That would be pretty awesome if we got 2 BFPs at one time!!
Shells- read your posts on the pg thread, those ladies seem to think you are, so I'm definitely hoping so!! Hang in there, i'm sure this wait is driving you CRAZY!
Spock- I am taking co q-10, 600 mg 2x daily. What about you? What is your doc telling you to take it for? Egg quality as well?
See i'm so confused with the low AMH, does it mean loq egg quantity and quality, or do they just think the quality might be bad because the egg reserve is so low. I've read through a bunch of posts and get mixed answers. i've worked in the medical field and have taken anatomy/physiology so I think logically my guess would make sense but so many women are making it seem like they can't get pregnant with low AMH (which I don't think that is the case, I think you just have low quantity so if it doesn't happen soon, or you don't freeze, you could run out of eggs?). Who knows..
Well I called today to begin scheduling the reaminder of my tests (which only consists of a hysteroscopy and blood work for DH), but they are booked until the middle of April to the end of April to schedule my hysteroscopy. The lady is to call me back on Monday to schedule the procedure. Have any of you ladies had it, do you know anything about it? i'm a baby when it comes to surgical procedures so not looking forward to it...But its so frustrating that i have to wait a month or so to get one procedure done. That means ivf won't happen until May for sure. I'm feeling down, but probably due to my af being here, and i'm sure it has a lot to do with all the news I've been taking in lately.
Hope you ladies have a good weekend...and I"m hoping for some good news on this thread too!