Stacer, thanks for the heads up on intervention.
It's amazing how quickly time passes without realising. I won't be able to have any free treatment as I already have a child but if it doesn't happen for us, we will definitely go private and there isn't a waiting list for that, thank goodness.
I cannot believe your treatment is here already. Please, please don't ever feel alone. We are always here. You can talk to us, scream, shout, whatever you want to do.
Guys, really do not get it but I think it's because a woman feels the maternal instinct the moment she knows she's pregnant. A man doesn't feel like a father until the baby is born. That's the difference between the sexes
Keep us posted chick
Shells, really sorry you went through a painful AF
I used to suffer with them horrendously when I was younger but since having my DD, I've been ok. I also have a tilted womb so don't feel it so much. I'm also glad I'm not the only one that felt sore after HSG. I thought the worse
I'm hoping the dye managed to clear me out though.... Not holding much hope for this month but apparently you're more 'fertile' three months after HSG.
I guess only time will tell.....
Thanks girls and lots of love