Just coming in to see how everyone is doing while little man is asleep.
Brandi- Hope she starts to sleep better at night for you.
Hey- Yey on bringing Rochelle home! Josh is like that at night. He is quite content in the day but likes to be awake at night. Think he's a night owl!
Wild- How un nerving! I was worried about something happening at home and i haven't even had quick labours etc beforehand like you. EEEEKK!
24/7- Fingers crossed sam will be preparing to arrive. Josh wasn't fully engaged the day before i went into labour he chnaged from 1-2/5th palpable
Wiggler- Glad Bethany is sleeping better. Gives me some hope!
For those of you who want to see a show. All i had before actualy labour was a bit of browny green, nothing much at all. I lost the bloody part when i was well on my way so don't get disheartened. I was the same, thinking oh i want to lose my plug to see a sign etc.
Update on my little man: We went and saw the midwife today and she was so helpful and lovely. Basically said the feeding is totally normal. He's got wet nappies and is pooing mustard poos now so she said he's obviously getting food. He's starting to take more today, about 3/4oz every 2 hours. He's a little bit jaundiced so keeping an eye on him. Plus he needs to be see a paedotrician as he has a birth mark on his leg that needs to be looked at, plus they're not sure if his wee hole is too far back.
He likes sleeping in the day and will happily go in his moses basket but night time is another story. He whinges constantly and does not want to be in there. I think it's too quiet for him but no really sure what to do, if there is anything at all i can do?
I'll try and put a pic up of him in a second.