******March Lambs******~105 new arrivals~

Those naughty babies...I didn't even manage to make it on here yesterday and was hoping that maybe there would be some updates from mummies of overdue lambs :(

Maybe tonight's the night girls :hugs: xx I feel your pain, having had Lachie at 41+1 :wacko: And that was after a sweep, who knows when the cheeky bugger would've come otherwise!

Got him to bed without a hitch last night! My mum was a gem and offered to have me come and stay at hers round the corner, as she saw my facebook status about being up from 11pm til 3am with him feeding and not wanting to go down. She said she would walk him around until he was asleep so I could get some good rest. Really helped :cloud9:

And last night he was still carrying on like normal (and it seems 11 and 4 are times he will stick to..) but I managed to give him the dummy and he went to sleep, after some settling 'grunting' like noises. Trick with the dummy is to just hold it in their mouth for about 20 seconds, right in there until they start sucking it. Seems to work now :dance: He slept with it in and complained when I pulled it out :rofl: Only using it for nighttime though

xxx Hope everybody's well and the overdue lambs aren't pulling their hair out too much :hugs:
Ahh Rosy was fab pics, such a gorg lil man!

As for the sleeping thing your not alone hun, we've been having similar with Chase, he was terrible Sat night and Sunday daytime, then a dream Sunday night but then last night a nightmare again. He started feeding at 9:30pm and i was hopeful of being in bed by 11ish, well 3am he finally went to sleep! Everytime he fell asleep on te boob i would leave him to get in to a deep sleep before trying to put him down, yet as soon as he went down he would wake crying and rooting :wacko:.

At about 12pm he also for the first time got awful wind he couldn't get up, he was crying so much and you could see he was in pain it was awful hubby took over winding him and he eventually managed some big burps :haha: hubby was saying it was because he was feeding too long but i couldn't get him off :shrug: and then he went back on again for hours.

We too tried a dummy, it was so funny he initially sucked, then his face would frown and he'd spit it out once he realised there was nothing coming from it, he looked totally horrified we'd given him it! I wasn't too keen on him having a dummy but if it means sleep i'd give it a go but it seems he doesn't want too so i''ll have to grin and bear it. Ooh let me know if the sling works and i may try that.
:shock: Omg they're sleeping habit twins :rofl: That's insane...were you getting as upset as I was? It was doing my head in :nope: Well now that the dummy's worked for my little guy fingers crossed it will work for you xxx
Well, it was long, traumatic and I ended up in the high dependency unit for 2 days, but Ihad my little man on Saturday 27th March!

I had a sweep on the Wednesday, starting getting contractions Thursday morning, had a show that night/Friday morning and also had a second sweep. The contraction got closer and closer together until they were 4 or 5 minutes apart so I went to triage. My waters hadn't broke and my cervix was still closed so I was sent away with a lateny labour leafeft! Contraction got worse and worse. I hardly slept and was getting contractions every 2 or 3 minutes. I went back to the hospital and was told I was 4-5cm dilated!

Things went down hill after that...After 4 hours I was only 6 cms and 1 1/2 hours after that I was still 6cms dilated so I asked for morphone ang it reall slowed my contractions down.. They transfered me to consultant led care. I was given a drip to help things along at this point and that was not nice! Baby's heart rate dropped, the put a monitor on his head and as I was 7cm I had to decided about an epidural at that point. I said yes. That made his heart rate drop again, they examined me and I was 10cm, they took me to try theater to try a forceps delivery but things were to urgent si I was given general anesthetic and gad an emergency c section.

I lost lots of blood and had a transfusion, was very anaemic, blood pressure seriously low and pulse very high.

Was sent to a regular ward a couple of days latee and am now home! Harry Joseph is perfect and we love him so much!

Wow, that took foever with one hand!
Well, it was long, traumatic and I ended up in the high dependency unit for 2 days, but Ihad my little man on Saturday 27th March!

I had a sweep on the Wednesday, starting getting contractions Thursday morning, had a show that night/Friday morning and also had a second sweep. The contraction got closer and closer together until they were 4 or 5 minutes apart so I went to triage. My waters hadn't broke and my cervix was still closed so I was sent away with a lateny labour leafeft! Contraction got worse and worse. I hardly slept and was getting contractions every 2 or 3 minutes. I went back to the hospital and was told I was 4-5cm dilated!

Things went down hill after that...After 4 hours I was only 6 cms and 1 1/2 hours after that I was still 6cms dilated so I asked for morphone ang it reall slowed my contractions down.. They transfered me to consultant led care. I was given a drip to help things along at this point and that was not nice! Baby's heart rate dropped, the put a monitor on his head and as I was 7cm I had to decided about an epidural at that point. I said yes. That made his heart rate drop again, they examined me and I was 10cm, they took me to try theater to try a forceps delivery but things were to urgent si I was given general anesthetic and gad an emergency c section.

I lost lots of blood and had a transfusion, was very anaemic, blood pressure seriously low and pulse very high.

Was sent to a regular ward a couple of days latee and am now home! Harry Joseph is perfect and we love him so much!

Wow, that took foever with one hand!

That sounds like you had a really stressful and unpleasant time hun, I'm sorry to hear that - glad your little boy is here now though and happy and healthy, so glad he's appeared at last :hugs: :hugs: Well done, you did great! :flower:
aww you go there in the end girl friday,

hey my lovely overdue ladies, it doesnt really matter if your not getting the signs i wasnt either if you remember in fact my cervix was postior and thick and not looking good for anything on Wed morning at 11:30, and he was here by 7am on friday things can happen really quickly for some women so dont lose hope.

MW came again today and growled at me caus i look anemic still got my blood test next week on tuesday but I am still feeling weaker than normal and get dizzy if i get up to fast or spend too long on my feet.
Im not getting alot of sleep either , EJ was up till after 3am and only gave in and slept in my arms till 8 then we were up again, he has had some more sleep today than he did yesterday but doesnt like settling for me without kicking up a fuss or being held.

Nate was a much easier newborn to deal with than this at least thats how i remember it being, had lots of really emotional moments too , lots of tears and having trouble with feeding as hes not draining the breast properly and i cant figure out why.got no trouble with supply im full again completly within 2 hours of giving him over an hours worth of feeding which is annoying me caus my boobs are solid rocks and its not making the nipples easier to deal with
So, seeing as it's no longer March, I thought I'd have a quick update on the Lambs

Lamb #106 - girl friday due 18th March - Baby Boy born 27th March
Lamb #107 - loopylin due 20th March - Deegan born 31st March
Lamb #108 - Fran_Cesca due 22nd March - Robyn born 19th March (I think)
Lamb #109 - lizzieandzara due 22nd March - Zara born 28th March (I think)
Lamb #110 - mamato2more due 29th March - Peter and Kallen born 29th March

Lambs who were being born (waters broke/contractions etc) according to last post:
luna - waters broke 27th Feb (no posts since 28th Feb)
ethan amelia - waters broke 29th March
OULINA - CS booked for 31st March
green lady - went to labour ward 31st March
Mendy - was in labour 31st March
Emx - contractions started 1st April

Inductions booked:
carly j - 27th March
LisaO80 - 2nd April
hopeforamirac - 3rd April
30thMarch2010 - 3rd April
Hattie80 - 4th April
:shock: Omg they're sleeping habit twins :rofl: That's insane...were you getting as upset as I was? It was doing my head in :nope: Well now that the dummy's worked for my little guy fingers crossed it will work for you xxx[/QUOTE]

The other night i was just sat in bed with him feeding and i just wanted to cry i was just so tired :sleep: It does just drive you mad, yesterday he fed from 7.30pm and i couldn't get him down until 1.15am, he then slept till 5am :thumbup: went back down at 7am till 9am so i managed 6 hours broken down of sleep. This is definately the hardest part of bf for me but i do love him bf and i'm determined to persevere with it, hoping it's a growthspurt.

Don't think were going to be able to persuade Chase on the dummy front :nope: i tried him again last night and it made him gag, i felt so horrible. The first time we tried him he did suck on it, before screwing up his face and spitting it out, i think he just really dislikes it.

Wow what a star your mum is hun and glad you managed a sleep x

Does anyone elses LO seem to forget to breath sometimes? Chase has done it 3 times now and it scares the shit out of us (excuse my french). Twice when feeding, he'll like all of a sudden gasp and make a squeaky noise, like when you breath in suddenly. But last night he was just lying in my arms after feeding and i was hoping he was going to fall asleep, when he made that noise, inhaled really deeply then did a few really fast breaths. All i can describe it as is like he forgets to breathe. I'm going to speak to the hv but wondered if anyone else has had this with their LO?

Sending overdue lambs labour dust :dust::dust::dust: can't wait for more new arrivals x
I dont come online much anymore but congratulations to all the new arrivals! :) xxxx
Hi All

just a quick update, my darling GIRL arrived this morning at 2:27am weighing 6lbs 10oz, after a long labour and beautiful delivery in the pool. I managed on only a bit of gas and air at the end and when she came out she was very calm. We have named her Flora and are totally smitten with our little lady :cloud9:

I'll do a proper birth story in a day or two. Thanks for all you support and :dust: to everyone still waiting!!
greenlady congrats on your little darling,
make sure you get plenty of sleep when baby is sleeping
Euan was born on the 1st of March - 6lbs 15. Hadnt updated as we are sooo busy!
Hi All

just a quick update, my darling GIRL arrived this morning at 2:27am weighing 6lbs 10oz, after a long labour and beautiful delivery in the pool. I managed on only a bit of gas and air at the end and when she came out she was very calm. We have named her Flora and are totally smitten with our little lady :cloud9:

I'll do a proper birth story in a day or two. Thanks for all you support and :dust: to everyone still waiting!!

I had a feeling you would have a pink one :cloud9: What a pretty name!! And I'm so glad you got the water birth you wanted, my little guy was incredibly calm too. It's so lovely :) Well done and congrats hun xx

And :dust: :dust: to mummydee and cocoaone! xx
So, seeing as it's no longer March, I thought I'd have a quick update on the Lambs

Lamb #106 - girl friday due 18th March - Baby Boy born 27th March
Lamb #107 - loopylin due 20th March - Deegan born 31st March
Lamb #108 - Fran_Cesca due 22nd March - Robyn born 19th March (I think)
Lamb #109 - lizzieandzara due 22nd March - Zara born 28th March
Lamb #110 - mamato2more due 29th March - Peter and Kallen born 29th March
Lamb #111 - greenlady due 31st March - Flora born 1st April
Lamb #112 - Luna due 14th March - Euan born 1st March

Lambs who were being born (waters broke/contractions etc) according to last post:
ethan amelia - waters broke 29th March
OULINA - CS booked for 31st March
Mendy - was in labour 31st March
Emx - contractions started 1st April

Inductions booked:
carly j - 27th March
LisaO80 - 2nd April
hopeforamirac - 3rd April
30thMarch2010 - 3rd April
Hattie80 - 4th April

Congratulations greenlady and Luna! :flower:
hi girls, had my lady zara 6 days overdue on the 28th after a 54 hour labour- what fun! Ha. Will post birth story later as i am on my mobile now. Congrats to all the other new mummies! X x
congrats greenlady. luna and lizzieandzara!!! :dance:

still waiting on cocoaone and mummydee... aarrgh come on babies!! xxx
Hi ladies :flower:
hope all is well with everyone, I don't post much anymore because my computer died so I'm on my phone and it takes a very long time to post, but I am on everyday reading :) (when my little man allows me 5min lol). My mum thinks he is spoilt because the second I put him down or stop rocking him in my arms, he screams, I was holding him for nearly 5hrs straight the other day. I have a carrier but he is a teeny bit small for it at the moment so I need to buy a sling I think.
Oh jj-rabbit - YES!! I thought Jesse was the only one that had done it, he has forgotten to breathe twice! It's extremely scary! I've actually decided I'm going to take a CPR course in case he doesn't start breathing on his own one of the times.
I'm so tired! Sometimes when he's up after a feed he just wants to stare for hours, n I have to hold him while he's doing it, even the mobile we bought doesn't work lol.
Cocoaone n mummydee- I'm sending you both all the labour dust I can muster up! :dust: :dust: :dust: cmon babies! I'll get Jesse to send some telepathic baby vibes to them :haha:
if that worked, than that is my little man :) if it didn't feel free to pm me n get my facebook details as there are piks on there
Hi there, could you please make ma March lamb?I was due June 4th but Gabriel James decided to escape early and got here on March 31st!
Good morning just a quick popping while kaylas sleeping. Was wondering if any of the march mums have made a postnatal thread as I would still like to keep talking to you all and hearing about what the littles ones are up too. We can't stay in third tri forever.
Just thought it would be nice I would make one but I don't have a clue how to edit the threads :s !. I'm terrible. While we wait on that has anyone had there 6 week check yet? I've got mine on the 12th and don't really no what to expect. And has anyone started exercising ow and wait lose girls how's that going?

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