Measuring 4 days behind at early ultrasound


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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I promised myself I wasn't going to worry or panic as my son measured 2 weeks behind at one point and I thought the worst.

However this time I'm pretty sure of when I ovulated so I was either 6 weeks 2 days or 6 weeks 3 days when I went for the scan (based on positive OPK and ovulating between 24/36 hours after)

She did the scan and found the baby straight away with an abdominal scan. The heart was beating away at 121bpm so I was really happy.

However baby measured 3.4mm so around 5 weeks 6 days so 3 or 4 days behind.

She said they allowed a week either way without being worried and assured me everything looked great.

However looking it up it said it can go either way if they are behind when your sure of your dates.

I'm going back in a week and hope to see a weeks growth.

Have you guys ever had similar and do you think things are ok?
Same thing at my ultrasound Friday. I was 6+5 and measured 3 days smaller, with hb of 119. She said it was fabulous. She said at different angles, they can measure differently, which at this early point, even a fraction off in measurements could be days different.

She said the hb should be at least 95bpm, so your little one has a nice, strong hb!
Glad to know I'm not alone in this. I'm just so worried as google is full of horror stories.

Praying bean has caught up by Saturday a little.

I did read that tranvaginal is more accurate at this stage but she only did abdominal.
Yes, EXACTLY!! Both my boys measured 3-4mm when they should have been a good few days more. My ovulation dates were exact too. First time it happened I was worried, second time not so much! Both boys not only caught up, but measured 5 days ahead by the nt scan!!
Ps. My scans were both tv too, so I can't even blame that!!
Thank you

With my son I thought I was 8 weeks (but he was surprise so going off LMP rather than ovulation) and was put back to 5/6 weeks (there was a strong heartbeat) I was SO worried but when I went for a scan at adjusted 8 weeks he was measuring 9 +1. Just praying so hard this bean catches up a little.

It's such a worry! Part of me was so glad to see a bean in the right place and with a heartbeat but measuring behind and knowing your dates just seems to be a scary area.
My doctor told me that ultrasounds are accurate to +/- 3 days... So I'd say baby is doing great! Remember baby is tiny at this stage and measurements are in mm so it depends on the doctors accuracy as well.
i remember with my DD i was moved back from 8 weeks to 7 weeks 1 day and i was sure of my dates. turns out i just ovulated a few days later and by my next scan at 11 weeks id caught up b three days anyway.

Everything will be fine don't wory about it :) I think its only cause for concern if your weeks out, no HB etc xx
Thanks guys. I know when I got a positive OPK but I guess it's possible I ovulated 2 days after that rather than a day, and also I didn't get a positive till 10dpo so perhaps the baby implanted a little later as well.

Just got to keep everything crossed for Saturday. If it was measuring 5 + 6 and it measures 6+6 on Saturday I'll be happy it's growing.
For my pregnancies with both my kids, I measured 5-7 days small right up to delivery. DS will be 4 in a few weeks and DD is a precocious, half-potty trained 2 1/2 year old. Those early ultrasounds can be SO off, especially if they only did an abdominal scan. I went in for my first scan with this bubs and they couldn't see anything on the abdominal but found bubba right away with the transvaginal. So hang in there. Good luck at your next ultrasound!
wen i had an early scan they measured me a week behind but at 12 scan i was right where i new i was. they measured as 6+5 but was really 7+5
I measured 8 days behind, then 7 days behind, then back to 8 days behind which worried the hell out of me because I was so sure of my ovulation date. These were all early scans and on my 12 week scan I measures bang on my predicted ovulation date. The tech told me not to pay any attention to early scan measurements if they were accurate they would date you there and then.
Scans in the 2nd trimester are more accurate for dating purposes. There is a lot of variation for 1st trimester scans and dating. If a doctor adjusts your due date, it will generally be from a 2nd trimester ultrasound and not a 1st trimester one. My first two pregnancies were dated back at least 7-10 days based on 2nd trimester measurements and it was accurate for me.
When I had my son I went for a scan at 7+0 and he measured five days behind. It was an abdominal scan too and I think it just wasn't a clear enough picture to get a good fetal CRL measurement. He certainly was never small for his dates as by the 12 week scan I was bumped up ahead two days and throughout my pregnancy he measured big (he was born 9lbs) - so I don't think he was smaller at 7 weeks, I would blame the abdominal scan first (it was hazy). So I wouldn't worry too much, it's probably more the fact that it was an abdominal scan and they aren't as accurate.

Hope your follow up scan goes well.

Thanks for the stories ladies. I'm so nervous for Saturday.

I just couldn't find much where people KNEW roughly when they ovulated and then it went on to be ok.

Just want this one to stick sooo much.

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