March 2010 Mummies!!

Awww HS thats good news :) I called my Doctors Surgery last thurs to make an appointment and had to chase them up again today as not heard anything, they said shes only in on a will have to wait another few more days again.
Glad u have got yours booked already at least you know a date to work towards :)
Got my fingers x'd for you and your bean xxx
hey girls hows things i got my first doctors appointment on friday to tell them that im expecting i dont know how the system works down here when i was still in scotland a midwife would come to the drs surgery once a week but i think it maybe different here im gonna book in for a private scan in the next 2-3 weeks if i dont get one sooner on the nhs as im classed as higher risk ohhh yeah now for the anti d shots to begin gotta love being o' neg blood lol xxx
I got docs tomorrow cant wait xx getting pains though :-(
:happydance: good luck with the doctors everyone going, I was rushed for a scan yesterday as was bleeding alot and I had alot of difficulties when I had my twins.
Turns up im alot further gone then I thought do Im leaving the march mummies, good luck all. xxx
aww, that's actually quite good news MummyRachel! Hope the bleeding has stopped and the baby is fine. Enjoy yourself in, I'm asssuming, the Feb mummies club! =)

HayleyJJ, you will feel quite a bit of cramps and pain low in your stomach for the first couple of weeks. Everything is getting rearranged and stretching. Try not to worry or think the worst of them, it's likely they're just completely normal and don't mean anything is wrong.

Jenny25, sounds like fun! =/ But at least you know what you're looking forward to, and it sounds like you'll be looked after well! I probably won't even get any bloods done or anything until my first midwife appointment, which I'm expecting at around 9 weeks.
Sigh, my first prenatal is July 28. Seems so far away! OH is completely gone crazy, is already talking about cleaning out the spare room for a nursery, lmao. I don't think he realizes that (FX'd) we won't even see peanut for nine months!
Well, my bleeding stopped and it was only v v slight, so I'm hoping everything will be ok. Just spoke to my GP - he told me to call him this morning to update him but he actually phoned me before I got a chance, so sweet of him. :) He's going to refer to EPU again to get everything checked out, so I should hear back some time today with an appointment. Now that the bleeding's stopped, I'm not keen to have a scan this early, but we'll see what happens. Have been a bit all over the place emotionally, but am trying to now to just go forward on the basis that everything is ok unless and until we hear otherwise. Stick, baby, stick! <3

Hi Nattie

Sorry only just read through soooo pleased your bleeding stopped and it's all ok. I had very slight bleeding at 8 weeks with my daughter 12 years ago and it is scary. Luckily I was sent straight in for a scan and everything was fine just as they said an overactive LO!!!! Well living proof 12 years on is a real live wire with so much energy it's exhausting watching her!!!

So hope it all goes ok for you,just take care and do as your doc tells you!!!!

Been to the fertility clinic today, and he booked me in for an early scan. Not a dating scan, a viability scan. I think I prefer the sound of dating scans, but it's a scan non the less! =D So my first scan will be on the 20th of July at 8:10 in the morning.
Hi girls

It's nice to see the thread nice and busy. My latest is that I've had no more bleeding since, and I have a scan booked for Tuesday morning. Now that I've calmed down, I'm glad they've left it a few days - we have a better chance of seeing something that way. I'll be at least 6+1 by then. In my last pregnancy we only ever saw a gestational sac, and it never grew big enough to determine for sure whether there was an embryo. If we can at least see a yolk sac as well this time, I'll be over the moon. Keeping everything crossed.

Jacci, I just wanted to thank you in particular for leaving a message. I know things must be bloody awful for you at the moment, and I really appreciate it. :hugs:

Kel, whereabouts in FL are you? My husband is a native Floridian, though he lived in a few other places in the US before moving over here. He was brought up in Fort Lauderdale and Merritt Island and also lived in Gainseville. His Mom and stepfather live in Cocoa, and his grandparents are in Inverness in Citrus County. We'll be over visiting them in October, so a mini-meet might not be completely out of the question. ;)

Erised, 20 days seems a huge discrepancy between your date and your doctor's! If I haven't messed up the maths, by your dates you should be about 7 1/2 weeks by the time of your scan, so should hopefully be able to see your LO.

Is anyone else hating this weather? I just keep telling myself I'm lucky to be getting it out of the way now rather than having to deal with it when heavily pregnant. Can't wait for it to cool down though.
Yup, I think you're correct on the dates. I believe I'll be 7+3, which would be a lovely time for a scan =D The baby would obviously be much too small to see properly, but hoping we can at least pick up on a heartbeat by then.

I'm loving the weather! I'm sweating a lot, and complain about the heat ... but I wouldn't want to change it. I love hot sunny weather, and really miss it as England seems to have less of it than Holland did. Can't imagine coming from Florida to England, it was bad enough after our honeymoon ... but to have lived there and come back here, no ta! I'll stick with the Florida weather when possible.

Also, very jealous you'll be going there in October. We were hoping to be able to make it over again in September, but with baby expenses coming up now I really doubt we'll be able to afford it.

Can i join?

Im Hazel(22) and OH is (27)sted last night and got a Bfp!

According to dates and things i'm due March 10th, Seems a long way away, but i know it'll fly in.

Anyone else got a cat/kitten, We have a 7 month old kitten so kinda worried we might have to find a temp home for her:(

Hazel x
Booked my Early Scan today! For 20th of July in the evening! Going Private so it I hope its worth it, Erised you are having yours on same day as me hun! Accordng to my dates I reckon i'll be 7 + 5 whe I have it done, I have a feeling it will be a vaginal probe one, not looking forward to that! xx
:happydance: good luck with the doctors everyone going, I was rushed for a scan yesterday as was bleeding alot and I had alot of difficulties when I had my twins.
Turns up im alot further gone then I thought do Im leaving the march mummies, good luck all. xxx

Good luck hun!! :) xx
Congrats Swazzle! =D Hope you have a healthy 9 months

Bigbloomerz, I think I'll probably get a vaginal scan too due to being larger size. I've had one before when checking my ovaries, so I'm not too worried about it. I didn't feel anything at the time, so I doubt it will give me and problems this time around. Your bubs will only be a couple of days older than mine, so wonder if we'll be able to see a difference =D
I've got my scan at 8:10 in the morning, so I'll try and get a picture up before you go to yours ... just in case you're curious. That said, we'll be back in with the MIL again by then *sigh* (doubt we'll have found somewhere new by then, but one can hope), so will have a task ahead of me getting a photo taken and put online without her coming in and noticing it.
Hi everyone!!! Just want to say March is a fantastic month to have a baby!!!:rofl: I am a March 2009 mummy!!! I wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months and I know I found so much support in our "march mummies" forum!!!! I can't believe it is a year ago I was in your situations!!! Lots of :dust: for you all!!! It won't be long before you have your babies in your arms and my little bean will be one!!!

:hug:to you all!!!

Can i join?

Im Hazel(22) and OH is (27)sted last night and got a Bfp!

According to dates and things i'm due March 10th, Seems a long way away, but i know it'll fly in.

Anyone else got a cat/kitten, We have a 7 month old kitten so kinda worried we might have to find a temp home for her:(

Hazel x


We have a 1 yr old cat, and we are planning on keeping him. OH is dealing with the litter box, lol. He's none to happy about that!
NattieLou, I live in Tampa. Inverness is only about an hour away from me. My DH has family in that area too. So we should definately get together when you visit in October.
Erised, are you Dutch? I can definitely do without Florida summers - hellish to me. Winter is lovely though. My husband had lived in Florida for years before moving here, so it wasn't so much of a shock, but he did really struggle the first winter with the lack of light rather than the cold. We'll also be going to Chicago in October, so it will be a real contrast in climates. We're lucky enough that my husband is pretty much guaranteed to be sent to the biggest conference in his field which moves around between major US cities annually. So he gets his flights paid for by work and we only have to fund me, so we use it as a time to visit family too. It makes a huge difference in the affordability.

Hi Hazel - welcome. :) Is this your first pregnancy?

Bigb, I'll second Erised in that the transvaginal scan is really a lot better than you'd imagine. The probe is very slim and I'd say there was really only a couple of uncomfortable moments in the 4 internal scans I've had. It'll be fine. :hugs:

Small world, Kel! :) We'll keep in touch and then maybe swap contact details nearer the time. The most terrifying experience I've ever had in a car was going from Tampa to Naples at night in the mother of all thunderstorms. My husband kept reassuring me that he was a FL boy and used to driving in those conditions, but he did admit afterwards it was the worst he'd experienced too. Scary stuff.

Hayley, I saw on the 1st Trimester board that your trip to the doctor's wasn't exactly a roaring success. Let's you hope you get a good, supportive midwife team. Oh and I have to ask, which one are you in your av? Oddly, I have really strong feeling about which one you are based on nothing whatsoever, so I'll have to see if I'm right. :laugh2:
Yup, I'm Dutch =)
Been living in England for the last couple of years though, as DH is English. That said, we'd both love to get out of this country and will hopefully be moving back to Holland again soon ... but in the long term, we want to move to the states. My preference would be Florida, thought not sure DH completely agrees even though he does love it there. But hey ho, for now we're 'stuck' in England.

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