measuring 3 weeks behind!

Irish Baby

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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had a check up today and baby is measuring 3 weeks behind, at my last checkup two weeks ago baby was measuring 2 weeks behind... ive asked should i not have a growth scan but they keep saying no :( but at every appointment at the doctors and hospital i keep being told that baby is measuring small.... how frustrating!!!
Same situation here hun! At my 34+3weeks appointment,my bump mesured 32.5cm so almost 2 weeks and I've asked her about a growth scan and she said no everything looks good. Seeing her Monday so be interesting to see if the bump went up.Hey your due 1 day before me!:)xx
Hi there,

I went for my midwife check up yesterday and I'm measuring 2 weeks behind (according to bump measurement) but I had a 3D scan on Saturday and that showed baby was measuring a week ahead. So I'm confused - but therefore the size of your bump can't be an accurate reading of how big the baby is. I'd say not to worry but I'm worried that my bump is small and I know that the baby is the right size (or slightly above average)!!

Is it from the size of the bump that they say you're measuring 3 weeks behind? Or have you had a scan showing your measuring 3 weeks behind?
its very frustrating isnt it? i suppose they are trained to do their job properly and to no what to do and blah blah blah, i just find it hard to understand why they wouldnt be concerned when i was 2 weeks behind before and now im 3 weeks behind, does that not sound alarming or is it just me being hormonal :cry:
Even though fundal height isn't accurate,they say 2-3 ahead or behind is fine..I wouldn't worry too much hun!xx
Hi ladies! I'm just having a nosy in the third tri, I'm in the first :)

When I was pregnant with my 4th, I was measuring 2 wks behind according to the midwife at 35wks (checking uterus size). I gave birth 3 days after my due date and my son was a healthy 8lb 3oz.

Try not to worry, I think some babies don't grow EXACTLY to the supposed schedule!

Hi there,

I went for my midwife check up yesterday and I'm measuring 2 weeks behind (according to bump measurement) but I had a 3D scan on Saturday and that showed baby was measuring a week ahead. So I'm confused - but therefore the size of your bump can't be an accurate reading of how big the baby is. I'd say not to worry but I'm worried that my bump is small and I know that the baby is the right size (or slightly above average)!!

Is it from the size of the bump that they say you're measuring 3 weeks behind? Or have you had a scan showing your measuring 3 weeks behind?

ya its from my bump measurement, i no this can be a bit out depending on which way baby is lying etc. but my bump really is small, and is no where near the bottom of my boobs where it should be at this time, my bump is a good bit further down
I wouldn't worry too much, I was measuring 3 weeks behind on Tuesday, and got referred for a growth scan this morning (I think I've got an ultra-cautious midwife, either that or she referred me because I'd burst into tears as I was so worried!).

Little dude is absolutely fine, the scan measurements showed that he's still in the normal range for dates (only a week behind), and my small fundal height measurement was probably due to either my height (I'm 5' 8" so baby has a lot of room to grow upwards rather than outwards) or the fact that he's lying diagonally. If you've got good abdominal muscles you might measure a bit smaller too :)

My bump is really low too, which might be a factor. They also often go through growth spurts a bit later on too :)

Hope I've made you feel a bit better:hugs:
I wouldn't worry too much, I was measuring 3 weeks behind on Tuesday, and got referred for a growth scan this morning (I think I've got an ultra-cautious midwife, either that or she referred me because I'd burst into tears as I was so worried!).

Little dude is absolutely fine, the scan measurements showed that he's still in the normal range for dates (only a week behind), and my small fundal height measurement was probably due to either my height (I'm 5' 8" so baby has a lot of room to grow upwards rather than outwards) or the fact that he's lying diagonally. If you've got good abdominal muscles you might measure a bit smaller too :)

My bump is really low too, which might be a factor. They also often go through growth spurts a bit later on too :)

Hope I've made you feel a bit better:hugs:

Thanks ginger :hugs: ya im 5'7 and quite athletic and slim (pre pregnancy) so maybe thats why he/she is lying that bit lower... Your lucky you have a midwife that is thorough though!!x
I wouldn't worry. My fundal height has been up to 6cm behind at some points and is now only 2cm behind. Baby has grown consistently at a smaller than average size but is perfect. Most other people I know have been referred for scans and their baby turns out bigger than average or bang on!

They won't do scans here unless you are 3cm or more out.

I'm short but have a long torso and an athletic body with strong tumm muscles so that's probably which I measure so small! xxx
Firstly, everyone measures you differently - I've had 2 different measurements in 5 minutes by 2 different people! 2ndly, a taller person measures differently to a shorter person. My dd measured smaller all the way along but was born 6lb 9oz and ds was spot on but born 9lb! I'm tall so my bump measures differently to a shorter womans.
I honestly wouldn't wouldn't worry about you're FH.. I was always 3 weeks behind and every MW I saw told me my baby would be no bigger than 6 and a half pounds....

She was 8lb 2 :dohh:
ive been measuring really small since 20 weeks and I get a scan every week and a doppler scan to check the blood flow from placenta to baby, as long as the baby is moving I wouldnt worry too much xx
I posted earlier on in this thread saying I was measuring 2 weeks behind but I thought I should say I'm 5ft 10 so again, lots of room to move upwards rather than outwards. I just hope everything turns out ok and then I should get back to my original size quickly afterwards! But I wish people would stop commenting on my small bump - yesterday someone told me you could hardly tell I was even pregnant! It's really starting to get on my nerves. Wish people would mind their own business!! Oh, and my midwife told me tall people tend to "hide" their pregnancies for longer and also my consultant said my bump is small because I've got strong ab muscles - don't know how this could be because I've always hated exercising!
I'm 5'7'', slim, and three weeks ago was measuring 1cm behind. Yesterday I was measuring 2cm behind so I'm going back this Friday to be measured again. If he hasn't grown I'll probably cry until they refer me for a scan. BUT I know it's probably nothing. Naughty boy is transverse, which Nurse Google tells me can skew FH measurements, he's active and seems well and my MW isn't at all concerned ("Nic if I send you for a growth scan for 2cm they'll think I'm mad!")

Lots of people have said to me in the last 24 hours how inaccurate their FHs turned out to be, which has really reassured me.

It's definitely not my abs hiding him though - exercise? What dat?!
I was measuring 32 weeks at 34.5 weeks and then 2 weeks later was still measuring 32 weeks so now over 4 weeks behind. Was sent for a growth scan immediately and baby is absolutely fine, they even estimated his/her current weight at 7 lbs 6 ounces (which I thought was quite big for 36.5 weeks!). They think there has been no change in the fundal height because of the way the baby is lying, head is engaged and very low down in the pelvis so I think my bump just dropped early on. Hope that reassures you a bit!

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