My OH has high DNA fragmentation and I have had 3 miscarriages between 8-10 weeks and one chemical. I have had every test under the sun and nothing found apart from slightly elevated NK cells. However all our miscarriages were due to chromosomal issues. OH had numerous fragmentation tests and it ranges from 44-51%.
Anything over 25 percent is higher risk of miscarriage, anything over 50 percent fragmentation is high risk of miscarriage. We were offered ivf with icsi with Imsi with Pgd. This might help.
I am so torn . Terrified of another miscarriage and also terrified ivf doesn't work. I am almost 37 and have not even tried for the last year as was having tests and then OH was on vitamins (although we did have a chemical in December).
It's sooooo hard to make a decison.
Options are TTC naturally
Donor sperm
IVF with PGD
I can't think or talk about anything else. My OH and my mum hear about nothing else. I change my mind daily.
My period is due any day and we have already had most preliminary tests for IvF (scans, hormone tests etc). So in 2 weeks I can either try naturally (and fall pregnant first or second try every time) or try IVF.
My chance of miscarriage by trying naturally is around 60%. Chances of ICSI with IMSI succeeding is around 30% and 20% chance of miscarriage.
I have seen 3 different consultants and they all said if we carry on trying out of ten tries at least 2 or 3 should statistically be fine. But with icsi and inside and PhD they only transfer chromosonally normal embryos.
Other thing is - I know people who have been doing IVF for 7 months and have cysts so have had to wait for months for them to go. I had 3 natural pregnancies in 9 months to 8,8 and 10 weeks
(fell pregnant first or second cycle after every miscarriage).
Any thoughts much appreciated
Anything over 25 percent is higher risk of miscarriage, anything over 50 percent fragmentation is high risk of miscarriage. We were offered ivf with icsi with Imsi with Pgd. This might help.
I am so torn . Terrified of another miscarriage and also terrified ivf doesn't work. I am almost 37 and have not even tried for the last year as was having tests and then OH was on vitamins (although we did have a chemical in December).
It's sooooo hard to make a decison.
Options are TTC naturally
Donor sperm
IVF with PGD
I can't think or talk about anything else. My OH and my mum hear about nothing else. I change my mind daily.
My period is due any day and we have already had most preliminary tests for IvF (scans, hormone tests etc). So in 2 weeks I can either try naturally (and fall pregnant first or second try every time) or try IVF.
My chance of miscarriage by trying naturally is around 60%. Chances of ICSI with IMSI succeeding is around 30% and 20% chance of miscarriage.
I have seen 3 different consultants and they all said if we carry on trying out of ten tries at least 2 or 3 should statistically be fine. But with icsi and inside and PhD they only transfer chromosonally normal embryos.
Other thing is - I know people who have been doing IVF for 7 months and have cysts so have had to wait for months for them to go. I had 3 natural pregnancies in 9 months to 8,8 and 10 weeks
(fell pregnant first or second cycle after every miscarriage).
Any thoughts much appreciated