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Lucky Monkey Buddies-CD1 around 21 Sept


LTTC - Unexplained
Aug 9, 2008
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Here's a new thread for Cycle Buddies with CD1 around about the 21st September. This thread has adopted our pg friend 'still waiting's' little monkey as not only is he sooo cute but also very very lucky.

So welcome ladies and look forward to obsessing this cycle with you.


Here he his......

Thanks babymaybe, just popping by to say count me in for this cycle.

Still waiting on an update from kaygeebee...fx for her :happydance:
Hey girls! Had a fabulous party for Xavier(4 on Monday) today. It was a blast, but I must say that I'm absolutely exhausted!!!! I forgot how tiring the last one was. *wipes brow and sighs* Now I have to start planning Lukes (8 on 13 of Oct), he wants a monster party. It should be fun too.
Anyway, since its almost 8pm and I'm dead tired, dirty and need to shave still I should get going. I've got some Bding to do as the egg will be here very soonly. Fx for us this cycle girls! I hope that monkey lives up to its name.
Hi ladies, looks like I am going to be entering the 2WW today as I said on the other thread - my body is messing me around sooooooo much!! :hissy: but I'll update you guys here, so you can keep 'in synch' with each other!

Mind if I adopt the monkey then? He's soooooo cute!! :)

Good luck to all this cycle ladies!! :happydance:
Temps have gone up today so I looks like I am now definitley in the 2WW!! :happydance:
ooh sounds good for you kaygabee!! i hope this is your month! Prayers being said for you BFP!! Lots of hugs! ;)
Hey ladies, sorry not been on for a while, trying to take a breather from B&B this week as I was ovulating and wanted to see if trying to not obsess about will make any difference.

So I'm now 3dpo and excited about the next 2 weeks.

How are you all keeping, what stage are you at?

Sticky :dust: to all x :hugs:
Hiyaa :)

I think I've O'ed yesterday or today, I havent been doing my temps as I get up at different times and it just didn't work for me, but I've got watery CM and FF is recording my last couple days as green days, so fingers crossed for this 2WW to go quickly!
Well ladies how are we all keeping, I'm assuming we'll all have ov'd by now? Any symptoms to report?

Im 5dpo today and have very light cramping, usually I get cramps to either my right or left hand side however today is right in the centre quite far down...its prob nothing, actually I think I got that a couple of months ago.

Oh I do hope this is a more successful month than last, fx for all of us ladies and lashings of :dust: your way x :hugs:

Hope you're all keeping well and having a nice weekend.
I'm 5dpo today :) temps are up, and no symptoms to report yet really - just some mild twinges, and mildly sore nipples and boobies - which I'm pretty sure I always get.

Fx for us all this cycle!! :)
I'm 3days past O, I nearly threw up on the bus yesterday morning, felt really sick like uncontrollably.

Did have really bad tummy cramps last night but it was just trapped wind :blush: felt like a right fool cause I posted on TTC asking if it could be symptoms but was just trapped wind lol
Well im not ttc till december at the earliest due to medical problems! So good luck to all you ladies and i'll be keeping an eye on you all! HOpe you get your bfps!
So sorry to hear that Gabrielle. Fx you get sorted out quickly and back to TTC. xx
Only just found this thread...Could I join you? My CD 1 was 21st September first :witch: since m/c on 25th August.
Hi Carino! Good luck to you hun! :)

Well, how are we all doing ladies? Are we all in the 2ww now? any symptoms to report?

I'm 7DPO today - and today's phantom symptom is a funny taste in my mouth! It was really strong this morning - like I'd been licking envelopes - YUK! and i still have it now but not as strong.

Also have the sniffles, and mild twinges in abdomen.

Fx and good luck everyone!!
I'm feeling sick and tired, and my areola's are darker
Had awful cramps before and over the weekend!! Ov'd on thursday!

Feeling sick,have had stitch all morning,shattered after 10 hours sleep and boobs are aching!! Should I go on?? :dohh:

Sure I must be imagining every symptom under the sun.......the only symptoms I had last time was sore boobs n loads of veins...got my :bfp: day before :witch: was due,unfortunately I miscarried at 10 weeks!

Going to have to sit on my hands to stop myself testing too early

Really hope for :bfp: this month.
I'm very tired today after 11hours sleep :S I did test this morning....but being only 6dpo I got a :bfn: so will have to wait till next weds.

How is everyone else doing?
hey ladies..hope your all doing well and get your bfp this month!

Just wanted to ask, i know im not suppose to be ttc but...my cp is high, opened, and soft and i had strecthy discharge yesterday. and now today its just wet....do you think i o'd?? it was only cd 14 of a 30ish day cycle so thought that would be too early??
Could it just be the start of my fertile period??
WE thought we might just try and see what happens,...but now i think i might have missed it...? help please thanks girls!
Gabrielle, mine tends to go more wet than stretchy when I actually O.

Get :sex: for fun and good luck to you hun!! :)

I've got a cracking headache and still got sniffles today. Glands are up too. Yukky taste has gone from my mouth though!!

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