Luteal Phase Defect

Hi Maz :wave:

I'm also 35.... DH and I are not actually married yet :blush: But will be one day when we find the time! lol As far as we are concerned we are husband and wife and all that is missing is the bit of paper that says so :thumbup: Born and bred in Northamptonshire... but both my parents are Scottish (or jockanese as DH says lol) I have a Scottish accent when i'm pissed off apparently! :haha:
Hi Shellie :hi:

You're right about the whole marriage thing. As long as you guys know how you feel about each other, you don't need a piece of paper to validate that :)

Do you visit Scotland at all? I've only been to Glasgow and at was for a wedding. Would love to visit other places because its so beautiful up there! Do you live in a city, town or village?

I live very near the city of London so I am as urban as you can ever get :dohh: But I would love to live in a village. Just want the quiet life now :winkwink:

I've never actually been to Scotland myself, my sister took a tour with my dad many years ago but i was about 16 and the thought of going touring with my dad... no thanks! lol My dad's from Glasgow and my mum is from motherwell.

I live in a small town, i couldn't live in a big city, dh is from Leicester orignally and even he says i've ruined Leicester for him as he hates the big city now lol i hate driving round the city centre when we visit, he knows the roads so i make him drive lol thankfully his folks live on the edge and it's easy enough for me to drive to. We travel around a lot (as you've probably noticed as i'm away a lot lol) we go down to Alexandra palace every year and we use trains and the underground! i could never drive round london! lol I hate the M25 with a passion... concrete carpark! lol We go down to crawley several times a year and always get stuck on it! lol x
I so wish I lived in a small town / village. I'm hating city life :hissy: I've had it all my life and it sucks!!

I can't believe you visit 'Ally Pally'. I was brought up for the first 25 years of my life 5 minutes away from there in Wood Geeen!! :flower: Next time you're down let me know.

It's really cool that you and your partner travel around a lot. I really miss doing that with hubby. Its makes it a bit harder to do when you have a LO but luckily we visit Cyprus 3 times a year to see the grandparents so that's cool.

So where are you upto with your cycle hon? Have you been :sex: despite the separate hotels? :winkwink:

Stacer, where are you hon? We need a few details from you too.... If you're willing to divulge....Also how is the stimming going??

Hi ladies, it's nice to "meet" you both!! I'm Stacey. 30 years old, been married for 4 years. I live in the states. Been to Europe once where I visited London Paris Munich and Rome. Loved going over there and hope to go back one day!

Got results from blood work yesterday and theyre increasing my menopur from 150 iu to 300 iu in the morning. Follistem remains At 300iu. Was stressing that I wasn't responding to the meds yesterday. So really hoping my next appt shows that I am. Can't believe I'm on day 4 of Stimming! Wow! I almost wanted to give up last night. Not having dh here and the meds and all that was going on was getting to me. But I feel better today and knowing I'm almost halfway through Stimming feels good.

Hope you ladies are doing well!!!
Maz, we go down to ally pally for the darts every christmas... we're darts daft lol :haha: (it's how we met lol) (if your a darts fan (or anyone reading this) and realise who we are please keep our ttc secret, i have already found someone on here i know through darts lol)

Ah we're not away in separate hotels until this Thursday... which should be O day (CD12) if i O a day early like i did 2 cycles ago on SI. I'm CD9 today and BD sat (cd7) and tonight (cd9) :thumbup: We're going for every other day so he has respite tomorrow lol then Wednesday (cd11) we'll go again... and HOPEFULLY Thursday morning (cd12) before we go away - but that will be our last chance until O has passed unfortunately! DH gets a little tired and can't finish sometimes if we go every day so FX he can manage Thursday morning after Wednesday night lol :blush:

Cyprus always looks so lovely! I don't go abroad, we spend too much time and money travelling the Uk to go to the sunshine - but we have said that if there is no baby by next summer we're going to have a proper holiday in the sun x

Hi Stacey :hi:

Half way through stimming already! that's gone quick! :thumbup: It must be very difficult having DH away while doing all this, but please share with us what your doing and how your feeling so your not alone :hugs: So excited for you that this could be your time!! xx
Hi Stace :hi:

Cannot believe you're halfway through. You're doing fantastically well!! At least they're are keeping an eye on things and if they have to up some dosages, at least it's to get the correct response. :happydance: I know hubby is away but we're here. We can be 'stand ins'.....
Which part of the states are you from? Are you a city or country gal? I love the states and wish I could live there :winkwink:

Shells, I didn't know the Pally did darts!! That's so cool. :thumbup: So who is the better half out of you two? :haha:
Hon, if you're ovulation day is Thursday then with all the :sex: beforehand, you should be covered. I know what you mean about it being a bit of a marathon for the blokes. Think they feel the pressure sometimes :awww: Anyway, my FS told me 3 times a week covers it :thumbup:

Cyprus, is lovely, but very hot. It's a second home to me as I have lots of family over there. Having said that the UK has some outstanding places which I would love to visit but hubby isn't so keen because 'weather is never guaranteed'

In other news today, AF arrived right on time :cry: *sigh*
awww sorry Af arrived Maz :cry: Hope she's not cruel to you and is soon gone so you can get going with a nice fresh cycle all cleared out xx

I'm hoping we'll be covered with every other day and thursday morning too. Although i'm not sure if DH has designs on tonight too... he has a night in (we're both usually out at matches) and he said oh so you'll be home early then as it's not a league game... we'll see he'll probably be sound asleep when i get home lol and i think tomorrow is more important than tonight and i'd hate for him to have 'over done it' and not make tomorrow night lol oh the dilemmas lol xx
Good luck Shells :thumbup: Hope this is the month for you hon xxx Have fun with the girlies.

So far AF has been ok. The usual sh*te :sad2: Here's to month......errr......umm....I can't even remember now :huh:

Hi Ladies!
I guess I am a city girl, I live in Florida. the states are different from the UK though.

Shells-hope you are catching that egg and having fun!

Spock-try not to count the months, it sucks enough, don't give yoruself a constant reminder! It WILL happen!!!! my siste just started TTC, she was surprised when it ddidn't happen the first month, so now she is thinking she could also have the same issues as me,,,,no fun. I don't wish it on her at all. I think she should at least give it 6 months until she starts to assume the worst though. However she is lucky i've had these issues becuase its giving her a head start on all of this...

Update on me. I went in today for ultrasound and I have follicles growing!! YAY!! Howeve I still have one ahead of the others which would be normal if I wasn't doing IVF, so I might have to stimm for more days, potentially up until next friday. which would be 15 days of stimming! Yikes!! I'm just slow to respond. I only have meds to get me through tuesday (which I paid another $2000 for last week! UGH!!) so If I do stil til Friday I'll be forking up another $1000-$2000!!! EEESssshhhh! I'm all for stimming longer if my success rate is higher since i've already invested so much money and time into this cycle, but its just so expensive. However, if I do stim til Friday, then that would work well for DH because Egg retrieval would be on or around Sunday next week. So there are pluses to stimming longer. I"m already down 17 injections, can't believe it!! I will most likely add a 3 injection into my daily routine so that i don't ovulate today or tomorrow. So that means about 16 more stimming injections, then the trigger injection, and then up to 6 of the progesterone injections until i'm done with injections! LOL craziness. I can't believe i"m doing this! Thanks for being my standins!! I appreciate it! :-)

Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Stace :hi:

You're so lucky living in Florida. Sunshine, beach, lots of fun. UK is let down by the weather:growlmad: I went to Florida 6 years ago (Orlando). Visited all the theme parks too. My gawwwwwwd. :sick: But awesome :thumbup:

I am so pleased those follicles are growing :happydance: The injections are doing what they're supposed to!! I can't believe it costs so much. This actually makes me quite sad. For a married couple in the UK who have no children, separately or together, get fee treatment. I think we're actually very lucky but our taxes are extortionate. My hubby gets nearly 50% of his income deducted. Also, poor ladies like Shells who live in another part of the UK aren't even entitled to be investigated because her hubby has children from a previous relationship. Very sad :cry:
Wow, that is ALOT of stimming but so worth it Stace. The more follicles there are, the more chance of them grabbing lots of eggies. I think they've been sleeping and just need a bit of a wake up :coffee:

Keep us posted hon xxxx :kiss: xx

Shellsy, hope you're well hon? Xxxx
Hiya girls :flower:

i've been away for a few days and catching up slowly with everything lol I did O on CD12 :thumbup: so last BD was the night before so hopefully we did enough! I guess time will tell. 3DPO now and my temp dropped massively this morning - took it twice i was shocked to see it so low! I'd get excited if it was around 6-7 DPO lol probably just an estorgen surge which is common around that time, but never has it been so low lol It had better go back up tomorrow x DH is finally on his way home and i can't wait to spend some proper time with him, was so hard being in separate hotels!! Him working and only seeing him for like an hour at the end of the day. I better get used to it as the opportunity he got these last few days is what he wants to do full time.... i want it for him i just miss him so much when i can't see him (soppy git i know lol)
Aww Shells :hugs: That's so sweet :flower:

Gad you got the BD in there. Fingers crossed, it's your month girl!! :winkwink:
The drop in temp s definitely promising:thumbup: When are you planning to test??

.....I'm getting excited..... :happydance:

Hi ladies!
Spock-Florida definitely has a lot of sunshine. I love it but it gets really hot too. It does rain a lot though, but it's good since it gets hot! I think you're right about my follicles needing a wake up! I can't imagine how I couldve produced eggs without ivf considering I was slow to respond on 300ius of meds twice a day!! Thanks for the support, means a lot! And it is expensive, but you're right, I don't know which is better to pay out of pocket or be on the nhs plan. I had to buy more meds yesterday but hopefully that's the last of it!!!

Shells-glad you two can sleep in the same bed and spend some quality time togetherz that is definitely nice. I'll be happy to spend quality time with me dh when he gets home!! Hope you caught that egg!!!

I had another ultrasound and bloodwork this morning. I got a 21, 17, a couple 15, 14 and 13 mm follicles. He said my endomentrium is a little thinner than they'd like to see it on trigger day, but if my progesterone is high that I'll trigger today, otherwise I'll trigger tomorrow. So that means ER will be Thurs or Friday. Dh really wants it thurs bc it's hard for him to get out of work Friday but obviously will if its that day. I would prefer Friday that way I have the weekend to rest, but doesn't matter to me either way. A little bummed that my doc won't be doing the ER, it will be the doc who's on call. Hopefully that will still turn out good. You know how it is when you build a relationship with your doc though. Really really hoping this works. I feeling a little down. Just want to get it over with and find out the results!!!

Best of luck ladies!!
Hi Stacer :hi:

Fab news on the follicles. Looks like they are on their way to being ripe and juicy :winkwink:
You're very much like me in that you only want doctors you know and trust. I also prefer doctors that are kind and have empathy. This whole process is hard enough so we always appreciate doctors who actually understand and show it. I'm sure the doc who will be doing the ER will be absolutely fine :thumbup:
Stace, I can't believe ER is here!!!

This is brilliant news and i'm sooooooo excited for you. I wish you all the luck in the world for the next few days and please keep us posted...:kiss:


Hope you're well Shells? Have you tested?

Spock-you're right on about the docs. Think that's why I was down yesterday bc I couldn't read the doc, whether he was approving or not about my progress, etc. the doc today was great, and so were the nurses. They really got me feeling confident about this. As women were already emotional enough as it is, so I just need reassurance. And today I got it!!

I'm triggering tonight! My estrogen was 1420 today which she said was great, and that i should have some really good eggs. I go in tomorrow morning for preop ang then the retrieval is friday morning at 745. Dh and I are excited but nervous!!! this is it! The retrieval we've been waiting for!!! Hope all goes well!!

Thanks so much for the support ladies! I'm always Rooting you on as well!!!
hey ladies :)

Stace thats brilliant news that ER has come round so quick (bet it doesn't feel so quick for you tho) exciting!!! When do your emby's go back in their comfy home to get all snuggly? how many are they putting back? xx

Maz- i have tested :blush: BFN as always lol 7dpo so far to early.... but they just call out to me on the shelf! lol I always hope that one day i'll look at that stick 3 min later and see 2 beautiful lines... ah maybe one day lol x How are you doing? where are you in cycle at the minute? x
Shells-I know how you feel. I've never seen a BFP ever, so that one day I do see it, it will be amazing. But I almost feel like it will never happen. But yes 7 dpo is early, maybe try in a couple of days?

Honestly, it has gone by really fast. I even did 13 days of stimms and thought it was still fast. Today was my first day not doing any injections which felt weird!! But nice at the same time. My Tummy's got a few really good bruises so it could really use the break. I start the progesterone injections tomorrow night. Other than that, I can't say Stimming was all that bad. It was more just the unknown in the process and being alone. I went in for pre op today and they continuously told me that since I'm young my eggs will be good even though we will only have up to 7, so that I shouldn't worry. And that my estrogen looks great bc they want it over 1000, and that if the embryo is healthy it will attach. They said that they aim for 5 day transfer but that if they notice the embryo would do better in my uterus they will do a 3 day transfer-but that I shouldn't get frantic about it because half of the pts who have gotten pg on ivf have three day transfers. So I'm looking at a transfer on Monday or Wednesday. I should know Sunday. Then my official pregnancy test is July 1st!!! I already cleared my calendar at work and requested the day off. positive or not, I won't be able to focus that day for sure!! So dh comes home tonight and we go in first thing tomorrow morning. Can't believe it's really happening! I'll definitely let you know how it goes.. Thsnks again for the support!!
Hi there!! I just woke up from a 4 hour nap after my ER this morning. Everything went great. Said there were only 6 follicles (when originally they thought7) but that every follicle had an egg so they got 6. I'm happy with that though. Timorrow I'll get my report. My ET is either Monday or we'd. And my OTD is July 1!!! It's 17 days after the ER. I told my dh I want to test the sat before that since that's a Monday. But he said what if it's a negative and you cry your eyes out all weekend hen the blood test says positive. Lol but we got some time to decide for sure. He got home at 10pm last night, we went in at 645 this morning and he's already back at work at 11 this morning. Well, I'm hoping for a good fertility report!!!!
Hi girls :hi:
Stace, wow it's really happening!! 6 Follicles are fantastic hon. Remember, you only need one!! How was the ER? Were you under sedation or completely knocked out? I'm not that clued up with IVF but its pretty common for an embryo NOT to reach the five day mark. Think about the environment it's in. It's not a woman's uterus.... I'm sure your embryos will be absolutely fine. Are you doing standard IVF or ICSI?
I am thrilled for you hon. :happydance:17 days after ER is a long time and your tests are guaranteed to show positive. I don't think it will make a huge difference whether you test on Friday or not. I think either way you just won't relax the whole weekend. :hugs: Your poor hubby must be exhausted too.....
I can't believe transfer is early next week....Eeeeek. Thanks so much for keeping us posted on your journey hon and as always, I wish you all the luck in the world x x

Hi Shellsy :hi:

7dpo is reeeeeaally early. It takes that long for the fertilised egg just to travel down the tube to implant...Definitely give it a few more days :thumbup:
I know what you mean about the tests calling out to you which is why I never buy them :winkwink:
I promise you will see two lines hon....Its just taking some ladies a little longer to get there xxxx. :hugs:

As for me, I'm just waiting to Ovulate *sigh*


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