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Luteal Phase Changing Suddenly


A Mummy At Last!
May 22, 2007
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Righty ho. Im now officially late. Ive got 2 bfn's so obviously not preggers and have always got a bfp the day before af before.

So i wonder how many of you have had a jump in your luteal phase? Mine's usually 12 days and now im on 14dpo. Ive never had this happen before!

Should i just write if off as an oddity or worry that im getting perimenopausal - gulp? :)

Omi :wacko:
I would say it's probably normal- even if you are usually like clockwork, the body can up and change (just cause). No fun though. Plus, many factors can change how our bodies behave during any given cycle...

I'm sure your OK hun. Don't worry!!! Good luck and baby dust :)
Thanks for the post :)

Im just worried cause it has literally never happened before and im only getting older so surely not a good sign. I know it can move a day here there but 2 days!! Not impressed, lol!
Do u chart omi? is it possible u o'd a couple of days later then u think? Ive had some cycles where my LP has been 12 days and others where its been 14..13 seems to be the norm for me but it does fluctuate at times
I wouldn't write BFP off yet, i am pretty sure that just because you got BFPs early in the past, it doesn't mean you will this time.

You could have ovulated later than you think, or HCG could be taking a while to build.

Id give it two or three days then re-test. And, good luck ill be crossing my fingers for you.
Also ive seen numerous amounts of posts on this site where a BFP didnt come until 17/18dpo and they were constantly getting negatives. What tests have u used?
Omg that threw me then when i saw our other pic when the page loaded and i thought, i dont remember posting that lol
Ha, ha!

No, i know exactly when i ov'd. No doubt there i.e. yes, i chart and have been for over 3 years so id know if this was normal and i know the info on this. Also, have never been this late before unless after mc but that's not a normal cycle anyway. Blah. Im pretty sure she will rear her ugly head. Im actually quite over it - i just wish she'd show so can get the scheduled dye test done on monday.

I know a lot of people say this happens from time to time. But i have NEVER had it happen for 2 days. One, yes, no big deal. And still not a whiff. Don't feel she's coming on at all.

Ive used the cheapies which have always worked in the past...

Just my luck...thanks for the well wishes though, very sweet of you! :hugs: :)
Oh, yes. With a vengeance, the b**h, lol! But it was suspected, i mean i new i wasn't preggers. But hey ho, onwards and upwards :):):)
Awww sorry hun :hugs: like u say onwards and upwards..lets hope next cycle is ur month xxxxxx
Hey Omi

Same things just happened to me. 4 days late and then came on. Charting so know exactly when ov'd and even fertility friend agreed with me for once!

I usually have 13 or 14 day luteal phase but this would have been 18. First time ever.

I'm 36, so am hoping we are a bit young for the menopause (although realise its not impossible) and that its either just a little blip or have had a very very early loss??
Naw, not loss cause didn't get a bfp but definitely a blip. Sods law, i guess :)

Onwards and upwards and best of luck, chicken! :hugs:

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