Welcome, new mums, Jayceerae, Samlee08 & boom_chick
I'm in the same boat as you today, blondeNklutzi. I woke up feeling great, no symptoms other than sore nipples. I think today is going to be a symptom free day. Are you having any symptoms, fatigue, cramps, etc.?
Diana, wouldn't one of those tests be great!! Hopefully they make their way across the pond.
I slept well last night. If I woke up early I just stayed in bed until i fell back asleep. I'm still tired now too

I started having one sided pains last night and had a mini freak out, bit the pains were the same on either side, which reassured me. Maybe a cyst *shurg* or ligaments pulling.
DH told me last night he's not excited. I think he's really nervous. He got very excited with our last pregnancy and I think he's holding back for now. I know he'll get more excited once I get farther along. Same as me