Maisie Grace 26/1/2010 quick induction x


Jun 12, 2009
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Never got round to uploading my birth story on to this just had it on my journal but thought i would share it with u all

Sunday 24th January - 5 days overdue

By this time i'd tried everything to induce labour, eaten a whole load of fresh pineapples, eaten hot curry, tried rasberry leaf tea, tried rasberyy leaf tablets, sex, cleaning windows, cleaned whole house inside out, long walks, walked up and down stairs even tried star jumps lol. anyways OH Matt was nagging me for :sex: so i finally gave in as he wouldnt be getting it 4 a while lol. but once we finished i got up and all this blood started trickling down my leg so ran the loo and wipes and the tissue was soaked in blood. i jumped in the bath while matt rang the hospital, i wasn't so worried though as it had happened before at around 20 weeks but knew id need to go in n get my anti-d injection.

Got to hospital and they hooked me up to the fetal heart monitor which monitored the baby. i was on that for about an hour. which came back with a text book reading. the doctor then examined me and took a swab from my cervix and took some bloods. she said i was 1-2 cm dilated and my cervix was favourable. they then gave me my anti-d injection and we just had to wait for the doctor to come speak to us before we could go. i had to wait an hour and she finally came and told us as id bled before she wanted to induce me and id need to come back the tuesday morning at 8am. :happydance:

Tuesday 26th January - 7days overdue

8am- we arrived at the hospital and got taken to my bed it was in a bay of 4 beds but the rest were empty and we had the room to ourselves. we waited till about 9 for them to come in, i was then hooked up to the monitor for another hour to check on bubs.

10am- they came back and inserted the gel on my cervix, at this time i was 2cm dliated and 3cm efaced. she explained that it could take 3 lots of gel and each gel needs to be inserted 6 hours apart so it may take a couple of days until baby arrives. so my next gel would be around 4pm. they needed to come and do obs every hour so we couldnt really go far but we went down to the little cafe and had some breaky.

1pm- i started getting regular tightenings across my belly which were quite achey but not painful.

2pm- tightenings were starting to get more painful and more frequent was too dificult to have a nap but kept trying to walk about through the tightenings.

4pm- they came back to do my internal before inserting more gel. but they were really suprised. my cervix was already softened and fully efaced so i wouldnt need more gel. i needed my waters breaking though so they had to go down to labour ward and write me down on the list so i would be next to have it done.

5pm- tightening were getting really unbearable which was scaring me as i wasnt in full labour yet, so went for a bath to see if that would ease it but it didnt do a thing, it just made it more awkward trying to get out the bath in the middle of a contraction lol glad no1 could see me haha.

6pm- finally got taken down to have my waters broken, but it was only down the corridor and i was going to be giving birth in that room so god help anyone coming in to get checked over cause i knew id frighten them screaming lol. the midwife was lovely she went and got both me and matt a butty and a yoghurt as i wouldnt be able to eat once my waters were broken, but i didnt feel like eating and only had half my butty was in too much pain. then she introduced me to the wonder that was gas and air. was so funny i felt so drunk off it just remember giggling at Matt and telling him he should try it.

7pm- my waters got broken, i remember her saying, either uve got a really baldy baby or i havent broke all your water, turned out she was a baldy baby and she hadnt broke all my waters, along with my waters came my plug lol.
i was then attatched to a drip to increase my contractions and make them stronger which was increased every hour and bloody killed lol. they also attatched me onto the monitor aswell which was a pain cause it meant i couldnt move about. was quite funny when i needed to go the loo though my nightie barely covered my bum cause i had the monitors on, and had no knickers on lol had a drip attatched to me and had my gas and air along with the fact i felt pissed matt and the midwife came with me out into the corridor as people were coming onto the ward i must have looked a right tit lol.

8pm- by now the contractions were getting unbearable i felt awful the gas and air was doing nothing just making me feel drunk and out of it so we went for the diamorphine.

9pm- the diamorphine had still not worked and i was in so much pain with the contractions i just remember crying to matt saying i couldnt do it anymore so finally decided on an epiduarl. i had to wait for the anaesatist to come and speak to me and then he came back about 20 mins later with the epidural, by now my midwife had changed and i had an even nicer one and she even had the same sirname as me.

10pm- i was given the epidural and remember having contraction ontop of contraction while he was doing it but managed to get through it.

10.30pm- epidural hadnt worked and i was still in agony crying my eyes out so they had to give me another stronger dose.

11pm- epidural had finally worked and was amazing but i just felt so out of it from the diamorphine it was awful i fell like id been out on the town all night and was off my head i could barely concentrate it was awful. the monitor for the baby kept going off when i moved so they had to put a clip on the babys head and take some blood from her head to check she was ok.

11.40pm- they checked me again and couldnt believe i had got to 10cm dilated already they were really shocked as id gone from 4 to 10 in about an hour. they moved me on my side and put one leg up in a stirrup which was weird as i couldnt feel my legs lol. remember asking the midwife if she reckoned she would be born on that day or if shed be born after midnight on the 27th she laughed and said itll be the 27th now. midwife started setting up the resussitation table for baby and i remeber looking at matt and both of us looked so scared. he said to me when they tell you to push f*cking push lol.

11.50pm- started pushing and just remeber putting my everything in to it lol, was really shocked matt even had a look at babys head which isnt like him, he faints at the sight of blood lol.

11.54- 4 minutes later and my beautiful baby girl was born, she started crying as soon as her head was out and me and matt both burst into tears she was finally here and she was ok. :cry: and 5 mins later the placenta was here, so it was all really quick. i had a 2nd degree tear from front to back so they needed to stitch me back up. and i started being sick from the epidural. i had a hemerage and lost 1500mls of blood they were shocked i didnt need a blood transfusion.

but all that didnt matter i was just made up i had my beautiful baby girl here, we named here Maisie Grace and she was 6lb 7 1/2 oz. she was perfect. :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

we sat in the room as a little family till about 4am i was exhausted, we even got tea and toast off the midwife and i finally got taken up to the postnatal ward just after 4. i didnt sleep one bit though just remeber staring at her and matt arrived bang on 9am bless him. he was amazing through it couldnt have done it without him. :cloud9: :hugs: :cloud9:
Wow congratulations, I had tears in my eyes towards the end, such a beautiful little girl and gorgeous name..congratulations x
your birth story is very similar to mine hunny except my epi didnt work when they came bk to top it up so i feel for ya lol, i love the name maisie too congratulations, bet its mad when u think back to it now


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