Luteal Phase Defect

Hi Spockette, its good that your progesterone is fine and your periods are regular.

I have tried vit b complex for 1 month without any result, but will definitely try it again if my LP is still too short on my prolactin meds.

Good luck to you too :) xx
Sorry I haven't been too talkative in this thread but I have found the discussion interesting and have been following you ladies for awhile. I've struggled with a short LP and low progesterone. I had posted a while back concerning my spotting at 7 DPO. I had an ultrasound yesterday (1DPO) and it looks like I have a hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary and possibly the same or a endometrioma/chocolate cyst on the left along with possible endometriosis. The doctor said this may be causing the low progesterone as it's hindering ovulation. I do get positive OPK's and EWCM along with a cycle that starts 8-10 days after the + OPK. She gave me progesterone in case ovulation is happening and I've got a follow up ultrasound in 3 weeks. Anyone else relate?
Hi Rocko :hi:

And welcome :hugs:

I'm afraid I do not have any personal experience of what you have been diagnosed with but I am sure there are ladies on this forum who have the same issue.
I have a private appointment with the Fertility Specialist tomorrow so I will also find out if there is anything going on inside.
I really hope you get some answers you need from the specialists or from ladies on here.

Lots of love and hugs :hugs:

Spockette-good luck with your appt tomorrow! Hoping you get some answers and get moving along!

Rocko-i can't relate to all, but I do have a short luteal phase as well as endometriosis. My doctor didn't indicate any corellation Though. however I think I ovulate on my own, so not exactly helpful! I hope the progesterone helps and your ultrasound provides more insight.

Shellz-how you doing?
Spockette-good luck with your appt tomorrow! Hoping you get some answers and get moving along!

Rocko-i can't relate to all, but I do have a short luteal phase as well as endometriosis. My doctor didn't indicate any corellation Though. however I think I ovulate on my own, so not exactly helpful! I hope the progesterone helps and your ultrasound provides more insight.

Shellz-how you doing?

Thanks Stace. :hugs: I will update later on.

Hope all is well with you? I think you have your HSG on Monday, don't you hon?
In case I can't get on this weekend just wanted to wish you the best. I hope everything comes back clear. Pretty sure it will but I'm more excited abut the prospect of you having a good old 'clear out' :laundry: in there so it can be easier for you to conceive :winkwink: Let us know how it goes....

Shells and Bluebird, I hope you're well? Xx
hey girls :flower:

spockette - i hope your appointment today goes well!! Please let us know how it goes :thumbup:

stacergirl - any news on your HSG rescheduled appointment?

Rocko - sorry i don't have experience with that either - all my tests have come back 'normal' x

My HSG is on Monday... and all i can say is i hope it's not as painful as my mum's hysteroscopy yesterday (similar to HSG but with a camera instead of x-ray) :cry: Mum had an urgent appointment with gynae with suspected cancer, and had this done - they had to stop it was so painful bless her - thank god - all they found during the time they had was a polyp :thumbup: She's going in under general to have a proper look and remove it. I will admit she is a wimp when it comes to pain, but i'm so hoping that the HSG is nothing like this as i'm now a little worried about going in. Mum said in in hindsight i shouldn't have come with her - but noway was i letting her go through that alone, she's my mum, my best friend and i'd do anything for her.

On a lighter note - we did laugh about me getting to see my first home :haha:
Hi ladies! I didn't need to get my hsg rescheduled, I already had it done in oct. I too had the hysterscopy but they put me under for that...which I would recommend. I had my final ivf appt yesterday and found out I'll be starting injections, monitoring then full blown ivf at the end of may when Af comes next. Pretty excited and nervous. But when I was there yesterday they did a trial egg transfer just for practice before the real deal. It's very similar to the HSG, and trust me it wasn't bad. The only difference between the trial transfer and the HSG was that they didn't use fluid to check fr blocked tubes. But honestly, it's over before you know it. So just lay there, breathe and try to think happy thoughts!

Shells-yeah prob wasn't a good idea for you to go there with her for the hysterscopy! However I think the hudteroscopy is worse because once they get the cstheter in for the HSG they just push fluid and they you're done. The hysterscopy requires them to look around and probably takes a little longer. Hope your mom is okay! Let us know how it goes. Don't stress too much!!

Spock-good luck today!
Hey girlies :dance: I'm baaaaaaacck :thumbup:

Aww Shells, sorry to hear what your mum had to go through but I'm very pleased it was just a polyp. Glad they're getting that sucker removed. So sorry your mum was in pain but I think the Hysteroscopy is very different to a HSG. The HSG takes about 5 minutes and the other takes a bit longer. Plus it's a different procedure. You'll be fine hon. I've heard it goes real quick and just think that it can clear tubes and probably make you conceive :happydance:

Stacer, that's amazing hon. I'm so pleased for you.... Please let us know how you are getting on throughout the process. It's so exciting :happydance:

As for me, I had my private appointment which also included an ultrasound. The ultrasound itself showed that I had a 2cm Endo Cyst on my left ovary which could mean scarring. She wasn't too worried about it but there is also a chance that the scarring could be elsewhere too. i.e. Fallopian Tube. Luckily it wasn't on my other ovary. In fact she said that she saw 6/7 follicles there and also my uterine lining was very good. I ovulated. Everything else was fine.

I had a discussion with her after and she recommended I get the HSG /Hycosy done just to be sure about the tubes (which im going to do for sure). She also recommended I get the blood test CA125 to check the level of Endometriosis in my system. She also mentioned about the AMH too but I'm going to see if my other tests come back clear first. I mentioned the short luteal phase but she didn't seem worried about it as my Prog and uterine lining is fine but she did say I could possibly take some Natural Prog for after I ovulate which I might look in to.
As I'm going through secondary infertility she didn't seem concerned. She said she had many ladies like myself come in for the same reasons and have ended up pregnant. She really made me feel better. She said to just carry on enjoying :sex: Don't put too much pressure on yourself and just see how it goes and depending on the results of the tests then we can take the next steps. :headspin:

So that's me for now girls. Next step is HSG!! :help:

Sorry for the late reply hun i've been working away (again!).

glad you've got some answers and hopefully a plan to move forward - i didn't know there was a blood test for endo! Hope everything comes back fine and you get your hsg appointment soon! x
Sorry for the late reply hun i've been working away (again!).

glad you've got some answers and hopefully a plan to move forward - i didn't know there was a blood test for endo! Hope everything comes back fine and you get your hsg appointment soon! x

No worries hon :hugs:

Yep, the CA125 actually detects for Ovarian Cancer but elevated levels also detects how much Endo you may have too. I'm trying to get my HSG booked for next Wed now. Fingers crossed.

I know you have yours today hon so I wish you the best. Let us know how it goes?

Shells-how did your HSG go??

Spock-seems your appt went well! I definitely think the HSG is a good option, especially of there is scarring in your tubes like she mentioned, that could be an easy fix. Amh levels are good to know, but can sometimes add unnecessary stress. Of you're only hoping for one child then I wouldn't worry knowing about it, but if you want more, then it might be good to know. However if you do have low amh they will probably suggest ivf and freezing of embryos just so when you go to have your second child, you still have reserves left. Hoping your endo level is normal. Do you get really bad periods?
well i'm back from HSG... firstly - nowhere near as bad as some of the stories you read about! Uncomfortable, yes, painful no (not for me anyway, i did take painkillers an hour before hand). I'm sore down below but i think thats more to do with the 5 attempts to do the procedure more than anything! I've got a bit of cramping going on but no worse than when AF is here.

Good news my left tube is open and spilling.... bad news they couldn't get enough pressure to get the dye through my right tube :nope: 5 times they had to put the balloon and dye back in, and 5 times it failed to go through... she says she thinks it's open and only a pressure issue... however the 5 attempts to keep the balloon in had them asking questions about my cervix and any previous surgeries (none!) i have had has me worried! I guess i'll find out what it all means in 5 weeks at my next appointment with FS x DH is making me a bacon sarnie and cuppa while i chill out on the sofa. I've got a headache and bit flushed and tired but i guess it's a waiting game for the results now x Not sure i'm up to BDing to catch this egg right now but that might change later lol x
Hi my girlies :hi:

Stacer, how you doing hon? Counting down the days I bet eh? I can't believe how close its getting.
I'm DEFINITELY going for the HSG. I was all psyched up for doing it last time until they decided to cancel. :nope: Now that I know I have a bit of Endo on my ovary, I'm starting to wonder if its elsewhere in there which is why the HSG is so important for me now. When I was in my teens and twenties I had horrendous period pains :devil: I mean, awful!! I used to be on the toilet constantly the first couple of days. I used to take the first day off school or work and would overdose on Nurofen, even taking them on an empty stomach because i was that desperate for the pain to go away. After having my DD, I hardly feel them. I get a slight ache and will just take a paracetamol. It's much better, so I'm hoping there is no more Endo. :shrug:

Shells, really pleased the HSG wasn't painful for you hon. So pleased at least one of the tubes is open. You do know you can conceive pretty easily with one tube? I know a few people who conceived pretty easily. My cousin had been TTC for two years. found out one of her tubes was completely blocked after an HSG. The following month - BFP!! Hoping yours has been made even clearer now. As for the other one, do you think they may recommend a laparoscopy to get a clearer idea of what's going on with that tube? It probably needs a good clear out. As for the cervix questions, I'm not sure what to suggest although I have read that some ladies have a smaller cervix than others. Could this be it? I hope you get your answers soon. Glad hubby is looking after you and as for the BD, just lie back and let hubby do what he has to do :haha:

Lots of love girls xxxxx :kiss: xxxx
I knew O was getting close.... looks like it HSG hasn't interfered with anything - look what i just got :thumbup:

Good job i decided to lay back and think of England :rofl: Really wasn't up for it, but thought why not and went for it lol So still in with a chance this month... maybe x

I know many who have conceived with one tube, i just wonder why it hasn't happened if at least one tube is open, and all my tests are 'normal'... i guess i'll keep plodding along as always unitl i see FS in june xx
Blimey!! :wacko: I'm almost dazzled by the intensity of those two lines. Beautiful!!

Glad you did it hon. Fingers crossed for this month.

God knows why it hasn't happened with the one tube but sometimes your tubes and uterus just need a bit of a flushing. At least you'll know more in five weeks time. I hope there is an explanation for it so it can be fixed. 'Unexplained' for me, is a worse diagnosis.

Ooo not long :) Hope everything goes well, my advice (not that you asked for it lol) relax, take painkillers (i took cocodomol 30mg x 2 1 hour before) and stay calm... even though mine took 5 attempts and 40 mins the only bit that had me say 'ouch' was the DR moving the speculum around to the right position - but that always hurts me even during a smear test :dohh:
Ooo not long :) Hope everything goes well, my advice (not that you asked for it lol) relax, take painkillers (i took cocodomol 30mg x 2 1 hour before) and stay calm... even though mine took 5 attempts and 40 mins the only bit that had me say 'ouch' was the DR moving the speculum around to the right position - but that always hurts me even during a smear test :dohh:

Shells, I always appreciate advice :winkwink:

Thanks for this. I'm just gearing up to do it for answers really...... Not sure if I have any internal scarring on my tubes from my caesarean which are blocking the way for eggy and Spermies. We'll see.

Thanks again and hope you're feeling less crampy today ??


I do feel less crampy, but i have a cracking headache. apparently the iodine can cause this, and with the amount i had i'm not surprised i've got one lol x Trying to flush it out with lots of fluids today. I'm a bit tender but that's to be expected with the amount of time they had bits and pieces up there - oh and the bd too lol x
Gosh, I had no idea iodine can cause headaches. So sorry it took them ages fiddling about yesterday. Can't have been the most pleasant of experiences. Can't believe after all that, you still :sex: !! Well done you! :haha:

Looks like hubby will have to take care of you again tonight :winkwink: (by that, I mean a cuppa tea - not sex :haha: )


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