Membrane Sweep

Celeste Ann

Active Member
Aug 28, 2014
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As you can tell from my ticker I'm days past 40. I'm considering asking my doctor for a sweep tomorrow. She already told me were going to schedule my induction for Friday. Which I could say no to technically, but since I've been having problems throughout this pregnancy I decided not too. I understand it may not work and could just cause plain old pain and discomfort. Im mainly concerned about my doctor just saying no to the sweep. Never asked her about it before because I wasnt 40 weeks and didn't want to "pop" before then. But it makes me wonder if they would even do it since she's never brought it up. Has a sweep been successful for anyone? As of last Tuesday I was 2 cm and 100% effaced of that is any contributing factor. Hoping for some progress tomorrow though it'd be nice to hear. :)
The sweep was successful for me. My doctor offers them at 39 weeks (I'm also here in the US), but I don't know the policy when it comes to any complications.

I had the sweep in the morning, and two days later in the evening, I went into labor. You do have to be dilated (as far as I know, since they need to reach in there), and they have to be able to reach you of course, but it sounds like that is not a problem. As far as sensation, I found it a little stronger than a dilation check, but not intolerable. I'd say, if you rate a cervix check at a 2/10 (10 being the worst pain imaginable), then this would be a 5ish?!?! Enough to maybe make you wince, but not cry. A lot of people complain that they feel it more later throughout the day. That wasn't the case with me, but everyone is different.

Good luck!! I hope, even if you choose to avoid the sweep, that you go soon without needing the induction! :hugs:
Thanks! I mean, don't get me wrong.. I have nothing against induction or anything. But the stories I've heard actually has be kind of worried. Kind of upsetting that my body hasn't gone into labor by itself yet. It's been 4 weeks since I've passed my MP! Cramping since then lol. So I have my fingers crossed that they will agree to do the sweep and that it is successful. Just a tad bit of hope! :dance:
No, I'm right there with you!

I know it must be upsetting. I didn't go over with number one, and I still have time with this one, but I feel more worried about it this time. With my first, I was a full-time student/clinician in grad school, so my mind was totally preoccupied. I don't even remember thinking "When are you coming out?" with my little one. Now, it's the only thing on my mind when I'm awake. (A total opposite to when I'm sleeping, it is all sex dreams :haha::rofl: hahah)

My doctor actually made the mistake of saying "I don't think I'll see you at your next appointment." because of the progress I was making (from 1.5 cm/30% effaced to 3 cm/70% effaced in three days), so quickly, but she said it out loud, and now I feel jinxed. I will, however, be having the sweep on Wednesday if I make it to that appointment. :shrug:

I know getting the membrane sweep is controversial to many people, so I wanted to get my comment in just in case anyone came in here with a strong "con" argument/story.

Keep me posted!!! :happydance: I'm excited to hear you've started labor before Friday! :winkwink:
The sweep was successful for me. My doctor offers them at 39 weeks (I'm also here in the US), but I don't know the policy when it comes to any complications.

I had the sweep in the morning, and two days later in the evening, I went into labor. You do have to be dilated (as far as I know, since they need to reach in there), and they have to be able to reach you of course, but it sounds like that is not a problem. As far as sensation, I found it a little stronger than a dilation check, but not intolerable. I'd say, if you rate a cervix check at a 2/10 (10 being the worst pain imaginable), then this would be a 5ish?!?! Enough to maybe make you wince, but not cry. A lot of people complain that they feel it more later throughout the day. That wasn't the case with me, but everyone is different.

Good luck!! I hope, even if you choose to avoid the sweep, that you go soon without needing the induction! :hugs:

Tiger mom, do you have kaiser? Lol I'm in California and have kaiser...was just wondering if that 39 weeks sweep would apply to me too.. I think I will ask at my next appointment in the 29th...b
The sweep was successful for me. My doctor offers them at 39 weeks (I'm also here in the US), but I don't know the policy when it comes to any complications.

I had the sweep in the morning, and two days later in the evening, I went into labor. You do have to be dilated (as far as I know, since they need to reach in there), and they have to be able to reach you of course, but it sounds like that is not a problem. As far as sensation, I found it a little stronger than a dilation check, but not intolerable. I'd say, if you rate a cervix check at a 2/10 (10 being the worst pain imaginable), then this would be a 5ish?!?! Enough to maybe make you wince, but not cry. A lot of people complain that they feel it more later throughout the day. That wasn't the case with me, but everyone is different.

Good luck!! I hope, even if you choose to avoid the sweep, that you go soon without needing the induction! :hugs:

Tiger mom, do you have kaiser? Lol I'm in California and have kaiser...was just wondering if that 39 weeks sweep would apply to me too.. I think I will ask at my next appointment in the 29th...b

Oh It can't hurt to ask! :happydance: I don't have/go to Kaiser. Is that a hospital or an insurance plan? I know that the UK tends to hold off until your EDD or even after (based on so many posts I've seen), but I have no idea about other office rules and regulations here in the US weirdly enough. I would definitely ask. The worst your doc will say is "too early" :shrug: You will also have to have some amount of dilation and effacement to allow for the sweep, so that is another factor. :D

When are you due?
The sweep was successful for me. My doctor offers them at 39 weeks (I'm also here in the US), but I don't know the policy when it comes to any complications.

I had the sweep in the morning, and two days later in the evening, I went into labor. You do have to be dilated (as far as I know, since they need to reach in there), and they have to be able to reach you of course, but it sounds like that is not a problem. As far as sensation, I found it a little stronger than a dilation check, but not intolerable. I'd say, if you rate a cervix check at a 2/10 (10 being the worst pain imaginable), then this would be a 5ish?!?! Enough to maybe make you wince, but not cry. A lot of people complain that they feel it more later throughout the day. That wasn't the case with me, but everyone is different.

Good luck!! I hope, even if you choose to avoid the sweep, that you go soon without needing the induction! :hugs:

Tiger mom, do you have kaiser? Lol I'm in California and have kaiser...was just wondering if that 39 weeks sweep would apply to me too.. I think I will ask at my next appointment in the 29th...b

I had Kaiser while in Ohio and they did a sweep at 39 weeks... most painful thing ever, even more than labor itself! I still had to get induced at 41 weeks for medical reasons. Hopefully you have a better experience!
Oh, I'm so sorry you had a painful sweep! :( I guess I should be grateful that mine didn't hurt. I guess everyone is different, and I bet different dilations/effacements/doctors make the experience totally different! Oh, I'm so sorry yours hurt!!! :hugs:
The sweep was successful for me. My doctor offers them at 39 weeks (I'm also here in the US), but I don't know the policy when it comes to any complications.

I had the sweep in the morning, and two days later in the evening, I went into labor. You do have to be dilated (as far as I know, since they need to reach in there), and they have to be able to reach you of course, but it sounds like that is not a problem. As far as sensation, I found it a little stronger than a dilation check, but not intolerable. I'd say, if you rate a cervix check at a 2/10 (10 being the worst pain imaginable), then this would be a 5ish?!?! Enough to maybe make you wince, but not cry. A lot of people complain that they feel it more later throughout the day. That wasn't the case with me, but everyone is different.

Good luck!! I hope, even if you choose to avoid the sweep, that you go soon without needing the induction! :hugs:

Tiger mom, do you have kaiser? Lol I'm in California and have kaiser...was just wondering if that 39 weeks sweep would apply to me too.. I think I will ask at my next appointment in the 29th...b

I had Kaiser while in Ohio and they did a sweep at 39 weeks... most painful thing ever, even more than labor itself! I still had to get induced at 41 weeks for medical reasons. Hopefully you have a better experience!

Thanks! I'll definitely ask about it! ive never had one.. Hopefully won't need one..heeheee

Tiger mom, yeah kaiser is a private insurance plan... But all hospitals are called Kaiser Permanente... I'm due November 22 so I still have a ways to go.. Don't know yet if I'll go past, but you never know.. :) thanks for replying ladies!
In UK is different policies in each county. It is 41w where i currently live, personally id try a sweep 3 times before even agreeing to an induction.

Sweep only work if your body is ready, it was very uncomfortable for me i instantly started contracting. I had my baby within 48hr window time they say. Good luck
I had two sweeps, one at 38 weeks and then again one at 40+3.
The second one was succesful. As you I was 2cm and 100% effaced.
The midwife said that your cervix needs to be favourable for it to work.
I had my second sweep done on a Sunday and by Monday night my waters broke and I was in labour. I didn't find it painful. Good luck!
Alright. Soooo. Turns out I am now 3cm, Whoo hoo! And still completely effaced obviously. She ended up doing the sweep. This was at 830am and it's now 1254pm. I do have some slight weird discomfort that kind of feels like cramps. Just a constant cramping. Prior to this, four weeks ago I lost my plug so I'm not expecting to see that. Just looking for my water to break, consistent contractions. We also scheduled my induction for Friday at 6am, incase this doesn't work. Hopefully I see results!
Oh Fingers crossed!!!!! :happydance:

I'm doing my rain dance-like dance for bringing on the contractions for you! :haha:
12 hours and just cramping. I have noticed more discharge (Even more than before strangely) 36 hours to go to find out if it didn't work!

I took a mile walk around 6 and it HURT really bad. :shrug: Just my whole stomach/back, then went to go take a warm bath. So maybe it's progressing slowly? Deep down I feel like it hasn't worked lol.:nope: Either way, by Friday my little munchkin shall be here!
Oh, and on a TMI side-note. I have been experiencing diarrhea, but I'm not sure if it's from the stool softener the doctor has prescribed to me since I'm taking an Iron Supplement or if could be a "sign". And did the sweep make anyone else nauseous?
Diarrhea hand nausea can be signs of labor drawing near. The membrane sweep works within 48 hours so even at 36 hours later it could still be working. Labor dust!! I get my sweep tomorrow
^This! I'd take those as a good sign! I had terrible diarrhea once labor started with ds1!!!! :happydance: Hopefully things progress.

Also, I consider my sweep successful, and I didn't go into true labor until about 60 hours later. It could be coincidence, but I tend to lean towards the sweep. Don't give up hope, even if you pass the "accepted" timeline. It is all based on averages. Each person is different :)

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