*mangotango's* TWW Buddies with BFPs Due March 2014 (Everyone Welcome)!!

Hi Ladies!

Thank you so much for inviting me to this thread! That's so amazing!
Hope you ladies are all doing well!

I am doing fine so far. Had to take a few extra HPT's as my symptoms are almost non-existing. The only outstanding symptom I have so far is a really strong food aversion all things sugar. I am a person who normally has a very sweet tooth. I can't stand to taste anything sweet in my mouth. Sugar tastes like dishsoap to me.....:sick:

In regards to cravings. I am craving all things green and veggies, such as Spinach, broccoli, salads, kale, beans, peas. Can't get enough of that.

I guess that's good right? :)

I do have a little camping on and off and ligament pain.

Hope to hear from you all soon! :hugs:

So happy to hear from you!! I hear you on the wondering if the baby's still in there because hardly any symptoms thing! Even though I was nauseous the first few days, I haven't been nauseous all week now, so it's so strange! I am trying to just appreciate having no symptoms. I *am* quite emotional and sensitive, though. And I need to eat more often even if I don't really feel like eating.

That is so weird that you have an aversion to sugar! That has definitely not happened to me! And that is a very good thing that you are craving greens and veggies! Your baby is going to be very healthy. I have not really had any cravings yet except one day I craved dill pickle chips (not so healthy, but I thought it was appropriate that my first preggo craving involved 'pickle' flavour)! Oh, and the last few days I have become EXTREMELY bloated (immediately after I said that I was less bloated than usual, of course).

I can't wait to go to the doctor...it's going to make this thing so much more *real*. Oh, and can I just throw this out there...is anyone else just LOVING not having AF? I never expected to find it such a treat!
Hey ladies!

Thanks for the invite to this thread! :)

I am feeling totally exhausted and quite bloated, moody and emotional at times. Apart from that I'm feeling pretty normal so I keep worrying that there's something wrong too! Did another HPT tonight and it came up immediately with a very dark line so that's promising! :) I also have another digital which I'm saving to do next week coz I want to see 3+ ha ha!

I am planning on going to the dr this Monday but I know they just take your word for a pos hpt here and then put paperwork together so not that exciting! Then will have a booking in appointment with midwife at about 9 weeks and 12 week scan. Don't want to wait that long!!

I don't know EDD but I have calculated 10 March :)
Hey ladies!

Thanks for the invite to this thread! :)

I am feeling totally exhausted and quite bloated, moody and emotional at times. Apart from that I'm feeling pretty normal so I keep worrying that there's something wrong too! Did another HPT tonight and it came up immediately with a very dark line so that's promising! :) I also have another digital which I'm saving to do next week coz I want to see 3+ ha ha!

I am planning on going to the dr this Monday but I know they just take your word for a pos hpt here and then put paperwork together so not that exciting! Then will have a booking in appointment with midwife at about 9 weeks and 12 week scan. Don't want to wait that long!!

I don't know EDD but I have calculated 10 March :)

OK I'll mark you down for March 10th for now! Let me know if it changes!

That's exciting you get to see the dr today, but ya doesn't sound like you'll be doing a whole lot. So by scan does that mean you get your first ultrasound at 12 weeks? Sorry, I'm new to this whole being pregnant business!

Oh yes, I don't think there's any question about any of us being pregnant! We should stop being paranoid and just be happy we don't feel terrible (yet)! ahah! I hear you on the moody/emotional lately! I've definitely been that.
Hey ladies!

Thanks for the invite to this thread! :)

I am feeling totally exhausted and quite bloated, moody and emotional at times. Apart from that I'm feeling pretty normal so I keep worrying that there's something wrong too! Did another HPT tonight and it came up immediately with a very dark line so that's promising! :) I also have another digital which I'm saving to do next week coz I want to see 3+ ha ha!

I am planning on going to the dr this Monday but I know they just take your word for a pos hpt here and then put paperwork together so not that exciting! Then will have a booking in appointment with midwife at about 9 weeks and 12 week scan. Don't want to wait that long!!

I don't know EDD but I have calculated 10 March :)

OK I'll mark you down for March 10th for now! Let me know if it changes!

That's exciting you get to see the dr today, but ya doesn't sound like you'll be doing a whole lot. So by scan does that mean you get your first ultrasound at 12 weeks? Sorry, I'm new to this whole being pregnant business!

Oh yes, I don't think there's any question about any of us being pregnant! We should stop being paranoid and just be happy we don't feel terrible (yet)! ahah! I hear you on the moody/emotional lately! I've definitely been that.

Yeah, here they only do an ultrasound at about 12 weeks (which is a dating scan and where they look for down syndrome etc) and then another one at about 20 weeks (which is a growth scan). It's different in the US right?
I live on Canada and I think it might be the same here but I really have no idea because I'm new to this! I think they do an earlier ultrasound if a person is experiencing spotting or other signs of miscarriage
Yes that's the same here. I was tempted to say I'd had some spotting last time so I could get an early scan but I thought that would be tempting fate!! It's such a long wait to the 12 week scan though and it's made even longer if you're not telling anyone! Have you told anyone yet? I've told my parents and my uncle as we're very close but no one else yet. My DH doesn't understand why we can't tell his parents but I'm like, I haven't even been to the dr yet! Give me a couple of weeks to get used to the idea first!! ;)
I have told my very best friend but no one else. We are planning on telling my parents this weekend. My DH also can't understand why I don't want to tell his parents immediately either! 12 weeks *is* a really long time! Hopefully we can stand the wait. :)
so far I have told people at my work but thats becasue of the job i have i had to..because of my previous ectopic and possiblity of another i had to incase i doubled over in pain they would know how serious it is and not just cramps or something...also my immediate family knows but they all guessed..like my mom and brother and sis in law
I was about to tell my parents half an hour ago. My mom picked up and she said my grandma was on the other line ( I had told my grandmother this morning and made her promise not to tell anything to my parents). So my mom lets go of the hold button and the first thing I see is her screaming and crying saying "I can't deal with this right now, oh no oh no, I can't do this. Well, there we go my parents do not seem to be to happy about becoming grandparents the second time around. They weren't so thrilled the first time either. I should have know how this would play out, but what can I say I am an optimist and I really thought they would be happy for us.

I am very very sad, but I can't change them. If that is the way they want to deal with this situation it is up to them.

I was really hoping for a happy reaction this time around and it is much needed on my end. What can I say.... I am crushed and really sad, but luckily the rest of my husbands family is very happy and excited for us.

I am really happy for all you ladies though who received heartfelt wishes and congratulations from your family! :hugs:
I was about to tell my parents half an hour ago. My mom picked up and she said my grandma was on the other line ( I had told my grandmother this morning and made her promise not to tell anything to my parents). So my mom lets go of the hold button and the first thing I see is her screaming and crying saying "I can't deal with this right now, oh no oh no, I can't do this. Well, there we go my parents do not seem to be to happy about becoming grandparents the second time around. They weren't so thrilled the first time either. I should have know how this would play out, but what can I say I am an optimist and I really thought they would be happy for us.

I am very very sad, but I can't change them. If that is the way they want to deal with this situation it is up to them.

I was really hoping for a happy reaction this time around and it is much needed on my end. What can I say.... I am crushed and really sad, but luckily the rest of my husbands family is very happy and excited for us.

I am really happy for all you ladies though who received heartfelt wishes and congratulations from your family! :hugs:

So sorry to hear how their reactions where. Your a grown woman they are bound to be grandparents and sometime...im glad my mother didn't respond like that...I would have broke down..but I hope all ends well and I hope your mother apologizes to you or at least accepts the.idea eventuAlly
I was about to tell my parents half an hour ago. My mom picked up and she said my grandma was on the other line ( I had told my grandmother this morning and made her promise not to tell anything to my parents). So my mom lets go of the hold button and the first thing I see is her screaming and crying saying "I can't deal with this right now, oh no oh no, I can't do this. Well, there we go my parents do not seem to be to happy about becoming grandparents the second time around. They weren't so thrilled the first time either. I should have know how this would play out, but what can I say I am an optimist and I really thought they would be happy for us.

I am very very sad, but I can't change them. If that is the way they want to deal with this situation it is up to them.

I was really hoping for a happy reaction this time around and it is much needed on my end. What can I say.... I am crushed and really sad, but luckily the rest of my husbands family is very happy and excited for us.

I am really happy for all you ladies though who received heartfelt wishes and congratulations from your family! :hugs:

So sorry to hear how their reactions where. Your a grown woman they are bound to be grandparents and sometime...im glad my mother didn't respond like that...I would have broke down..but I hope all ends well and I hope your mother apologizes to you or at least accepts the.idea eventuAlly

Thank you so much for reply! :hugs:
Wow, so sorry Cloe that you parents had such a negative reaction. That must have been so hurtful!
I am worried about my dad's reaction as he tends to be quite negative about anything new.
We were going to tell my parents today but last night I had some mild twinges/stabbing pains on one side of my lower abdomen and this morning I noticed some light pink discharge so I am very worried I am miscarrying or have an ectopic pregnancy. I still want to tell then because my mom is a nurse and I want to ask her about it but I will feel bad getting their hopes up if I am about to lose the baby. So scared right now but I know pink discharge *can* be a normal sign so I am trying to stay calm and I will call my dr about it first thing tomorrow morning. Please pray!
A little background on me. Me and my BF had an unplanned pregnancy in Feb of this year. Shocked but excited, our families prepared for their first grandchild (on both sides). During my 8 week US, I heard the most beautiful heartbeat ever, 167 bpm. I also learned that I had a heart shaped uterus. Bicornuate. Our baby was in the left uterus. I was told light spotting would be normal as the right uterus was contracting too. One week later the spotting became heavier, but only slightly. I went in to double check and a different US technician said "well, do you want to know or should I tell the doctor first?" Err...what? She said "no heartbeat. i'm sorry." That was March 26th. I didn't even wait to see the doc. I just got up, grabbed my bag and walked the 2 minutes to my car where I lost any bit of control I had and cried like I was 5 years old. I don't wish that on my worst enemy..
Anyway, my D&C was 5 days later and now I'm pregnant again. We are not as excited as we should be, understandably. It's sad actually. We keep saying things like "we'll need this and that if this baby makes it". Also, we're not telling anyone and that's been very hard for me as all of my family and support is in Alabama and I feel like I''m keeping a secret. But I don't want to take them on that horrible ride again. That sucked for everybody...

With that said, I'm very hesitant to have my first US. I want to stay pregnant in my mind for as long as possible. I know that sounds insane, but I feel like if they can't tell me bad news, then there is no bad news.
A little background on me. Me and my BF had an unplanned pregnancy in Feb of this year. Shocked but excited, our families prepared for their first grandchild (on both sides). During my 8 week US, I heard the most beautiful heartbeat ever, 167 bpm. I also learned that I had a heart shaped uterus. Bicornuate. Our baby was in the left uterus. I was told light spotting would be normal as the right uterus was contracting too. One week later the spotting became heavier, but only slightly. I went in to double check and a different US technician said "well, do you want to know or should I tell the doctor first?" Err...what? She said "no heartbeat. i'm sorry." That was March 26th. I didn't even wait to see the doc. I just got up, grabbed my bag and walked the 2 minutes to my car where I lost any bit of control I had and cried like I was 5 years old. I don't wish that on my worst enemy..
Anyway, my D&C was 5 days later and now I'm pregnant again. We are not as excited as we should be, understandably. It's sad actually. We keep saying things like "we'll need this and that if this baby makes it". Also, we're not telling anyone and that's been very hard for me as all of my family and support is in Alabama and I feel like I''m keeping a secret. But I don't want to take them on that horrible ride again. That sucked for everybody...

With that said, I'm very hesitant to have my first US. I want to stay pregnant in my mind for as long as possible. I know that sounds insane, but I feel like if they can't tell me bad news, then there is no bad news.

I feel the same exact way that you do because yes i had my ectopic in may and here i am again pregnat and i go on thursday for my 6 week scan and i'm going half crazy just sitting here wondering and hoping and praying baby is in the right spot and the closer i get to the day i'm more nervous and its almost like i want to change my mind on going to doctor becasue i'm scared of the outcome and what they will tell me but i know its for the best...i'm praying that me and my love walk in there and here our lil ones heart beating healthy and in the right spot.
Wow, so sorry Cloe that you parents had such a negative reaction. That must have been so hurtful!
I am worried about my dad's reaction as he tends to be quite negative about anything new.
We were going to tell my parents today but last night I had some mild twinges/stabbing pains on one side of my lower abdomen and this morning I noticed some light pink discharge so I am very worried I am miscarrying or have an ectopic pregnancy. I still want to tell then because my mom is a nurse and I want to ask her about it but I will feel bad getting their hopes up if I am about to lose the baby. So scared right now but I know pink discharge *can* be a normal sign so I am trying to stay calm and I will call my dr about it first thing tomorrow morning. Please pray!

Thank you for your reply! I am feeling rather down today and I haven't even heard anything from my parents in regards to our pregnancy. I was hoping for an apology from my mom, but nothing so far.

In regards to your spotting, please try to stay calm and I hope everything goes well.

Please let me know how things turn out in the coming weeks please.

Big hugs! :hugs:
Wow, so sorry about your previous loss, Ambercali4nia. I can't imagine how hard that would be and I could definitely understand why you are a lot more cautious this time around and aren't as happy as you could be. Even without a previous loss, I am terrified of this baby not making it, especially after what happened last night/ this morning.

Danni1989, I am still hoping and praying you don't have an ectopic! I can see how you are slightly dreading your dr's appointment. So scary!

Cloe,sorry you are feeling so down. That is too bad your mom hasn't even apologized. I am sure after they warm up to the idea they will be very happy... but it's not fair to you that they aren't giving you the support and happiness you need!
I will try to stay calm and will definitely tell you how everything turns out. =/ I had no idea pregnancy would be so scary.
Wow, so sorry about your previous loss, Ambercali4nia. I can't imagine how hard that would be and I could definitely understand why you are a lot more cautious this time around and aren't as happy as you could be. Even without a previous loss, I am terrified of this baby not making it, especially after what happened last night/ this morning.

Danni1989, I am still hoping and praying you don't have an ectopic! I can see how you are slightly dreading your dr's appointment. So scary!

Cloe,sorry you are feeling so down. That is too bad your mom hasn't even apologized. I am sure after they warm up to the idea they will be very happy... but it's not fair to you that they aren't giving you the support and happiness you need!
I will try to stay calm and will definitely tell you how everything turns out. =/ I had no idea pregnancy would be so scary.

Well ladies, looks like this a great group for support. Seems we all need an extra pinch of TLC. You're all in my thoughts. Everything has its way of working out...
I was about to tell my parents half an hour ago. My mom picked up and she said my grandma was on the other line ( I had told my grandmother this morning and made her promise not to tell anything to my parents). So my mom lets go of the hold button and the first thing I see is her screaming and crying saying "I can't deal with this right now, oh no oh no, I can't do this. Well, there we go my parents do not seem to be to happy about becoming grandparents the second time around. They weren't so thrilled the first time either. I should have know how this would play out, but what can I say I am an optimist and I really thought they would be happy for us.

I am very very sad, but I can't change them. If that is the way they want to deal with this situation it is up to them.

I was really hoping for a happy reaction this time around and it is much needed on my end. What can I say.... I am crushed and really sad, but luckily the rest of my husbands family is very happy and excited for us.

I am really happy for all you ladies though who received heartfelt wishes and congratulations from your family! :hugs:

Keep your head up!!!
Yes! I am so glad we have such a supportive group here! I am very glad I met you all. =)

We told my parents tonight and they had very positive reactions. My mom was very excited and wanted to hear all about it. My dad was so surprised and so thrilled. Neither of my parents are usually very enthusiastic so I know that the enthusiasm they showed means they really are very happy! I am relieved by their reactions, but I almost feel a bit guilty getting their hopes up if something bad is going to happen to the baby. :( I would hate to crush their hopes. Hopefully nothing goes wrong...This first trimester is going to feel very long, I think.
Chloe... :hugs::hugs:
I am so sorry for what you are going through and how it must feel. I guess I don't know the "background" of your parents, and I'm sure you've thought this too, but...it's YOUR big event, not your parents. It's not something they have to "deal with" or "can't deal with this right now". It's your precious baby that YOU want and I'm sure you love already. It's so odd, it's like as if it's HER that is pregnant and can't deal and doesn't want it. I can't imagine not receiving that support. I know though, YOU will be the awesome-est mom to him or her. I hope you have other people in your life that are supportive and excited for you, you deserve it and deserve nothing but happiness! Don't let this knock you down, let it fuel you to love stronger!

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