Mangoes to melons week 26 last week of 2nd tri <<insert emotions here>>

Same here i told mw on monday i was feeling tired and really unwell but she wrote 'all ok' on my notes...thursday admitted to hospital with a pe! It must be a normal complaint for us preggo women but i would have thought she would have picked up on my tachycardia (racing heart rate) and raised bp though!
You'd like to think they would ey!

I think mine just copies all notes from the last time I was there :dohh: She usually has student MW with her doing everything and she sits on her bum basically doing nothing!
You'd like to think they would ey!

I think mine just copies all notes from the last time I was there :dohh: She usually has student MW with her doing everything and she sits on her bum basically doing nothing!

That sounds so familiar! :wacko:
I feel like my midwife wouldn't be happy if i said something felt wrong or i didn't feel well. She asks if everything is okay but she has this look on her face like 'if you tell me something is wrong i will slap you' i have been feeling so much worse this time so I'm not gonna wimp out and will just tell her
I feel like my midwife wouldn't be happy if i said something felt wrong or i didn't feel well. She asks if everything is okay but she has this look on her face like 'if you tell me something is wrong i will slap you' i have been feeling so much worse this time so I'm not gonna wimp out and will just tell her

Good for you hun i was worried about looking silly and left my symptoms when i should have listened to my gut feeling that something was seriously wrong x
I am sure none of the 3 MW's (yes we have 3 so don't see the same 1 each time) ready my noites as my BP is up and i only found out when i got home i normaly have low BP and it has allways been about 110 / 50 and when i went it was 135/70 and she said it was fine i am going to bring it up next time i go but that isn't untill the 14th.

How meany weeks are between appt now for every 1?
I only get then every 3 weeks now untill 40 weeks not the 2 then 1 that we used to get. i have seen my mw 4 times in the 28+ weeks
I think, from what my mw said, its just every 4 weeks until 36 weeks then every 2 weeks until baby is born. Got mw this morning so we'll see how she reacts to me actually having something to say before x
I am sure none of the 3 MW's (yes we have 3 so don't see the same 1 each time) ready my noites as my BP is up and i only found out when i got home i normaly have low BP and it has allways been about 110 / 50 and when i went it was 135/70 and she said it was fine i am going to bring it up next time i go but that isn't untill the 14th.

How meany weeks are between appt now for every 1?
I only get then every 3 weeks now untill 40 weeks not the 2 then 1 that we used to get. i have seen my mw 4 times in the 28+ weeks

It is normal for your bp to go up towards the end of pregnancy and as long as it is under 140/90 and theres no protein in your urine it doesn't really mean anything. Also they won't just do a one off reading and call you hypertensive they are likely to send you to hospital for monitoring and to see a doctor.
I am sure none of the 3 MW's (yes we have 3 so don't see the same 1 each time) ready my noites as my BP is up and i only found out when i got home i normaly have low BP and it has allways been about 110 / 50 and when i went it was 135/70 and she said it was fine i am going to bring it up next time i go but that isn't untill the 14th.

How meany weeks are between appt now for every 1?
I only get then every 3 weeks now untill 40 weeks not the 2 then 1 that we used to get. i have seen my mw 4 times in the 28+ weeks

It is normal for your bp to go up towards the end of pregnancy and as lopng as it is under 140/90 and theres no protein in your urine it doesn't really mean anything. Also they won't just do a one off reading and call you hypertensive they are likely to send you to hospital for monitoring and to see a doctor.

Yeah mine has risen every time I've been. It started out 98/54 and last time was 120/60 and has been higher every time I've been x
Blood pressure was actually lower today 105/55. I'm going to seen more often by the midwife because of the headaches and also because FH measured me 4 weeks ahead!!! If she's still measuring that far ahead in 2 weeks then I will probably have to go for a growth scan.
I was at the dr's this morning (I'm seeing a dr rather than a midwife). He said he would see me again in 4 weeks, then every 2 weeks after that, then from 36 weeks every week.

Although when I went to book my next appointment, it turns out he's away in 4 weeks, so I'm seeing him in 3 weeks instead.
still every 4 weeks till about 36 weeks then I think it's weekly after that.... the joys!
When is every 1 packing there bags? i have got almost every thing now (that i can rember) just need to find my bag. I am not planning on staying in more than i have to so i don't need much but i will put a few bits more in just incase i have to stay.

I think i am well and truly nesting now i had a big clear out of the bedroom yesterday then went on to the living room and put up the new table moved every thing round and my back was killing by the end of it i couldn't move last night. It is doing my head in that i can't do as much as i did befor this LO lets me know when it is time to just stop but when i am on a clean up i don't want to stop boooo! LOL
I have all the stuff for my bag sorted out but i am going to pack it over the next few days. With my health at the moment never know when i might need it! Tmr save the heavy lifting and moving for your dh you don't want to pull your back out and be hobbling round for the next 10 weeks with two children to look after!
I have most of the stuff i need but actually fine the idea quite daunting. We don't have all the things we need for her yet so to start preparing for the day i actually have her is a little scary.
I'm hoping for a homebirth still so hopefully wont need a bag, but I'll fling a few bits and pieces into one just in case, Probably do that soon because I'm so bored out of my head!

I do need to go and get some new PJ's, toiletries and stuff for it though, might do that today :)
I have all the stuff for my bag sorted out but i am going to pack it over the next few days. With my health at the moment never know when i might need it! Tmr save the heavy lifting and moving for your dh you don't want to pull your back out and be hobbling round for the next 10 weeks with two children to look after!

I wasn't lifting DH dosn't let me but just sitting on the floor tidying things away kills my back now.

Hope things are looking up for you not long to go now.
Hi ladys how are you all doing?

We have just spend the morning in hospital on L&D as i woke up to a bleed and Jaden not moving so went in they hooked me up for 30 min in this time Jaden didn't stop moving, They had a feel he is head down and almost in to my pelivs as he is realy low. He is spot on for dates as well. They had a look at my cervix and they look fine fully closed and long so sent me for a scan and i have ripped the musculs at the frount i felt a rip last night when i lifted my LO off me and it realy hurt but didn't think any more of it untill they said that so i have to not lift ANY THING.

When we was there there was a woman in labour realy screming it realy brot it home that next time i go in there that could be me it got me so scread even thoug i have done it 2 times befor. DH was LOL at the noise the woman was making as it sounded like she was moowing.
I've gotten to hate the words "how are you doing" because I feel like all I do is complain. My back is ridiculously achey, my rubs feel bruised like she's trying to make an escape but she's going the wrong way, but it also feels like someone is trying to prise open my pelvis at the front with a crowbar and I get these shooting pains whilst I'm walking that make me go on my tip toes they hurt that much. I want to cry all the time I'm so tired I'm huge, measuring 5 weeks ahead and feel like I'm going to give birth to an elephant. But apart from that I'm just dandy thanks.

I do apologise but OH has no sympathy whatsoever and I feel like I can't complain to friends because they've either not been through it and I don't want to put them off or had really easy pregnancies and think i'm making the whole thing up!
I know what you mean i am sick of ppl saying o you look very big for 30 weeks. I had 3 woman yesterday say it and that i was going to have a very big baby. They would never say things like that to some 1 that is not preg so why is it ok to say it to us.

I keep getting the feet pushed very hard in my ribs and he is pushing very low feels like he is trying to rip me apart.

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