May's Munchkins 2015

Aw, look at Koreena! So cute! I cannot believe how big all our babies are getting too! Zach will be 9 months on the 16th of this month. I just stopped nursing him and I miss it. He has 4 teeth and is on the go constantly. I am kind of sad because he doesn't sit still anymore so I can't just hold him anymore. He grew up too fast!

How is everyone else?

I have the same feelings. She is just growing up fast!!! It makes me want another, but then I think about my age and say probably not LOL>
I have the same feelings. She is just growing up fast!!! It makes me want another, but then I think about my age and say probably not LOL>

Same here! My husband and I just said the other day that we would love another baby. However, it is just not practical for us. So Zach is our last and it does make me very sad. But I am grateful and thankful to have the two kids that I do have. :)
Hi ladies. My.eloise is 9 months old this week. It is flying. She gets into everything! None of my others crawled.before 10 months. She's my baby and I wish it would slow down. I am confident we are finished but I'll be honest it makes me sad sometimes. :(
Glad to see some updates! :) Oliver will be 10 months on the 17th! He is cutting his 6th tooth, scoots everywhere with some crazy speed, pulls himself up to standing next to anything and walking along things, and is almost able to balance a little on his own. He loves food and eats the same as us, except chopped up. He's a very relaxed baby until he gets something taken away or things don't go his way, then he will scream bloody murder. He is obsessed with his big sis and vise versa. I love it when dd asks him 'Oliver wanna play?!?' It's so sweet! Lol.

I agree that the time is flying by and my baby is almost 1 already! Dh and I have decided to ntnp and see what happens. We would love lots of kids and I really like how close the kids are in ages. I'm also okay if it takes a while to get pregnant though, too. :)
Wyatts birthday is less than 6 weeks away!!! Can't believe I'm going to have a 1 year old!!!

Anyone else planning a little party??
hi all. Allyson will be 9 mos soon and is doing great. w
Sometimes I find myself wanting another but then I remember how tired I am. I do believe she is my last.
Piper will be 9 months on the 13th. She has just started scooting around. She is a picky eater and doesn't care for much besides peaches pears green beans and cereal puffs.
She is still taking 5 bottles a day and has not slept through the night since we stopped swaddling her at 4 months.
Her big sister is in daycare and bringing home cold after cold.
I am definitely done and had an IUD put in a few weeks ago!
The past 9 months has gone quickly and slowly all at once.
I am in Canada and my mat leave is almost up. I have 8 weeks left and will miss her but selfeshly looking forward to some me time.

Nice to see all the updates ladies.
Aw, it was so great to hear from all of you! I have a quick question. Zach, who will 9 months on Tuesday, came down with his first stomach bug yesterday night. My daughter Kayla never had anything like this. It was horrible! He threw up for about 3 hours. It was messy and got everywhere. I didn't think a baby could be this sick. He is much better today though but has anyone had this experience?
Wyatt had something similar a few weeks before Christmas, he just kept being sick after everything that went into his body, milk or food it'd all come back out and sometimes through his nose too. The worst was over in about 24 hours but he was a bit sick after food for a few days after. I cut his food down and upped his Mlik and he was back to his usual self quickly :)

Just got to watch out for dehydration signs and keep an eye on temp xxx
Wyatt had something similar a few weeks before Christmas, he just kept being sick after everything that went into his body, milk or food it'd all come back out and sometimes through his nose too. The worst was over in about 24 hours but he was a bit sick after food for a few days after. I cut his food down and upped his Mlik and he was back to his usual self quickly :)

Just got to watch out for dehydration signs and keep an eye on temp xxx

Thank you! I was so worried about Zach. The first time he threw up, it also came out of his nose. Then every 20-30 minutes, he would throw up again. Even when he had nothing left in his stomach, he would still gag and a little stomach bile would come out. He was better yesterday but I think we gave him too much formula and he ended up throwing up only once around 9 PM. So far today he seems ok but he definitely still has a decreased appetite. He ate about a third of a yogurt and about 6 ounces of formula.

Your post made me feel a lot better though. Glad your little guy was on the mend very soon! Thank you! :)
Ian is 10 months old :cry: he is so close to one :cry: BUT he is in such a crazy fun stage right now! :) He loves to play and he sings (no words, just the tune) and dances and crawls only to get to something he can stand himself up on and then he shimmys. And he eats EVERYTHING LOL. He doesn't like "baby food" even the little bits ones - but he eats what we eat (within reason) also chopped up. He loves food so much that he does a cute little giggle when he eats every bite.
Aw, Ian sounds adorable!! :) I too cannot believe that our babies are almost 1 already. Where did the time go?
I know it. Its not fair - pregnancy feels like it takes 1 year and the first year of baby's life feels like it takes 4 months!!
Tell me about it girls :cry: it's gone way too fast!! Wyatts 11 months on the 21st.

We are TTC in May!!
Miss Z, exciting on TTC come May! All the best to you! :)
It's really hard to believe a year ago we were all just having or waiting to have them, Collin is so big now one with a personality to match!
Yes, I cannot believe it has been a year either! We are celebrating Zach's 1st birthday this Sunday. I am in awe of how fast the time has gone and how he has developed. Bitter sweet, as this is my last baby!
This year has gone by so fast! My boy has had so many health issues this year that he has kept me on my toes!

Oliver had his 1 yr blood tests to check for lead and he has an elevated lead level :( it's very weird bc we have no idea what he could've gotten into with lead in it! We had the county out to do an inspection and the inspector said he's not even sure what it could've been. We had samples of things sent out and will hear back in the next few weeks. I wonder if it's because he's low in iron and calcium so his body isn't filtering it out the way it's supposed to? I'm trying to add those into his diet, but he has allergy issues so I won't give him dairy or nuts. Im going to call his kidney doctor today and ask if it has anything to do with his dysplastic kidney.
Hope all is well with your little guy missruby!!

Can't believe all our babies are 1 now! Or almost one if you went over!!

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