March 2013 babies - we all have our beautiful babies :)

Wow Anna you've got a brilliant sleeper! I wish Emma would do that!

Well ladies I caved... OH and I are going to start trying for #2 in December! He's been slowly asking for another and I've slowly been getting used to it. If I get pregnant right away then Emma and her sibling will be 18 months apart
That's so exciting heaven :)

Talking about ttc again (and believe me I know how mad this sounds already having 4 kids!), buuuuuuuutt I have to say I'm tempted! I'd forgotten how wonderful having a little person about is. I honestly thought talking to DH about it would result in an immediate no, but he wasn't anywhere near as opposed to it as I thought he would be. Now nothing is set in stone, but it is possible that we will be ttc again around Rubens 1st birthday :)
heaven - exciting! I'm totally not ready yet but it's starting to seem more appealing :thumbup:

anna - william is so big now! very cute

baby_maybe - 5 kids! that would be sooooo cool! we wanted 4 but got cold feet after the first few months of number one :wacko: Plus I'm 35 so I'm not sure we'll get too many in…but time will tell!

We're doing well…*still* no teeth! Still drooling TONS…we've made some progress in crawling but not too much. She gets places but not in any kind of smooth motion. :haha: I think it's super cute…here is another short video from this past weekend :flower:

Can't believe Hayden is 7 months already! Time is really flying by. She's definitely in a clingy phase. Apparently around this time they realize that we leave them when we walk away and she's been very unhappy about that. Hopefully it will pass soon as I feel terrible for the nanny who gets a screaming kiddo every time she seems me (which is often since I don't really leave the house but use the time to get things done here!!!). We're still working our way through various veg and fruit purees. So far, carrots and butternut squash are her favorites! She didn't like peaches or apple which I thought she'd love...but she's eating all her veggies so I'm happy :happydance:

Here's another recent shot on the swings...she LOVES swinging!
Wow thinking of TTC already!! I must admit I am quite broody. It will be another few years for us though :(

Mrs c have you tried mixing pear with the apple? Alfie used to dislike them seperately but he likes them together as the purée is a bit smoother. I also steam them for 10 mins so they are super soft before I blend them to avoid bits. Mango is a massive favourite of Alfie's he would happily eat it all day!

We have started meats... Alfie has had pork and potato and spaghetti bolognese. He wasn't too struck on the pork but did seem to enjoy the spag Bol - he did gag a bit though as there were a few lumps. Was a bit scary but I guess he has to get used to them. He has also tried natural yoghurt now and didn't react which is a relief :) now the real test will be real milk... I might make a cauliflower cheese or something in the next few weeks and see how it goes.

Alfie's top two teeth are really bothering him. I hope they finish coming through soon, it's taking so much longer than the bottom ones! He isn't crawling yet but has started to bring his knees up a bit when on his front and does what I call 'the worm!' He has also started rolling from front to back a bit more now that he brings his knees right up.

Since we did the sleep training Alfie is doing so much better at night. He has been waking increasingly early but is only really waking once or twice between 10 and 6. Our version was a modified version - I would rock him until very sleepy then put him down in the cot. He would cry and I would leave him until he sounded very upset and then go back,
Rock him again and repeat until he was asleep. It took about 2 nights of bad crying and then after that it has been more whinging and the last few nights (except last night) he has just whinged for 30 secs then gone to sleep! So much better than before :)
Mrs c - Hayden is so gorgeous and clever her with the crawling, she's so close! Ruben is no where near, but I don't think I'm ready to be casing him around just yet :haha: he's also being clingy and crying every singe time I disappear out of sight, it's challenging but hopefully won't last too long!
I know it's mad wanting another, I never thought I would especially since being pregnant with Roo was stressful at times. I think the reason I'm more open to it than I ever was before is because we know there's a chance for either a boy or a girl now, whereas before Roo we thought we were destined to have all girls!

Rose - it think its Roo's teeth which have sent him a bit off lately. He's not eating as much as he was and keeps feeling at the tooth with his tongue while I'm feeding him. Maybe it feels strange to him when he's got food in his mouth? No sign of any others yet but I'm sure it won't be long. Glad he didn't react to the yoghurt, that's a good start and it might have just been a particular ingredient in the porridge which didn't agree with him rather than the milk :)
Love the picture ladies! Growing too fast :cloud9:

Kaylee's first bottom tooth is out :yipee:
Her gum is swallen and the top of her tooth has broke through. She's doing very well, I wouldn't have even known she was teething if I didn't check her gums lol
Good luck Hevan and BabyMaybe when you come to TTC again :flower:

MrsC: Lovely pics and vid! :) I can't wait for Sophie to swing but they changed the baby swings by us and they aren't as safe for younger babies :( Hope the separation anxiety stage passes soon, Sophie is like that but only for her Dad or Granddad, its a man thing it seems for her at the moment :wacko: I think it's just the start! I went for a evening at a friends house and she had to come along because of it, cheeky madam, but she was as good as gold thankfully. Sophie is also a fountain of drool with no teeth to show for it!

Rose: Glad the sleep training is going well :thumbup:

babymaybe: Glad it doesn't seem to be the milk that set him off :thumbup:

Sharn: Hurray for the tooth! :flower:

There most certainly is no TTC anymore here, I'm not really broody which is a good thing as OH had the snip so it's never going to happen! That's okay though, I happy with two. My friend has 5 with another on the way! I think if you want lots of kids, go for it, my Dad was one of 5, I guess with anything you just adapt :)

Sophie has begun weaning now, she has only had a little bit of apple puree I made her, so it's the very start but she seems to enjoy joining in now more than anything at food time, rather than the food. :haha:

Right, best be off, I'm supposed to be getting organised and prepared for a job interview! Excited, nervous, scared, hopeful!
Good luck with your interview Kte!

Has anyone got experience with childminders? We are looking around for one and its so hard to choose!
Just wanted to share some pics with you ladies. This is some of ethans 6 month photo shoot i did today. His clothes are all too big lol theyr 6-9 months but I couldn't resist.

Glas everyone ia doing well...lost of drooling babies lol. Wee still no teeth but the thrush is finally clearing...were on our 2nd round of treatment!
Aww he's so cute sethsmummy!

We've got one tooth so far and in the last week Ruben has started saying mama and dada. He's also much better at sitting independently for longer periods of time now. Still no closer to crawling though, I'm sure he'll end up a bum shuffler and go straight to walking instead!
Thanks hun!

weve still no teeth...weve a sharp bit on his gum but nothing visible! Ethans the same with crawling...he tries bt just pushes himself backwards lol he sat by himself for the 30 mins photo shoot today! I wonder if hell bum shuffle....if I hold under his arms he walks...although he wont do it just holding his walker lol I still have to hold under his arms or he just stops lol.

weve got mama too but no dada yet haha oh is not impressed.
:haha: My DH was so not impressed that his only boy said mama first either!

Yeah the sitting thing just seems to have happened overnight. One day he was still needing support at the sides and now all of a sudden he'll sit independently for at least 30 minutes or more!
Hahaha for some reason most think they are guaruntees to say dada first lol both my boys have said dada first.

ethan was the same hun, one day hes still face planting the floor after 2 minutes and the next hes sat quite happy. Hes now startes sitting up in hia bouncy chair too lol

I managed to get him on hands and knees yesterday for a minute he rocked then went splat on his face lol
My daughter is 7months old and I just got my cycle back, today is CD 4 & I normally only have 4-5 day cycles. My hubby and I are so excited to start trying for baby #2! Anyone else ready to try again? I'm planning to test around Halloween? (Probably a couple days earlier, let's be honest I probably won't be able to wait until the 29th when AF will be due back)
Sethsmummy: Lovely pictures, the braces and flat cap - soooooooooooo cute! :flower:

Sportysgirl: Best thing to do it go and visit a few and see how they are, what the houses are like and what the other kids are like with them, the kids are most important to me as very littlies can't lie and you get a good sense of how they are. We had a child minder with Chloe and essentially her set up was the same as the nursery we moved her to . . because this particular child minder tried to convince me to wean Chloe at 4 months of age, she was trying to say Chloe acted a certain way but Chloe was completely different at home so I was having none of it. That said, they aren't all bad so I'm not trying to put you off, just ask as many questions as possible and don't let them tell you how to do things, they should support you and your decisions. Good luck :flower:

Sophie can sit for great lengths now too. She has her arms and legs all over when she is on her tummy, if she just used them to push! She scoots around on her back a bit and she wants to stand lots now, seriously wanting to walk before she can crawl. If only she would give it a go . . then I will be eating my words - she is into everything even without moving! :haha:

The inverview went well thanks :flower: I got the job, just waiting to sign the paper work, so excited, it means I can work as well as look after Sophie and Chloe. Money is a bit hit but I would of had to leave where I worked anyway so it's actually a plus. Soooo excited, its at the Junior school that is less than a minute away from where I live. Feeling so lucky!
Congratulations on the job kte :)

I can't believe a childminder tried to convince you to wean early, it crazy that she would be that pushy. My childminder would never dream of trying to push parents to making decisions before they're ready.
Well done Kte that's excellent news :D must be such a relief knowing it's all sorted!

Alfie swam up to the surface today at swimming for the first time :) so proud of him! He didn't even cry
Yeah, it was more for her than for Chloe, she was very pushy! I think she forgot how time consuming a baby could be, she just wanted her settled all the time, I don't know what she did with Chloe as she was the most contented happy baby at home and with grandparents but she always said she cried and wouldn't settle. She thought food would keep her quiet! We can laugh now at least, I do think she was more of an exception though, thankfully most are more professional than that. Thank goodness we knew better and stood up to her!

Rose: Well done Alfie :flower:

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