LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

pbl_ge,Hope for you! Umbeleavable! Have you ever heard this!
I found on internet other ladies writing "An ultrasound will tell which side you are ovulating on. My RE says you can get pg with follie on side of missing tube. He doesn't say that the egg will travel through your abdomen, what he says that is that things are much more compressed than the pictures and that the egg actually doesn't have far to travel. He says that if you had part of your tube or it was blocked, the egg would travel to the partial/blocked tube, but if the tube is completely missing, the egg will travel to the tube on the other side."
"Feb 15, 2009 .To: ALL .Just wanted everyone to know that I ovulated from the left side last cycle (ultrasound confirmed)- I have no left fallopian tube! The egg travelled down the right tube and I am now preggo! So it does happen! It's a miracle- but it does happen!!! ."

Yeah I call BS on that, otherwise every woman who had her tubes tied and burnt would still get pregnant because the egg would just "float through her abdomen" so that just doesn't make any sense to me at all. At all. There's such a small time frame open for an egg to get fertilized that I don't think it would be any good by the time it figured out how to clear to the other side of your uterus anyway. I'm going to ask my doctor about that.

It's true. Really messes with your head, doesn't it? I'm not up for doing the googling on this today, but missing a tube does not reduce your chances by 50% the way you would expect. The egg can get pulled in the other tube. As my RE said when he described this to me "Fluid moves through this area quite a bit."

Tying the tubes would mean there's no way into the uterus, so that's different. And I'm not missing a tube--I have an open tube through which liquid does not flow well, meaning it gets stuck. So that's different, too.

I was told when I had my ectopic that the egg came from the left ovary and the ectopic was in the right tube, they knew this due to the corpeus luteum..can be sooo much to take in sometimes. I was also told it does not half my chance :thumbup:
Im 27 , been married for 4 yrs now , have been ttc for 2 yrs . After an unsuccessful first yr went to the doctor and got ourselves checked . Both are tests normal -- labelled unexplained infertility . Had a chemical in december . Now on my 3rd iui ...

The worst part is being labelled unexplained .. There is no solution no explanantion , the doctor feels positive as there is ' nothing wrong ' . But my two yrs of trying has made my life hell and i have no positivity left in me .

Have isolated myself from my famile and friends . My family was being ununderstanding and extremely mean and making it even more painful. On the other hand my friends just get knocked up like beer cans .
I feel so lonely in this . My dh tries to keep up with my mood swings anger etc , but how longgg .. Im hoping this infertility journal doesnt wreck my marriage in the long run ..

What i have realised is i have become a different person whom i dont like or recognize ..

I really hope this forum helps me find some friends and a place to vent my frustration and express my fear and worries without being judged ..

Hi sorry you have found your way on to this thread like all of us here however it is good to have that support. I would ask you doctor for a lap as no blood test can rule out Endo, I never knew I had it until I started this journey and had a lap. Also, has your DH sperm been checked yet? One advice I can give you is not to lose sight of why you got married, we have been ttc for ten years and had three M/C's but I am always appreciative that I have my DH. He is my world and a baby will be part of that but what will be will be as long as I have him always in my life. Please don't let this affect your marriage just feel lucky that you have found your soul mate. I wish you both lots of baby dust and hope to see your BFP soon :hugs:
Hi sorry you have found your way on to this thread like all of us here however it is good to have that support. I would ask you doctor for a lap as no blood test can rule out Endo, I never knew I had it until I started this journey and had a lap. Also, has your DH sperm been checked yet? One advice I can give you is not to lose sight of why you got married, we have been ttc for ten years and had three M/C's but I am always appreciative that I have my DH. He is my world and a baby will be part of that but what will be will be as long as I have him always in my life. Please don't let this affect your marriage just feel lucky that you have found your soul mate. I wish you both lots of baby dust and hope to see your BFP soon :hugs:

Thanks lorna .. The truth is i realize that everytime i calm down after an angry burst .. But i dont know if its clomid or what, im a raging maniac these days .. As your saying there is no point jeopardizing my relationship with my husband and then having kids .. I just hope at the end of this journey i gain something rather than lose more than i came in with ...

Yes my Dh sperm was checked --- all good .
Asked my RE about the lap to rule out endo ... But he sAys with no pain whatsoever , regular periods , no other symptoms of endo and a normal ultrasound , endo looks unliekly ..
And he says since im young ( he thinks so , i dont ) we can wait these 3 iui months before thinking about lap or endo ...

So i guess i ve got to trust SOMEONE in this .. Doubting myself , the doctor and everything around me has made me go insane .. So i guess ill wait these three months and see how it goes ..

Thanks a lot :hugs:
That is a mind trip!! Really!?! Our bodies are so weird!!!!!
Hi sorry you have found your way on to this thread like all of us here however it is good to have that support. I would ask you doctor for a lap as no blood test can rule out Endo, I never knew I had it until I started this journey and had a lap. Also, has your DH sperm been checked yet? One advice I can give you is not to lose sight of why you got married, we have been ttc for ten years and had three M/C's but I am always appreciative that I have my DH. He is my world and a baby will be part of that but what will be will be as long as I have him always in my life. Please don't let this affect your marriage just feel lucky that you have found your soul mate. I wish you both lots of baby dust and hope to see your BFP soon :hugs:

Thanks lorna .. The truth is i realize that everytime i calm down after an angry burst .. But i dont know if its clomid or what, im a raging maniac these days .. As your saying there is no point jeopardizing my relationship with my husband and then having kids .. I just hope at the end of this journey i gain something rather than lose more than i came in with ...

Yes my Dh sperm was checked --- all good .
Asked my RE about the lap to rule out endo ... But he sAys with no pain whatsoever , regular periods , no other symptoms of endo and a normal ultrasound , endo looks unliekly ..
And he says since im young ( he thinks so , i dont ) we can wait these 3 iui months before thinking about lap or endo ...

So i guess i ve got to trust SOMEONE in this .. Doubting myself , the doctor and everything around me has made me go insane .. So i guess ill wait these three months and see how it goes ..

Thanks a lot :hugs:

Well I really wish you all the luck these next three months and hope you get a BFP with the IUI. On the note of the Endo symptoms the only one I had was the most awful period pain which would last only a day otherwise no other signs. Good news about your husband though :happydance: I am sure it will happen for you soon :flower:
Dear Samsungwer,
I found out about Castor oil packs on the internet. Some women uses to jump start a labor, it works as a laxative. Many nutritionists online suggests using them for firtility. How do you use them? Soak the fabric with oil (wool is the best), put it over pelvis ovaries and uterus,wrap plastic arround your waist, put heating pad over and lay down for 20 min in the begining and then increase up to an hour. Do them after your period, till ovulation. If you have hormone imbalance, problems with O, o estrogen dominance, endometriosis, you should put on the liver too. Liver get rid of acces of estrogen. Castor oil can get in 8cm deep. It can lubricate adhesions, thick fibrious bands and loosin up organs. Also the heat and the oil help the lymphatic system flow-increases immunity and detox. Castor oil helps to cleanse the uterus, get rid of old blood, some ladies doesn't have any spotting before the period any more. Ladies report having red thin blood instead thick purlpe dark..(sorry TMI) I suggest doing fertility massage following the castor oil. Massage pelvis and whole abdominal area. Intestines carry 80% of immunity cells!
Store the fabric in the glass jar and put it in the fridge. You can reuse it for 2 years, the oil won't get rancid.
My mother-in law fell and hurt her wrist and she put castor oil on it. She does feel better. She didn't need a dr. or an x-ray.
Please try it and let me know how you feel. I had the only side effect-bloating. I put only on my pelvic area for 4 dyas in a row.
Wash access of oil with warm water and baking soda.
Good luck!
Ahem. J_Lynn, what's that I see in your siggie???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :happydance:

Samsung, welcome. :hugs: FWIW, I had almost no endo symptoms, but the doc seems to think this may be a big problem of ours. :shrug: And ectopics can be related to endo, too, although the mechanisms are varied. Not saying you should necessarily do the lap--this past week has not been a joyride for me--but it's something to keep in mind. And, OMG, yes you are young!!! :haha: Good luck with the IUIs!

Lorna, an ectopic from the opposite side is some serious bad luck. The worst bad luck ectopic story I've heard was from a woman who had IVF, which is supposed to bring the ectopic risk down to nearly zero, and had not one but TWO embryos implant in one of her tubes. She lost it, also. Doctor said he'd never even heard of that happening. :nope:

Myshel, how are you feeling? :hugs:

I had a bit of a setback yesterday in lap recovery, but I'm feeling better today. Anxious to get on with work and life, but the pain medication makes me feel nauseous, and the nausea medication gives me headaches. :dohh: And I'm sleepy and not sure of my ability to work productively.

:hugs: to all!
Ahem. J_Lynn, what's that I see in your siggie???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :happydance:

Yes! :D Going to the dr tonight, have to get a progesterone shot and a blood test - then go back Thursday and get another blood test and check how the numbers are looking :thumbup:
Ahem. J_Lynn, what's that I see in your siggie???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :happydance:

Yes! :D Going to the dr tonight, have to get a progesterone shot and a blood test - then go back Thursday and get another blood test and check how the numbers are looking :thumbup:

Congratulations! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

:blush: Thank you!

I am horribly dizzy, have heart burn all this morning, I'm burning up hot - and my doctors nurse really pissed me off this morning when she said, "You know I really had my doubts about you - I just didn't think you'd actually get pregnant". My husband said he will be taking that up with the doctor on Thursday :growlmad: I am thirsty - like dying of thirst and have cotton mouth and have a weird stretching feeling in my uterus. AF isn't even due until tomorrow or the day after. The dizzy feeling started Saturday but I just figured it was because I haven't been getting any sleep because I've been on fire hot and can't get comfortable. And the heart burn just started and it's driving me insane, I am hoping it's just from eating dinner leftovers for breakfast (hey, don't judge me LOL!) but I'm not sure.
Ahem. J_Lynn, what's that I see in your siggie???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :happydance:

Yes! :D Going to the dr tonight, have to get a progesterone shot and a blood test - then go back Thursday and get another blood test and check how the numbers are looking :thumbup:

Congratulations! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

:blush: Thank you!

I am horribly dizzy, have heart burn all this morning, I'm burning up hot - and my doctors nurse really pissed me off this morning when she said, "You know I really had my doubts about you - I just didn't think you'd actually get pregnant". My husband said he will be taking that up with the doctor on Thursday :growlmad: I am thirsty - like dying of thirst and have cotton mouth and have a weird stretching feeling in my uterus. AF isn't even due until tomorrow or the day after. The dizzy feeling started Saturday but I just figured it was because I haven't been getting any sleep because I've been on fire hot and can't get comfortable. And the heart burn just started and it's driving me insane, I am hoping it's just from eating dinner leftovers for breakfast (hey, don't judge me LOL!) but I'm not sure.

Are you serious? Congrats from all my heart! You gave me hope in this LTTC journey. Have some rest and can't wait to hear those beta numbers!
Ahem. J_Lynn, what's that I see in your siggie???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :happydance:

Yes! :D Going to the dr tonight, have to get a progesterone shot and a blood test - then go back Thursday and get another blood test and check how the numbers are looking :thumbup:

Congratulations! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

:blush: Thank you!

I am horribly dizzy, have heart burn all this morning, I'm burning up hot - and my doctors nurse really pissed me off this morning when she said, "You know I really had my doubts about you - I just didn't think you'd actually get pregnant". My husband said he will be taking that up with the doctor on Thursday :growlmad: I am thirsty - like dying of thirst and have cotton mouth and have a weird stretching feeling in my uterus. AF isn't even due until tomorrow or the day after. The dizzy feeling started Saturday but I just figured it was because I haven't been getting any sleep because I've been on fire hot and can't get comfortable. And the heart burn just started and it's driving me insane, I am hoping it's just from eating dinner leftovers for breakfast (hey, don't judge me LOL!) but I'm not sure.

Are you serious? Congrats from all my heart! You gave me hope in this LTTC journey. Have some rest and can't wait to hear those beta numbers!

Aww thank you!! <3

I want to call all the doctors that I've had since I was 16 who told me I'd never get pregnant and just say "NEENER NEENER NEENER!!" hahah
Ahem. J_Lynn, what's that I see in your siggie???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :happydance:

Yes! :D Going to the dr tonight, have to get a progesterone shot and a blood test - then go back Thursday and get another blood test and check how the numbers are looking :thumbup:

Congratulations! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

:blush: Thank you!

I am horribly dizzy, have heart burn all this morning, I'm burning up hot - and my doctors nurse really pissed me off this morning when she said, "You know I really had my doubts about you - I just didn't think you'd actually get pregnant". My husband said he will be taking that up with the doctor on Thursday :growlmad: I am thirsty - like dying of thirst and have cotton mouth and have a weird stretching feeling in my uterus. AF isn't even due until tomorrow or the day after. The dizzy feeling started Saturday but I just figured it was because I haven't been getting any sleep because I've been on fire hot and can't get comfortable. And the heart burn just started and it's driving me insane, I am hoping it's just from eating dinner leftovers for breakfast (hey, don't judge me LOL!) but I'm not sure.

Are you serious? Congrats from all my heart! You gave me hope in this LTTC journey. Have some rest and can't wait to hear those beta numbers!

Aww thank you!! <3

I want to call all the doctors that I've had since I was 16 who told me I'd never get pregnant and just say "NEENER NEENER NEENER!!" hahah

Congratulations! Omg, I want to see your doctors faces! So happy for you!
I have baby feveeeeeeeeer! Who is next! Papilota, are you waiting for AF or are you testing early?
I'll test on July 3rd (25 CD), I have an appointment on that day. I hope I won't need to go and BFP will be a good excuse!
J_Lynn all horrible symptoms you have its priceless it's worthy every second of it, he chose this month to start a life.
you'll feel better soon, happy and healthy 9 months!
I have baby feveeeeeeeeer! Who is next! Papilota, are you waiting for AF or are you testing early?
I'll test on July 3rd (25 CD), I have an appointment on that day. I hope I won't need to go and BFP will be a good excuse!
J_Lynn all horrible symptoms you have its priceless it's worthy every second of it, he chose this month to start a life.
you'll feel better soon, happy and healthy 9 months!

I wont test unless I go over 31cd. So only symptom spotting for me:book:
And apart from the odd cramp and being mega bloated (not even sure if that would be a sign): nothing:nope:
Hey Ladies!

I needed to take a little bit of a break from BnB after my Lap. Still so angry I have no answers at all. Don't even know if they did anything but look around and zip me back up. Oh well only another week and hopefully some things will be known.

J-Lynn, so very excited for you. I hope it sticks and all your tests come back great!!!
Maybe this is the start of the Lucky String!!! First BFP of all the long timers.
Myshel, so sorry. :hugs: Take all the time off you need. We will be anxious to hear what you learn, but we can be patient. :angelnot: I don't know about you, but I've been feeling pretty beat up from the lap, and very emotional. No idea why. :shrug:

what's your status? Betas?

Pipi, hope you get to test soon! :dust: I really don't think the symptoms mean that much, so don't worry. :thumbup:

Good luck testing, Dovkav! :dust:

Nothing to report for me. :coffee: Just wondering if O has happened yet (got some post-O symptoms) and if not when it's coming. :shrug:

I agree with Myshel: Let's get a run on LTTTC BFPS! :dust:
What do betas mean? I am so slow sometimes, I don't know what that means haha

My HCG was 42 at 13dpo and i am hoping and praying and begging this little poppy seed that those numbers double by Thursdays appointment. That's the only number on my sheet .... Ill upload what I got from the doctor in a sec if I can figure out how to get it from my phone to the site haha

I really still feel normal, just the being dizzy and the weird stretchy feeling in my uterus - I didn't get any hot flashes today, but I was in the pool too so maybe the cool water kept me cooled off lol
Here's my print out from my blood test - I guess I'll have even more on Thursday at the next one. They have to do other tests then?


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Lyyn. I love your report from dr. I've never seen something like this. I am glad to learn new things this morning. It is a beta test. It shows your HCG levels and I want to see them trippled by 27th! only 13DPO! What a high number! and It's before you missed your period.

PBl_ge, What are your Dr. orders? Are you ready to BD this month? Or do you need to heal first?

Pipilota, Do you usually spot after O. I don't. Maybe it's implantation? Your chart looks good! Keep it up Those temps!

myshelsong, I am sorry you have to go through this. I know exactly how you feel. Not knowing is making me deep uneas too. Please be patient. You'll know your answers in couple of days!

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