Pregnancy is going perfect still, honestly never expected to have such a text book pregnancy! For some unknown reason, after having troubles TTC, I was expecting a hell of a time with morning sickness, growing pains, spots, pelvic pain and pregnancy diabetes. I can't believe how incredibly lucky I have been so far, and I'm loving every second of being pregnant! Even those where I complain because she's in an awkward position and hurting me
I had my midwife appointment in Holland on Tuesday, was incredibly quick. I had a diabetes test there as well, very different than England. No fasting (or even announced I was going to have it!), just a quick needle stab in the finger and instant result - other wise known as a regular diabetes test that I've seen my grandmother do millions of times. Once again they complemented me on how easy it is to feel my uterus. So happy about this, as a larger lady I'm constantly being told how easy it is and what a text book example my uterus is ... I'm not different! =D
Plus she came out with this massive but happy shock of a message ... 'As you know we'll be doing growth scans'. No, no I didn't! I thought I'd had my last scan at 20 weeks, turns out I'm getting at least 1 more scan / probably more! Woo-Hoo!!
So now I've got my private scan next week Friday, and a scan through the midwives on Mon. 21st of December. Really happy and now have even more reasons to look forward to December =)
Emskins - Good luck with the GTT next Wednesday, I'm sure you'll manage to stay strong for your little one. Hope the lady doing the test will be understanding and make things as easy as they can get for you.

- hope you'll be much better spirited when you get back
mummydee & RSbabe - Congrats on team Blue!!