels always low. also he had a stressful job so im hoping to get something with the least side effects as possible.
i know my gynea said it is better to BD every alternate day as it gives the sperm a day to grow and you dont end up getting too many immature sperm so i would suggest keep having sex every alternate day.
i have also seen so many women that test OPK and temp and still get there O day wrong so dont worry.
Has your husband had his testosterone checked? Asking because maca root is shown to help with low T and sex drive in naturally fixing hormones in men and women, but i've read also that if the man has normal hormone levels it can throw them off. A few reviews I have read have said the same about fertilaid also.
hubby is a long time smoker so im guessing that that is whats messing with his system. on another thread, maca was suggested and i looked everywhere for it but can not get it. there is one company that has it, the company claims to be all over south africa but not any specific place and can only get it that raised more red flags for me than anything.... and no because i have had so much problems with me, we just never had him tested for anything. also he has blood work done every 3 months for his job so that will pick up any irregularities in the blood.

as your hubby is already using fertilaid, maybe you should see if it has any side effects on him...but for now im sure its ok as you said his sex drive picked up.
So far so good with my hubby not having any side effects from the fertilaid. I'm getting all negative opks since cd12's positive so guess that was it. Do y'all have any Heath vitamin shops there that you could get vitamin info from?
Nope, except the pharmacies, i cant think of anywhere ofhand. My next trip to cental town, i will check with the pharmacist.

its good that he showing no side effects. You may have Oed early. But you were bding so thTs great. Fx that this is it.
I'm trying to keep hope alive lol somedays I'm really hopefull others it's like there's no way This is going to happen. But I just keep hoping and praying and move along lol. How are you doing?
its only by hope do we live. ttc does that to you, up days, down days, give up days, days where you not even sure how you feeling....joys of being a women.
im doing well, very tired. waiting to climb into bed and forget the world for a few hours. its only 13:10 and i still have many long hours to go. AF done. had 5 days bleeding, 1 day light spotting and yesterday was little little spotting but its done now.
Hey glad to hear the witch left :happydance:. It's been a really rough week and today i've been down in the dumps. Monday a friend of mine who was a marine committed suicide due to PTSD, was trying to stay strong but today the grief hit me like a bus. Then to top off my break down, I got to spend the rest of the day helping my best friend put together the nursery for her baby boy who is due on July 1st (while listening to her complain about how much it sucks being pregnant:growlmad: ). It was hard to do but got my mind off the other issue. I'm just ready to crawl in bed and sleep till i'm 14dpo lol! Just exhausted and drained rn.
im so sorry to hear about your friend. it just leave a hole that can not ever be filled. i have been through suicide and it is a never ending question of why. im hear if you need to vent of just talk about them. people that get pregnant easily can be so insensitive. i mean, you really never know the next persons situation and even if you think you know the person well. im glad that you helped her. if tables were turned im sure she would have helped you. and you just know what not to do or do for when you shall do your own baby room. just take one day as it comes and dont over think it.
Thank You so much for your kind words it helps to hear them. Enough on me how's life treating you? I now you said ya'll are ntnp rn but are you adding anything in this month to help? I riding the two week wait roller coaster rn and ready to get off with a BFP lol. My husbands full of questions this cycle it's helpful when he gets full of hope rather than being Mr. doom and Gloom lol.
for me this month is just for me to concentrate on me and my peace. i really am not putting anything into bding or supplements or anything. i really need to focus on me and getting me to a better place before i decide what i will do later this year.

ttc is really the worst rollercoaster. happy that DH is being all questions, but dont be angry when he has days that are doom and gloom. its just as bad for him as it is for you and you have all these ladies to talk to and i highly he has anyone. also his heart is in a good place, he just want to get preggy and have all this waiting and trying and all that to be over.

tww....god do i hate that period. preggy syptoms are the same as AF and you can never really tell which it is untill AF dont show her wicked face. what you doing to keep you mind busy from the tww? are you testing before AF due date or after her due date?
Hey how are you doing? Sorry haven't been on here in a couple of days my friends viewing was Saturday and the funeral was yesterday. It was a beautiful service and was all emotions rolled into a couple of days.
As far as the tww goes i'm going nuts lol trying to keep my mind off every little symptom that's unusual for my pre af. My husband keeps laughing cuz one minuet i'm all excited telling him maybe this is the moth and the next i'm wishing af would hurry up. I'm a mess lol. I'm fixing to start cleaning our garage cuz my husband wants to make it into a man cave so that should keep me pretty busy. As for testing i normally test at 12dpo and then wait to see if af shows but this month i will probably have to wait on af cuz my husband said no tests but i bet he breaks lol.
hi ladies. "Stalker" literally, read through this whole thread. I'm 1dpo today, but DH and I are both sick and gave like a 1% effort this cycle.

Whimsical- I think it's beautiful that you're focusing on yourself. It took me a long time to do so.

Hopeful-You have been on a rollercoaster with emotions. At least you have something to keep you busy and your mind preoccupied. But as I tell DH, we never really stop thinking about Am I or Not
welcome mumdreams

i have my up days and down days so still far from completely peacful.

hopful im glad that the weekend went well. im sure it must have been hard on you but you will be ok. cleaning out the garage will be awsome for your mind. have fun with that and dont think too much.

my DH says no buying pregnancy tests as its a like bad luck, so i get it. the patience part is a nerve wrecker.

sending happy thoughts your way
Welcome mum dreams! Well ladies I have plenty to keep my mind off baby making and testing right now! Sadly my house flooded due to the freak storms we have had for the last two days and we are not covered by flood insurance only home owners insurance which only helps if the house floods from the inside out for example a broken pipe. So right now I'm just in shock with it all and have no idea where to begin. It's going to be a long stressful nightmare for the next couple of months. Never imagined this would happen as we don't live in a flood area. Anyways enough of my babble just please send prayers for all of Texas rn as we are just one of thousands effected by these horrible storms. How are you ladies doing? Everyone relaxed and doing ok?
hopeful oh my word that must have been so scary to live through. im so sorry that you have so much damage and things are going to be tight the next few months. i am keeping you in my prayers that everything gets sorted out soon and that you dont have too extensive damage.

hugs and prayers for you..

i have had a busy weekend. up and down to hospital with FIL as he is going into renal failure and they trying to delay dialysis so they running tests on him....but other than that, never have much time to think about anything im doing ok. busy at work as its our month end.
Well thank god it only got ankle deep so it's not a huge disaster just a tiny one. Woke up this morning to the witch showing her ugly face. I'm ok with it though cuz it would of been hard to be pregnant and trying to clean up the mess from the flooding with all the stress of it. We are officially taking a break from ttc for a few months till we get the house fixed. I'm just trying to keep my head up and look on the bright side of everything.

Sorry to hear about your FIL praying for better Heath. My step dads in poor health so defiantly know how stressful it can be. Many prayers coming your way whimsical.
thank you Hope and many prayers to your for your home and FIL.
glad the damage isnt too extensive but its still such and inconvenience and so much unwanted stress. also the weather is something you have no control over so that adds to the frustration. maybe look into changing your insurance to cover any future possible damage. just to be on the safe side. i dont think it will be very much more. atleast i hope it wont be.
as far as ttc, its good you are taking a break for now because the thing is the stress with the house and ttc at the same time will just make you go insane. and too much stress is not ideal for ttc. so enjoy the next few cycles before you get into it again.
We are defiantly adding flood insurance to our home now. It's has rained for the last week so we haven't been able to do much in the house. Wish I could snap my fingers and it be done lol! Ready to be home in my own bed already. Thank god for my brother though for letting us stay here at his home. Hope all is well on your side of the world and your FIL is doing better.
hope so glad you have another home to stay in but its never the same when you not in your own bed no matter how at home you feel there. hope this coming week youll get warmer weather and able to do some hope cleaning.
FIL is doing ok. he taking it easy, on more meds but he was just glad to be out of the hospital, lol

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