LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Myshel, I cannot BELIEVE you didn't get to meet with the doctor!!! :saywhat: :saywhat: That's terrible. I'd call and see if you can get the quick report, but I think that's because I'd go crazy without knowing!

Hope you feel better quickly!

Dovkav, the tube isn't blocked. It's got an area from the ectopic where the dye pooled, meaning that it's open but things don't move through it well. That's also the side I usually (always?) ovulate from, which makes me nervous. Perhaps they can get my left side to ovulate? I don't think there's anything they can do to fix the tube.

And I never had any symptoms of endo until last summer, when I started trying to conceive. I had a small, pinching pain that didn't go away. And I had an ectopic. And I'm infertile. Those are my only symptoms.

And I hope you're right! The doc seemed to want to go aggressive now, since endo women are most fertile right after a lap. So, keep your FX for me!!!

:hugs: to all!
Myshel and Pbl_ge, I'm glad your laps are behind you. I think it is terrible too that you didn't see the doctor. :growlmad:

Dovkav, my cm is good, so I don't need improvements there. But yes, I did BD every second day during my fertile phase, but maybe this wasn't enough. We'll see, sometimes life catches up with you, and we have work commitments or are just tired :sleep: and it doesn't go as you planned. But that's ok.

Myshel, I tried to add my ff chart and I think they actually pinpointed the o date right. My app said I od on day 20, but that doesn't look right to me. So 8dpo, and I don't really have any signs to be honest.:nope:

Hope everyone has a good weekend:flower:
I can't beleave that your Dr. left the hospital and didn't tell you about the procedure. WE'll all hang in here for you and patiently wait a week for the results.
Your cat in photo sooo relaxed and happy, I'll be like him next week too!
I hope the same to you all!
Take it easy and enjoy your weekend!
pbl_g, Your dr. may give you Clomid citrate to induce ovulation on the other side. It is the lowest dose firtility meds. Soy isoflavones are natural Clomid. I never took it, but I read a lot about it.
I feel my O every month. My ovaries rotate L or R. Last 3 months my O was on the left side and this month on the right.
I had ultrasound last month and dr. saw 20mm egg and told me I'll O today. And she was right! My O was 5 hours later!
Enjoy your weekend!
It looks like you have a very good chart and very balanced hormones. I think FF is right about your O. Temps increasing!
What is your usual Luteal faze? You count days after O till period. Mine is 16 or 17 and I have 28-29 day cycle. My O is on day 12.
Hope it helps! Take care!
My lutheal phase is usually around 15, but it changed a bit the last few cycles. Still long enough to be ok, but my o dates are later than usual.

I could have slaped myself today.:dohh:, twice:dohh: I asked someone if they want kids. I did apologize and said it might be not the most sensitiv question. I hate when people ask me that question, that's why I don't ask people I hardly know.
How stupid of me. Thank god they don't have any known fertility problems...but I really don't know what got into me when the topic was raised. Must be stress.:wacko:

Still no symptoms in TWW.:nope:
Hello from the road! I'm on my phone so forgive typos and brevity.

Myshel, that's a great story! It is good to be reminded that ltttc isn't the only struggle. I think it seems that way bc we're paralyzed at what is supposed to be a brief developmental stage. And supposed to be an easy part! I know a woman who just gave birth after ltttc and her baby has refused to bf. Sounds incredibly painful and emotional. Has kind of ruinedwhat is supposed to be a joyous time, just like ltttc.

Will your docs give you hcg test before the lap? Sorry about the bfn.

Ella are you in the tww now? Hope you caught thr egg and won't needthe lap!

Lorna amh at 2.1 seems perfect! I need to go stalk your journal...

Dovkav, sorry about the hycosy. Having a strong cervix doesn't seem like a wholly bad thing, but I don't know. :shrug:

Two more days for me! :happydance: :argh:

Hugs and dust to all! :hugs: :dust:

Hi pbl, been offline for a few days and just catching up on all the posts. Not too sure if AMH results differ in different countries but this is a link to how they are explained here in NZ as you can see this makes mine pretty rubbish however from what I have been told it is such a new test that even the best FS are not too sure how significant they are yet. Either way I am positive we will have our sticky bean sooner than later :thumbup:
pbl_g, Your dr. may give you Clomid citrate to induce ovulation on the other side. It is the lowest dose firtility meds. Soy isoflavones are natural Clomid. I never took it, but I read a lot about it.
I feel my O every month. My ovaries rotate L or R. Last 3 months my O was on the left side and this month on the right.
I had ultrasound last month and dr. saw 20mm egg and told me I'll O today. And she was right! My O was 5 hours later!
Enjoy your weekend!

My doc is fond of Femara, not Clomid, and it did not get my left ovary to do much. I don't know if it ever does O, but every cycle that's been monitored so far has only observed one follie coming from the right. He suggested we move to injectables soon, but I'm not sure if he'll want one more Femara cycle first or not. :shrug: I've never felt O and have no symptoms of it.

My lutheal phase is usually around 15, but it changed a bit the last few cycles. Still long enough to be ok, but my o dates are later than usual.

I could have slaped myself today.:dohh:, twice:dohh: I asked someone if they want kids. I did apologize and said it might be not the most sensitiv question. I hate when people ask me that question, that's why I don't ask people I hardly know.
How stupid of me. Thank god they don't have any known fertility problems...but I really don't know what got into me when the topic was raised. Must be stress.:wacko:

Still no symptoms in TWW.:nope:
Lol, Pipi! How did the person react? I got asked that question this week (day before my surgery) in front of a room full of colleagues. I don't know if I was funny or rude, or some combo, but I actually was very vocal about how much I get that question and how irritating it has become. I wasn't angry at the asker about it, but told her, "you would not BELIEVE how often I get asked that! Parents! Friends! Coworkers! Strangers on the street!" She seemed surprised, and I think my point came across. Not sure if anyone noticed that I didn't answer the question. :ninja:

Sorry for the no symptoms, but there's still hope! :dust:

Hi pbl, been offline for a few days and just catching up on all the posts. Not too sure if AMH results differ in different countries but this is a link to how they are explained here in NZ as you can see this makes mine pretty rubbish however from what I have been told it is such a new test that even the best FS are not too sure how significant they are yet. Either way I am positive we will have our sticky bean sooner than later :thumbup:

Oh, sorry Lorna. :hugs: That does sound low, if that's the NZ scale. :nope: But I agree that it doesn't seem to mean much. The women around here who have been told that they have low AMH seem to conceive faster than anyone else! Mine's very high--docs actually suspected PCOS, but I just have unusually high AMH--and it's not doing me a heck of a lot of good! So, I think you're right to be optimistic. :thumbup:

Any news, Myshel? Hope your recovery is going well!

:dust: and :hugs: to all!
Thanks pbl_ge, i'm hoping no sign is a good sign.
Lol, the couple was absolutly fine with it. I think I was the only one being angry at myself. Yes, I do hate the question too, the worst was a colleage who knows how old I am telling me about her daughter in law, who needs to hurry up because time is ticking (she is only 30) and then asking me when I am going to have kids.
So i'm usually really careful about this subject.

How rude is this asking in front of everyone...
We have been TTC over 3 years, did 3 IUIs before we decided the emotional stress was too much. We started adoption paperwork in September. Right now we are in month 4 of waiting for the call.
This is by FAR the most difficult time of my life. It's hard to explain how it feels to go through this. I have good days and then days I don't want to get out of bed. I'm so excited about the adoption, but it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you are faced with so much disappointment.
Im 27 , been married for 4 yrs now , have been ttc for 2 yrs . After an unsuccessful first yr went to the doctor and got ourselves checked . Both are tests normal -- labelled unexplained infertility . Had a chemical in december . Now on my 3rd iui ...

The worst part is being labelled unexplained .. There is no solution no explanantion , the doctor feels positive as there is ' nothing wrong ' . But my two yrs of trying has made my life hell and i have no positivity left in me .

Have isolated myself from my famile and friends . My family was being ununderstanding and extremely mean and making it even more painful. On the other hand my friends just get knocked up like beer cans .
I feel so lonely in this . My dh tries to keep up with my mood swings anger etc , but how longgg .. Im hoping this infertility journal doesnt wreck my marriage in the long run ..

What i have realised is i have become a different person whom i dont like or recognize ..

I really hope this forum helps me find some friends and a place to vent my frustration and express my fear and worries without being judged ..
samsungwer - I know exactly what you mean about unexplained. That's why I'm hoping they find endometriosis at my lap. next month - I don't want to be unexplained - it sucks! There's nothing to fix! :wacko:

I'm so happy (in a bittersweet kinda way) that there are others finding it difficult too... it's been the worst thing that's happened to me too and I've only been TTC 21 months... and I've had a few other horrible things happen in my lifetime - but nothing like this! It's nice to have each other and not feel alone :hugs:

I am a completely different person too. I'm way more anti-social than I was - because most of my friends have babies etc. etc. and I don't want to spend my time talking about baby things as if it doesn't bother me... and yeah, my poor DH has to deal with the mood swings. I blame the clomid ;)
samsungwer - I know exactly what you mean about unexplained. That's why I'm hoping they find endometriosis at my lap. next month - I don't want to be unexplained - it sucks! There's nothing to fix! :wacko:

I'm so happy (in a bittersweet kinda way) that there are others finding it difficult too... it's been the worst thing that's happened to me too and I've only been TTC 21 months... and I've had a few other horrible things happen in my lifetime - but nothing like this! It's nice to have each other and not feel alone :hugs:

I am a completely different person too. I'm way more anti-social than I was - because most of my friends have babies etc. etc. and I don't want to spend my time talking about baby things as if it doesn't bother me... and yeah, my poor DH has to deal with the mood swings. I blame the clomid ;)

Oh thats nice you get to have a lap and find out ! I asked my re about a lap and he said i didnt need one .. As i have no features of endometriosis .. But i wish he would do one and find out ..
This unexplained is the worst.. Feeling so lonely and depressed .. No1 to talk to ..

Hopefully ull find your answer in this lap and get bfp soon !!
Im 27 , been married for 4 yrs now , have been ttc for 2 yrs . After an unsuccessful first yr went to the doctor and got ourselves checked . Both are tests normal -- labelled unexplained infertility . Had a chemical in december . Now on my 3rd iui ...

The worst part is being labelled unexplained .. There is no solution no explanantion , the doctor feels positive as there is ' nothing wrong ' . But my two yrs of trying has made my life hell and i have no positivity left in me .

Have isolated myself from my famile and friends . My family was being ununderstanding and extremely mean and making it even more painful. On the other hand my friends just get knocked up like beer cans .
I feel so lonely in this . My dh tries to keep up with my mood swings anger etc , but how longgg .. Im hoping this infertility journal doesnt wreck my marriage in the long run ..

What i have realised is i have become a different person whom i dont like or recognize ..

I really hope this forum helps me find some friends and a place to vent my frustration and express my fear and worries without being judged ..

Welcome Samsungwer! I am glad you found us and you'll never be alone anymore:hugs:.
It is a good sign that you got pregnant, the sperm met the egg. We personally have problem with that! Your chemical preg. may caused adhesions. I urge you to put castor oil packs on your pelvis after your AF and before O. Avoid sugar, coffee, dairy,pork and chicken and all processed and fried food. I am on this diet since January and I feel the difference in my AF flow and pain. Also acne from my chin is gone too!
Dr. Geoffrey Sher from Nevada, USA urges couples who have unexplained firtility, endo and miscar. to test for Antiphospholipid Antibodies (APA) and Natural Killer cell activation (NKa). IT is immunologic implantation dysfunction.
Hope it helps!
WElCOME aintlifegrand,I am so happy about your desicion to adopt. The time will pass so quickly and you'll have your baby in your arms! Take care of yourself, your health and your DH. Relax, exercise and eat healthy. You'll need lots of energy, joy and happines to share with a little one.
My DH wouldn't mind to adoption too. I am not there yet. Our firtility journey and healing just started.
pipilotta, my mom never had any preggo simptoms. She missed period and she knew she was preggo.
pgl_ge, I liked your respond to the question about having a child!
Lorna MJ,
It is low AMH in NZ standarts, but it is not only this test important! A combination of age, AMH level, FSH level, and ultrasound markers such as ovarian volume and antral follicle count can be used to assess ovarian reserve. If your dr. finds around 7 antral follicles on each ovary, you are in pritty good shape. Mine AMH is 1.29 ng/ml. In USA standarts anything below 1 ng/ml is a concern. Fertility clinic accepts donor eggs AMH is 1.5 ng/ml and up! I shouldn't waiste any time! I researched that egg and sperm has 90 days to develop 100%. Those 90 days are critical. Good diet, exercise, vitamins Zinc, Selenium, Vit C, antioxidants (Q-10)will help to produce healthy sperm and eggs.
I hope it helped! Good luck!
pbl_ge,Hope for you! Umbeleavable! Have you ever heard this!
I found on internet other ladies writing "An ultrasound will tell which side you are ovulating on. My RE says you can get pg with follie on side of missing tube. He doesn't say that the egg will travel through your abdomen, what he says that is that things are much more compressed than the pictures and that the egg actually doesn't have far to travel. He says that if you had part of your tube or it was blocked, the egg would travel to the partial/blocked tube, but if the tube is completely missing, the egg will travel to the tube on the other side."
"Feb 15, 2009 .To: ALL .Just wanted everyone to know that I ovulated from the left side last cycle (ultrasound confirmed)- I have no left fallopian tube! The egg travelled down the right tube and I am now preggo! So it does happen! It's a miracle- but it does happen!!! ."
Yeah I call BS on that, otherwise every woman who had her tubes tied and burnt would still get pregnant because the egg would just "float through her abdomen" so that just doesn't make any sense to me at all. At all. There's such a small time frame open for an egg to get fertilized that I don't think it would be any good by the time it figured out how to clear to the other side of your uterus anyway. I'm going to ask my doctor about that.
pbl_ge,Hope for you! Umbeleavable! Have you ever heard this!
I found on internet other ladies writing "An ultrasound will tell which side you are ovulating on. My RE says you can get pg with follie on side of missing tube. He doesn't say that the egg will travel through your abdomen, what he says that is that things are much more compressed than the pictures and that the egg actually doesn't have far to travel. He says that if you had part of your tube or it was blocked, the egg would travel to the partial/blocked tube, but if the tube is completely missing, the egg will travel to the tube on the other side."
"Feb 15, 2009 .To: ALL .Just wanted everyone to know that I ovulated from the left side last cycle (ultrasound confirmed)- I have no left fallopian tube! The egg travelled down the right tube and I am now preggo! So it does happen! It's a miracle- but it does happen!!! ."

Yeah I call BS on that, otherwise every woman who had her tubes tied and burnt would still get pregnant because the egg would just "float through her abdomen" so that just doesn't make any sense to me at all. At all. There's such a small time frame open for an egg to get fertilized that I don't think it would be any good by the time it figured out how to clear to the other side of your uterus anyway. I'm going to ask my doctor about that.

It's true. Really messes with your head, doesn't it? I'm not up for doing the googling on this today, but missing a tube does not reduce your chances by 50% the way you would expect. The egg can get pulled in the other tube. As my RE said when he described this to me "Fluid moves through this area quite a bit."

Tying the tubes would mean there's no way into the uterus, so that's different. And I'm not missing a tube--I have an open tube through which liquid does not flow well, meaning it gets stuck. So that's different, too.
Im 27 , been married for 4 yrs now , have been ttc for 2 yrs . After an unsuccessful first yr went to the doctor and got ourselves checked . Both are tests normal -- labelled unexplained infertility . Had a chemical in december . Now on my 3rd iui ...

The worst part is being labelled unexplained .. There is no solution no explanantion , the doctor feels positive as there is ' nothing wrong ' . But my two yrs of trying has made my life hell and i have no positivity left in me .

Have isolated myself from my famile and friends . My family was being ununderstanding and extremely mean and making it even more painful. On the other hand my friends just get knocked up like beer cans .
I feel so lonely in this . My dh tries to keep up with my mood swings anger etc , but how longgg .. Im hoping this infertility journal doesnt wreck my marriage in the long run ..

What i have realised is i have become a different person whom i dont like or recognize ..

I really hope this forum helps me find some friends and a place to vent my frustration and express my fear and worries without being judged ..

Welcome Samsungwer! I am glad you found us and you'll never be alone anymore:hugs:.
It is a good sign that you got pregnant, the sperm met the egg. We personally have problem with that! Your chemical preg. may caused adhesions. I urge you to put castor oil packs on your pelvis after your AF and before O. Avoid sugar, coffee, dairy,pork and chicken and all processed and fried food. I am on this diet since January and I feel the difference in my AF flow and pain. Also acne from my chin is gone too!
Dr. Geoffrey Sher from Nevada, USA urges couples who have unexplained firtility, endo and miscar. to test for Antiphospholipid Antibodies (APA) and Natural Killer cell activation (NKa). IT is immunologic implantation dysfunction.
Hope it helps!

Ooh castor oil packs ..? Never heard of this one .. Sould be heated or warm or something ? What does it help to do may i ask ?
And about apa and nk cell testing .. My RE thinks its too early to do all that :(
Hopefully ill get a bfp before its too late !!

Thanks for the tip brw .. Hope to get through this tough period with all your support ..:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
WElCOME aintlifegrand,I am so happy about your desicion to adopt. The time will pass so quickly and you'll have your baby in your arms! Take care of yourself, your health and your DH. Relax, exercise and eat healthy. You'll need lots of energy, joy and happines to share with a little one.
My DH wouldn't mind to adoption too. I am not there yet. Our firtility journey and healing just started.
pipilotta, my mom never had any preggo simptoms. She missed period and she knew she was preggo.
pgl_ge, I liked your respond to the question about having a child!
Lorna MJ,
It is low AMH in NZ standarts, but it is not only this test important! A combination of age, AMH level, FSH level, and ultrasound markers such as ovarian volume and antral follicle count can be used to assess ovarian reserve. If your dr. finds around 7 antral follicles on each ovary, you are in pritty good shape. Mine AMH is 1.29 ng/ml. In USA standarts anything below 1 ng/ml is a concern. Fertility clinic accepts donor eggs AMH is 1.5 ng/ml and up! I shouldn't waiste any time! I researched that egg and sperm has 90 days to develop 100%. Those 90 days are critical. Good diet, exercise, vitamins Zinc, Selenium, Vit C, antioxidants (Q-10)will help to produce healthy sperm and eggs.
I hope it helped! Good luck!

Thank you for all that information puts things in a more positive light some how and we are making sure to get those vits down us aswell as good diet and exercise :thumbup: I hope it all works out for you :hugs:

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