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M/C June 2012 - recovery & TTC buddies wanted

mummy to be

Cautiously Pregnant
Sep 15, 2008
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Hello ladies.
Just wondering if there are any ladies in here who have like me recently lost their angels. We found on 18th June that we had lost our Angel. 28th June i had D&C.
We are still in the no :sex: stage (which sucks) but just wanted to know if there is anyone out there who is still fresh from M/c who i can chat with and maybe go through this all with and walk into the TTC stage when the times comes... I am going to be soooo terrified of falling pregnant again and just don't want to face it alone... :(

Hope to chat to you soon. xoxox
Oh hon..So sorry for ur loss..

Our dates are so much similar..

my story is as below..

On 18th June 2012, we went for our routine check up & USG at our doctor's clinic..I was exact 17 weeks pregnant that day..It broke our heart when the doctor told us that the baby has no heartbeat ..We were really shocked as I had not felt any cramping/bleeding or any such sign of m/c. We were devastated..The doctor gave us some blood tests to be done..She told us that this is a case of Missed Miscarriage..I underwent the D&C on 25th june 2012..

Our baby was due on 26th november 2012..It was our first pregnancy..we had conceived in our first ttc itself.. we said good bye to our angel baby on the day i was exact 18 weeks.. :( :(

The doctor's have sent the fetus for cross-examination to see if they can find the cause of the demise..We would come to know the results in 3-4 weeks..

Doctor has told me to wait for 1 month from d&c before we can be sexually active..& 2 months ( 2 menstrual cycles) atleast before we ttc next..She has also said that we will first do some investigation through tests like TORCH etc..if needed they will do a hysteroscopy ( investigation of uterine cavity through endoscopy) to check for any abnormalities related to uterus like split uterus or septum in uterus..She has basically told us to wait for a couple of months before we start ttc..

It has been 12 days today since my d&c.. i m still bleeding..its not very heavy..it is like a period..but medium intensity ..( sorry for tmi)

how about u dear?? hw far along were you?? how are you coping up physically & emotionally??how is your bleeding now?? has it reduced?? what have the doctors advised?? how many months to wait before ttc??

we can be each others support buddy for the recovery & ttc as our dats are so much closer..

hugs to you hon..keep me posted..
Hey there babe :) Thank you so much for your story!
I was 9 weeks when i had the D&C. I cant imagine your pain being 18 weeks!!! Sending MASSIVE MASSIVE hugs your way!

I too was a missed miscarriage. Absolutely no signs of M/C at all! It was such a huge shock! I just couldn't believe it was happening to us. This would be our 3rd pregnancy but 1st m/c. I have a 3yr DD and a 17month old DS.

I am thankfully no longer bleeding from D&C. Not sure why but i stopped bleeding 3 days afterwards but still suffer from slight spotting and cramping (apparently uterus going back to normal size) similar to after birth labor pains.

We too have to wait till :sex: but were advised for 2 weeks so only a week to go. Also we were advised to wait 2 - 3 normal cycles till we officially start TTCing again. So we will both be waiting and TTCing at the same time. Would love to be your support and ttc buddy :)

I am 27 and from Brisbane Australia :) you??

I have gotten a tattoo for our angel baby. It is the most perfect thing i have ever seen!!

Hugs all round!

I woke in the 27th June at 7.30 to spotting. I was 4 weeks 5 days. I got dressed and went straight to A + E. by 8.30 I was full blown bleeding with stomach cramps and Back ache. At 8.45 the nurse gave us the results of the urine test I did when we arrived at the hospital and it was negative. That's the first time I've seen DH cry!

But I suppose I was lucky that my levels were immediately back to normal because some people can have positive hpt's for weeks after.

My bleeding lasted 5 days. I am now on CD11 and I've got my fingers crossed that that I ovilate as normal on CD14.

I was told that I didn't have to wait and to class the first day of miscarriage as CD1. I've been reading a lot about this and a lot of people are saying that doctors tell you to wait 2 cycles just so it's easier for th to date the baby?? Maybe it's worth you asking the question becaus I've also read that you are most fertile for 4-6 weeks after ovulation because your uterine lining is already ready for pregnancy.

I'm so sorry for all of us going through this right now. I think I need someone to talk to so maybe I can find people on here who understand and know what it feels like.

I've recently had my second mmc in a row. I have 4 kids from a previous (horrible) relationship. Long story...I posted it kind of in the miscarriage forum. But basically had a mmc in March at around 6 and a half weeks. It took weeks to clear everything out, and ended up in hospital (total debacle) two days after our wedding for four days and taking Misoprostal to get things moving.

Waited one cycle and got pregnant straight away, was nervous, but saw a healthy little peanut with a nice strong heartbeat early on. Had every symptom in the book so felt like it should be fine.

Told everyone. Mainly because it was too hard to hide. Being the 5th baby, everything popped out straight away, people could tell and were congratulating me, even without me telling them.

Had a sore back, went to the hospital, another debacle and three ultrasounds confirmed no heartbeat. We could see how the baby had grown....all looked so perfect, except for that one obvious missing heartbeat.

I'm heartbroken. My kids were so sad. It was horrible when my husband told them...my little boy is 7 and he couldn't understand.

My husband wants children so badly, I want so badly to give him this one thing, he came all the way from America to live with me here. He gave up everything for me, and I can't give him this.

We are seeing the doctor on Tuesday and will have thyroid testing done....and hopefully anything else they can look for. The doctor who did the d&c said she would send the tissue for testing, so hopefully something comes from that.

We were told to wait until the bleeding stopped to have sex - we did. Last night was the first time in almost 3 weeks. Mixed emotions about it. We were also told to wait at least 3 months before trying again...we are planning on waiting until November. I'll be done with my art course....because maybe the paint fumes had something to do with it.

My sister-in-law is pregnant and due when I would've been the first time. We have two sets of friends who are due within a month of when I would've been due this time. I have friends who have had babies in the last 6 months, the last month, and who are due both now and next month. It's killing me to see/talk to them. I am so happy for them but so so sad for us.

It would be really nice to talk to others who know what this feels like...who know how scary the prospect of trying again is....but who also know how scary the prospect of not trying again is.....

I'm 36...maybe it was my age....another reason to feel guilty as my husband is younger than me.

I'm outside of Melbourne, Australia, and at the moment the weather is so bad...when I see the clouds outside and the rain, it just makes me sadder. I need some sunshine and warmth to feel better I think.
I am sorry for all your losses.

I am still miscarrying now after I started spotting on Fri 29th June at 6 weeks PG. As it was just brown spotting I wasn't overly concerned at first as I had the same with my son and he was fine. But it increased by Monday so I had a scan which showed there was only a gestational sac which was only measuring 4.5 weeks. I was very sure of my dates and that I should have been over 6 weeks, so knew a miscarriage was imminent.

Although it was very early days it doesn't make it any easier.

I already have a wonderful 4 yo son who is like a ray of sunshine. We started trying a few months ago for no. 2 and were overjoyed when we got our BFP on Fathers Day on 17th June.

I thought the pregnancy was safe; I had continued to do HPT's every few days to check they were getting stronger which they were, even up until last Sunday when I was spotting brown.

My bleeding has trailed off now and is only light flow. I felt it was coming to an end and that we could move on and try again, but the nurse says as my beta hcg is still 270 and that I haven't had a 'traumatic amount' of bleeding that she thinks I still have a lot to pass....I disagree as this all happened fairly early on, but I'm not the professional.

Wishing all those trying again straight away the best of luck. We'll be trying as soon as my bleeding subsides.

Lisa xx
Oh ladies..... we domt have to go through this alone!!! We can be there for each other and help each other through all our stories and hard times. It is still very fresh in all our minds i know and i want to have ladies like you who know how hard this is :(

Stardust - i know that horrible feeling... i have a great friend who is due the day after we were due. It is heartbreaking seeing her all the time. But it is her 1st so i have to pull it together and be happy for her (i call it MASK time). I also had 2 good friends announce at a ladies lunch out 2 days after my D&C that they were both pregnant.... Talk about hard to take in!!! In the 2 weeks since my op i have had 4 friends have their babies... each one just as perfect as the next and it is breaking me heart each and every time.... :(
Hey ladies I had a mc on june 20th below is my story.

My medical history: I am 24 years old and have not been diagnosed with anything as of now. from the age of 16-22 I was on depo birth control. I forgot to take the shot when I was 17 and became pregnant. It was a ectopic pregnancy. This pregnancy did not affect me that much because I was not planning and I was not ready. I went back on bc for 3 and some what years. Decided I wanted to have kids and it was not easy getting pregnant.

I tried for about 8-12 months with no success. I notice that my period took about 3 months to show up after bc and then it was fluctuating every month in length from 25-29 days. I went to a infertility doctor and they checked my uterus, flushed my tubes and did blood work. everything came back good. 6 more months pass and then my husband (24) did a semen analysis and his motility was not that good. The doctor said that didn't concern him that much but wanted him to see a urologist. he also wanted me to get a lap* surgery to check for scar tissue. The day we went to see the urologist I took a pregnancy test in the Kaiser restroom because I was late. I just knew it was going to be negative because its been negative for 1 year and 6 months at this point. It was positive!!!! I was so happy and in disbelief. the urologist called for my husband and we decided not to pay the co payment of $150 since we had a positive test. For the next 10 weeks I was on cloud 9. This all changed when I started to bleed. went to ER and found out that my babies heart had stopped beating a week earlier... So here I am two weeks from mc and wondering why? whats wrong with me? what can I do? what should I do? So I have bd 2 times so far and will go every other day if hubby can get with it. I have also put hubby on fertile aid for man. not sure what else to do to increase my chances.

Hubby is now on fertile aid
me: prenatal's
I am tic now because the doctor said no need to wait.
I think i just finish having my first period not sure.
tested out of pregnancy until negative
today tested and here is what i got... What do you ladies think.


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Hello ladies

I am sorry about all you losses.
Here is my story - i got my bfp on 30th of june and was over the moon... Bt i started having some brown discharge on 5th of july... Went to er and and the doc put me on progeterone... The scan showed the featus was only 4.5 weeks when i should be around 6. Still we kept hope... But i started bleeding yesterday and when i called my doctor she said that i hv surely miscarried... I want to know from you all how long should i expect to bleed... The bleeding is not heavy just normal... Also the doctor has advised me to take off from wrk when i have started spotting... So can i start office from tomorrow or should i wait for a few days?
How long will we have to wait before ttc again?
Sorry for your loss too.

Everyone is different, but I spotted brown for 3-4 days, then had what was like a heavier, more fibrous/tissue-like period for 3 days, then just some light spotting for a couple of days after that. Emotionally it was hard of course, but physically not a huge amount different to a heavy period. xx
hey gals,

i got the reports from the fetus examination & TORCH tests..

the first thing that i came to know was - our baby was a little GIRL...our first DD who went on to become an angel..We will always love her a lotttttt...

as dor the reports..there were no chromosomal abnormilities in the baby..

but the TORCH tests indicated that Rubella & Cytomegalovirus were reactive..

The doctors concluded that this is what must have caused the loss of our baby..

I have been told to redo the tests after 6 weeks to check the count of these two antibodies..if the count is same or if it has decreased, that means my body has become immune to it & it will never affect me in my future pg..but if the the count is increased, that means the virus is still active & then the doctor will tell me what further actions will need to be taken..in most cases the virus does not stay active more than 8 to 10 weeks..so we will see what happens..

just wanted to share this with all u lovely ladies..
:hugs: to all you ladies.

I got my bfp on ttc for #1 -- cycle #8 on May 29th. DH & I were on cloud 9! On our first u/s at 8-weeks (June 27th) , the dr. couldn't see anything and measured me at 7wks. Sent me to get my bloodwork done. My HCG was measured at 6200 on June 28th and measured at 6400 on July 5th (measured me at 7w4d when I was supposedly >9w4d). So things weren't looking good. Prescript with pills to help with mc process since I have no cramping/bleeding. So here I am now (July 11th) .. cramping/clogs. Appointment tomorrow to see how things are going and hopefully I dont need to go through D&C.
Hey thts me had my 2 miscarriage 1st one in march at 6 wks 4 days passed it naturally and 2nd one at 6 wks 2 days at the weekend had a dnc yesterday and it was much better ive had light spotting no pain and feels like total closure but in march I had 2 days of heavy bleeding pouring out big clots and contractions and bled for 2 wks. Was in alt of pain. X

I can't hav sex for 2 ws then il be trying again me and hubby are both getting tested but I'm hoping fr third time lucky...x
Cheryl - Third time's the charm :hugs:
Sorry for your loss too.

Everyone is different, but I spotted brown for 3-4 days, then had what was like a heavier, more fibrous/tissue-like period for 3 days, then just some light spotting for a couple of days after that. Emotionally it was hard of course, but physically not a huge amount different to a heavy period. xx

Hi your story is similar to mine, got my first BFP 13th June, started spotting bright red blood at exactly 6 weeks, scan couldnt find anything and they said I might be only 4 weeks and it was too soon to see anything but when they took my blood my hcg level was only 270 which is very low so I knew then I had lost my baby but had to wait another week for a repeat blood test to see if the levels had decreased. I never bled anything heavy enough to come out in a sanitary towel, it was only when I wiped, nowhere near even as much as a normal period bleed, I felt sure nothing had come out?? I did pass some small clots which were on the tissue when I wiped on the 4th day of spotting, it all stopped after 5 days, however the cramping was insane, worst pain ever!! I got admitted as I couldn't stop being sick and needed pain releif for the cramping. 2 weeks after the miscarriage my hcg level is at 0 which means in will hopefully start ovulating again, I'm ttc straight away, how about you?ni just fell pregnant without trying first time so I hope that's the case this time xx
Sorry for your loss too.

Everyone is different, but I spotted brown for 3-4 days, then had what was like a heavier, more fibrous/tissue-like period for 3 days, then just some light spotting for a couple of days after that. Emotionally it was hard of course, but physically not a huge amount different to a heavy period. xx

Hi your story is similar to mine, got my first BFP 13th June, started spotting bright red blood at exactly 6 weeks, scan couldnt find anything and they said I might be only 4 weeks and it was too soon to see anything but when they took my blood my hcg level was only 270 which is very low so I knew then I had lost my baby but had to wait another week for a repeat blood test to see if the levels had decreased. I never bled anything heavy enough to come out in a sanitary towel, it was only when I wiped, nowhere near even as much as a normal period bleed, I felt sure nothing had come out?? I did pass some small clots which were on the tissue when I wiped on the 4th day of spotting, it all stopped after 5 days, however the cramping was insane, worst pain ever!! I got admitted as I couldn't stop being sick and needed pain releif for the cramping. 2 weeks after the miscarriage my hcg level is at 0 which means in will hopefully start ovulating again, I'm ttc straight away, how about you?ni just fell pregnant without trying first time so I hope that's the case this time xx

Hey so sorry for your loss... Your story is same as mine... I was also supposed to be in 6th week bt then the baby measured only 4 weeks in the scan.... I had an appointment with the doctor today and she said that I did pass everything naturally and as I have not advance much... she wanted me to start tryig straight away... She has even prescribed me baby asprin to prevent any future miscarriage.
Hi All

I am also in the same boat. I went for an the appointment with my gyne on 20th of June when I was supposed to be 8w 4 days. She told me I was 5 weeks 6 days and my dates are wrong and to come back in 2 weeks on the 4th July. I drove home and I just knew there is something wrong, there was no way I could be so out. The following week I saw something like blood when I wipe. Itwas monday and just one. On thursday I decided I want blood test to see how my HCG levels are doing. I was supposed to get them friday morning but that night I had slightly more blood. So I decided to go straight to ER, a gyne saw me, did a scan and all he could see was a sac at 10 weeks, he immediately booked me for D&C, which was on the 29 June. I stopped bleeding the same day.

I was told to wait at least 3 cycles, but I am just too impatient, I just want to ttc as soon as possible. I started what I thought was AF on monday but not sure as it stopped after 1 day and I had spooting over the past 2 days. I really hope it AF so I can ovulate this cycle. Sometimes I feel like I am crazy for wanting to TTC so soon and scared what if I mc again.
Hi All

I am also in the same boat. I went for an the appointment with my gyne on 20th of June when I was supposed to be 8w 4 days. She told me I was 5 weeks 6 days and my dates are wrong and to come back in 2 weeks on the 4th July. I drove home and I just knew there is something wrong, there was no way I could be so out. The following week I saw something like blood when I wipe. Itwas monday and just one. On thursday I decided I want blood test to see how my HCG levels are doing. I was supposed to get them friday morning but that night I had slightly more blood. So I decided to go straight to ER, a gyne saw me, did a scan and all he could see was a sac at 10 weeks, he immediately booked me for D&C, which was on the 29 June. I stopped bleeding the same day.

I was told to wait at least 3 cycles, but I am just too impatient, I just want to ttc as soon as possible. I started what I thought was AF on monday but not sure as it stopped after 1 day and I had spooting over the past 2 days. I really hope it AF so I can ovulate this cycle. Sometimes I feel like I am crazy for wanting to TTC so soon and scared what if I mc again.

Hello Palesa... I am so sorry about your loss... I can totally understand that you want to ttc as soon as possible as I faced the same thing recently.... Infact I dont see any point in waiting for 3 cycles but then the doctor knows the best... You were further along in your pregnancy and needed to have a D&C may be that is why the doc advised you to wait... Just hang on and things will turn out fine (((HUGS)))
What's baby aspirin? I want some this if it will help! X

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