microfibre cloths??(cloth heads lol)


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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ok 2 start with i apologise if these are teh wrong things :oops: but im sure ive heard tht u "clothys" :p stuff certain nappies with these....

well(if i am right :oops: )

tescos have these at £1 in there £1 offers atm( my tesco has thm at the end of each aisle various things at £1) sorry if this was a useless piece of info lol
That was useful actually! Cheers Yvanne :D
phew so i was right!!! lol was frantically reading over all cloth posts 2 see if i had made a twat of myself or not!!!
I told tif to get some of these we also saw them a £1 in tesco's there great for cleaning! Are they really put in nappies ? how come? arent they a bit of a strange texture on there bum lol! or do they not touch the skin?
Lauz_1601 said:
I told tif to get some of these we also saw them a £1 in tesco's there great for cleaning! Are they really put in nappies ? how come? arent they a bit of a strange texture on there bum lol! or do they not touch the skin?

You can use them as cheap boosters for inside pocket nappies so they don't touch the skin, they're just used for absorbency :)
oh wow thats good! There usually quite expensive though, but at £1 for 3 in tesco's cant complain!
what are they? what do hey look like so i can get some?

i have just got a pocket nappy so need some things to put in :D
You could fold them and stuff your nappies with them - they should be down the cleaning aisle. I think they're usually white with a trim round the outside (correct me if I'm wrong OP)
The ones in Tescos are multicoloured, In your tesco do you have a section where everything is a pound ? well you will find them there, pack of 3 microfibre cleaning cloths for £1. Have you tried the nappies yet Dionne ?
Ishop at Asda so Ihave just been looking for these on the Tesco website and found 'Tesco Value Microfibre Cloth 3 Pack' for 89p is it these? Also has anyone bought these for their nappies and do you just need one in a pocket nappy or would you suggest more than this? I dont even know what these cloths look like!
cat the offer isnt on teh site hun, its only an instore offer xx

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