I had a bought of it this weekend as well, man it make me feel horrible.
but here is what I do.
As soon as I notice the sorness and/or redness. I take a warm shower and just massage the knot towards the nipple to help break up the knot.
I double up on my vit C. I also take mix a shot of fruit juice, grapeseed extract (20 driops) and one dropper full triple source echinacia. It taste horrible, but I have kept it from going into full on mastitis all 3 times.
I also mix a pultice of comfrey leaves and castor oil and keep that on the spot when not feeding. Along with heat from a heating pad. I also stay in bed or on the sofa as much as I can.
All this I got from my MW.
If I start getting feverish and feeling flu-y I take oil of Oregano, but only for a day as it can interfere with milk production, but it is a very good natural anti-biotic.