34 weeks today... And if things couldn't get any worse I had an u/s and she has something wrong with her heart... She doesn't deserve this!! After 2 us techs and one MFM specialist taking 2hours on scanning me/making constant phone calls.. I'm scheduled for a fetal echo on Thursday then I will make the 5 hour drive to St. Pete to meet with what I'm assuming is a fetal heart surgeon... This poor baby needs a break... I'm so fucking scared...
It's not fair my sil did hard drugs and didn't see a doctor until almost 8months pregnant and she had a H&H 9 mos... I've been to over 50 different appts, 20 ultrasounds and numerous hospital stays and I eat right, don't smoke/do drugs and in return my daughter might not get the fighting chance she so desperately deserves... I wanna give up but I can't.. She needs me, my son needs me..
I'm getting my tubes tied... I can't chance dooming another child...