I know some people will not want to read this as seeing a success story is another kick in the teeth! And it's still not you. I get it I've been there. Anyway I just wanted to share my story. I've been a member on here for many years. Four 1/2 years trying to conceive. Myself and my partner have been for every test under the sun, always to be told there is nothing wrong. But if there is nothing wrong then why hasn't it happened. If one more person tells me to relax I'm going to explode.
We were due to try IVF this month, after putting it off for a year or so convincing ourselves it will happen naturally. The worst month happened. The one thing I had been dreading!! My partners sister got pregnant!!! Bare in mind she never wanted children
heartbreaking didn't even come close, then 2 weeks later my sister was pregnant!!! Could this get any worse ?!? We were at breaking point. Any way November just gone we were at the lowest point ever. I found some clomid in my drawer from the other year, my gp told me to come off it as it was doing nothing. I thought what the hell were going for IVF next month what harm can it do?!? Anyway thought nothing of it, carried on as normal. The. Next month... No period ?!? My thoughts oh typical just when I wanted to go ahead with IVF it's going to mess my dates up, I took a pregnancy test just to rule it out, even though I hate doing them as for me it was just disappointment on a stick, the amount of times I've seen negative. POSITIVE !!! What ??? Could not believe it. I'm now 11 weeks. My point is never give up ladies. I did plenty of times. And now I'm one of those people I used to hate reading about, thinking it was never going to happen. Fingers crossed for you all ! Xxxx sorry for rambling !!!
We were due to try IVF this month, after putting it off for a year or so convincing ourselves it will happen naturally. The worst month happened. The one thing I had been dreading!! My partners sister got pregnant!!! Bare in mind she never wanted children