Mastitis for the first time


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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I have a daughter who is 3 years 10 months and as still nursing twice a day (although she'd prefer 4 to 6 times a day). I also have a son who is 17 months old. I let him nurse on demand. I also nurse him to sleep or if he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to nurse. Well, I went back to work (summer break. I'm a teacher) last week on Thursday. The first two days, I pumped during my lunch hour and this week, I didn't pump until I got home. This was working fine until yesterday (Thursday). In the wee hours of the morning, I woke up with a painful breast. I tried pumping, but it wasn't working. I tried squeezing and massaging the lump and it just wouldn't clear the way it did in the past. I finally went to sleep. At some point before I had to leave for work, I nursed both kids. I didn't take a pump with me because the pressure seemed to be reduced, but during my breaks, I hand expressed as the pressure (and pain) had built back up. It appeared that I was able to un-clog things and I expressed to let the pressure off and make it less painful. But by afternoon, I was feeling terrible and had to walk out of our staff meeting a couple times. I laid down in a semi-private space a couple times for about 15 minutes each time before returning. When I came home, I didn't pump, but my kids were up for doing lots of nursing. I was feeling a bit better, but a thermometer confirmed a low-grade fever. I don't have to work today (Friday) and am taking it easy. My breast is tender instead of painful and a bit lumpy but squishy. I'm tired and my throat is sore, but my temperature is back to normal. I also had very little appetite yesterday and it seems more normal today.

Does this sound like minor mastitis that is on its way to getting better? When you look at stuff online, it all tells you to immediately call a doctor or risk abscess. I feel like a doctor would just tell me to do what I'm already doing: nurse as much as I can, drink fluids, and rest. When I had a sinus infection, it was a lot worse than this and it went away on its own. Is the last bit of lumpiness just a matter of swelling that is on its way down?
I've had mastitis about 3 times during breastfeeding and each time I felt very unwell and had a temp. I went straight to the doctors and got antibiotics (sometimes they can be funny about giving them but they did no problem). In your situation I would probably see how it goes and if you feel unwell/ feverish, then get the antibiotics
I had mastitis once this time breastfeeding. I had the chills and a fever and felt horrible. My midwife suggested I try oil of oregano capsules before getting antibiotics.. She said they are a more natural kind of antibiotic. This worked for me. If you don't feel comfortable trying it, then I would agree that you might want to go see your doctor or to the hospital. Hope you feel better soon!
Does this sound like minor mastitis that is on its way to getting better? When you look at stuff online, it all tells you to immediately call a doctor or risk abscess. I feel like a doctor would just tell me to do what I'm already doing: nurse as much as I can, drink fluids, and rest. When I had a sinus infection, it was a lot worse than this and it went away on its own. Is the last bit of lumpiness just a matter of swelling that is on its way down?

Yes that's exactly what it sounds like to me. If you're feeling generally better, then your body is likely fighting it off. And when I get clogged ducts (which happens much too frequently) there is often some lumpiness that persists, for whatever reason. Do you notice any red patches?

I've had mastitis at least 3 times, and almost-mastitis several more times, when I noticed the warning signs and nipped it in the bud immediately. This first time I had full blown mastitis DS1 was 3 weeks old and my immune system was shot from the stress and the complete lack of sleep. I had a high fever, could barely muster the energy to nurse my son, and half my breast was bright red! I generally don't like taking antibiotics, but I was so willing and grateful to be able to get a quick prescription and start immediately feeling better.

The other two times my immune system was able to handle it. I'd get in bed, pile on the blankets, and sleep. When I feel a clogged duct, and especially if I'm starting to feel poorly and there is a red patch on my breast, I'll take 3 ibuprofin to reduce the inflamation, wait at least half an hour for it to kick in, then nurse/pump on that side as much as I can, and massage the lump if that doesn't get it clear. For me the ibuprofin is key, when I've tried massaging lumps out without it, the inflamation just gets too bad and make things worse.
I had mastitis for the first time two months ago when DS2 was 11 months. I felt absolutely horrible. To be honest, I wouldn't wait, I would go straight to the Dr to get antibiotics. I quite quickly got worse and there is no way I could function feeling like that. I had to get my OH to come home and help me with the kids and I managed to get a Dr appointment that day. The antibiotics took about 24 hours to start working and it was about 4 days before I felt close to getting back to normal. It was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone! I would get the antibiotics before it gets worse.
I got tired again today, but was able to take a two hour nap. I was able to do some stuff today, but generally took it easy. I don't feel all the way better, but my temperature has been normal all day, my breast is only a little tender, and while things feel a little lumpy, nothing has felt the slightest bit engorged for over 24 hours. I think things are headed in the right direction and I'll be taking it easy tomorrow (Saturday) to keep it that way.
You can for sure play it by ear but if it starts getting worse again I'd get to the doctor for some antibiotics. I've had countless bouts of mastitis and they've ranged from very mild to me being so ill I could barely walk 20ft from my car to the doctor's office. That was the last time I had it but had I gotten again I wouldn't have waited for it to get that far (and it didn't take long, I went from feeling meh to feeling incredibly bad within a few hours) - I'd go in right away just to be safe and have antibiotics on hand if needed. But totally up to you, it's just as likely nothing more serious will come of it.
The first day, I definitely felt it go from "meh" to feeling sick quite fast. I felt nauseous, achy, and really tired. I made it through the staff meeting I was in by taking a couple un-scheduled breaks. Luckily I have understanding administrators. I felt better before I made it home. That was the worst of it, but if it gets worse again, I'll definitely head to the doctor. I think I have a cold on top of it too because my kids are a bit runny nosed and now I feel like I have a cold. At one point I was feeling sinus pressure and really hoping I didn't get a sinus infection! I'd definitely go if I had TWO infections, regardless of the severity of each. But the pressure didn't last or turn into anything. Oy vey, I better be back to healthy by Tuesday. Luckily Friday AND Monday were non-work weeks, giving me a 4 day weekend to recover!
I've just got over 2 back to back bouts of mastitis.

Warning, the first bout did nearly kill me and you should take mastitis seriously! Within 48 hours of noticing a red hard lump I was in hospital being treated for septaceamia, kidney infection and mastitis as the infection had spread around my body.

After repeat iv's of antibiotics at the hospital and 3 weeks of antibiotics at home im only just feeling back to normal.

I feel for anyone that has this x
I don't know if I jinxed myself by writing on this thread or not, but I now feel like I'm getting mastitis again too! I started feeling sick yesterday and now I have a red boob and boob pain, like last time. I don't have a temperature at this point though, so I'm also playing it by ear. It's Sunday so dr is closed and I don't feel bad enough for the after hours but I will go for antibiotics tomorrow if I feel the same or worse.

Can't believe it has happened again in a couple of months! I hope you feel better Sarah.
I don't know if I jinxed myself by writing on this thread or not, but I now feel like I'm getting mastitis again too! I started feeling sick yesterday and now I have a red boob and boob pain, like last time. I don't have a temperature at this point though, so I'm also playing it by ear. It's Sunday so dr is closed and I don't feel bad enough for the after hours but I will go for antibiotics tomorrow if I feel the same or worse.

Can't believe it has happened again in a couple of months! I hope you feel better Sarah.

Oh no! Take care of yourself! I had a two hour nap yesterday and today and have been getting to bed at a reasonable hour and I can definitely feel the improvement. Now I just have a normal cold, which is to be expected considering Leo has one too and Violet had one recently. I even felt well enough to take the kids to the park this afternoon. We drove though whereas we typically walk there.

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