We had photos of DD at 10 days old and I love them. Getting a shoot done this time too.
Soooo tired - sorry for the moan!! I barely sleep at night and getting up at 6.15am every day is a killer, I haven't had a lie in since DD was born which is almost 20 months ago!! How I would love a lie in where I didn't have to wake up first thing at all!
Off to dr this morning to deliver a urine sample, I got into my 32 week appointment yesterday and she asked if I had done one and i hadn't because I hadn't been asked to and didn't have the pot for it so she gave me a pot for next time but I haven't had my urine tested since I was 24 weeks and I have a history if aggressive uti's so I just took a pot and am bringing it to then this morning even though they technically haven't asked for it! You'd think they would be monitoring things a bit closer with my history but I am at the point of thinking that quite frankly neither the GP ir the MWs are remotely interested!! None of them give me more than 5 minutes and yesterday The GP said barely 2 words to me! I had to go home and read what my BP was, what the baby's position was etc because she just wrote it down and said nothing. Such rubbish care!