Im so excited...Im due March 1st so hard to know wether im going to pop Feb or March! Its seems to run in my family that we go early...can this be tradition??
Feeling very achey down there and difficult to walk today also strange discomfort in my mid-lower abdominim like buba's shoulders are leaning on the bottom of my belly! Only at times though.
Im so excited...Im due March 1st so hard to know wether im going to pop Feb or March! Its seems to run in my family that we go early...can this be tradition??
Feeling very achey down there and difficult to walk today also strange discomfort in my mid-lower abdominim like buba's shoulders are leaning on the bottom of my belly! Only at times though.
My family tend to go early too and i've also been feeling the same. Lots of pressure and achey periody cramps etc
Ive been looking forwards to Feb for a long time so I can say my bubs will be here next month! Im actually due 30 March but I have a feeling he'll be here a week or 2 early as Im huuuge and been getting lots of twinges! Im ready but just enjoying being on leave thank god for sky plus!