Alrighty, I feel like it's definitely time to officially introduce myself and bump~
Due March 20th (my mother's birthday!) and also the date DH and I *officially* started trying, so it's true what they truly say about things coming full circle.
7wk & 12wk U/S have shown a perfect, right on target, active baby! Next U/S is October 4th @ 16wks and our midwife said we *should* be able to tell the gender!! If we don't find out, there's a local lady in our area who "guarantees" gender at 16wks, but we'd probably hold out another week or two if we don't find out at our regular appt if we can't tell or maybe just to confirm! Hubby swears up and down it's a girl from the moment I got my BFP, but I have boy vibes. Both of us only have sisters, so there's lots of girls in the family! Little One will have all aunties!
No flutters here yet....I'm still in awe that I just started really being able to feel where my actual uterus is starting around 13wks. I can't wait to experience baby on the move!
I'm pretty thin, not showing yet that I can tell, but certain pants are definitely more confortable when I leave the top button undone LOL