Mid-May buddies!


Mom to Danny and Jack
Jul 21, 2010
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Hi ladies

I got my BFP today and am so excited I could burst!! :wohoo::yipee:

2 cycles ago I had a MC (it was a blighted ovum). This will be our 3rd child and this was our 6th cycle ttc, so it has been a good journey so far. We have DS1 who is 5.5 and DS2 who will be 3 soon.

Looks like I am due around May 15 so if anyone wants to bump along with me I look forward to having some company :)
Hi!! I got my BFP last Wednesday and blood test confirmed today. EDD is around May 14! As you can see in my sig, I had to go the IVF route, and it's been a tough journey. Finally happy to be on the pregnancy boards :)
I will be due may 10th! I got my bfp last Wednesday on our second cycle of trying and I'm so excited! This will be my first so it's all very new and honestly quite overwhelming. I'd love some buddies to chat about it all!
Hi DannyPop! I'm following you over from the TTC side of things! My EDD is May 19th. Also giddily thrilled with this! I am not so thrilled with the intense symptoms I've been having though. I get the result of blood work back today, and I'm super looking forward to hearing the doctor confirm this pregnancy after the stress it took to achieve it!
Hooray my ladies!! So glad to have a bunch of us to do this together. Thank you for joining me.

Amanda wow what a journey for you -so glad you are on your road to the most blessed experience ever.

Butternut how long were you ttc? Tell us more :)

Missyogi us old hats will help you through! Ha ha actually each time I have been pregnant I am just as clueless as the time before and have to google EVERYthing! You may well be giving ME advice ;)

Ninja thanks for following xx

Missdoc yay so happy to have you join from the other group! Yipeeee
Danny, that makes me feel better to hear that everyone is just as overwhelmed as me! I am going to see my doctor today so I'll get some answers and hopefully feel a bit more prepared for this!
Hi! I got my BFP a few days ago. It is my second child and I'm a bit anxious with the transition to 2 kids!
My partner and I have been TTC for over a year, we've gone through two previous pregnancies and miscarriages together but I really feel like this one will stick! Today I was extremely tired, which I hadn't experienced with my previous pregnancies. I hate that I have to wait so long before I get to see a doctor and make sure everything is okay.
Due may 16th with my second..
Struggled with infertility with my first and had to do iui.. Got my bfp first month ttc number two.. Naturally!
Hi Everyone ! I got my BFP yesterday it was super light almost looked like a shadow , my husband and I thought we were going crazy but I did another test this am and it was very visible this time ! According to my app I am due May 19th. We have been trying for exactly one year, had one chemical pregnancy two months ago. This is our second lo together my son will be 6 in November, step daughter 9 in March !
Congrats to everyone ! Wishing you all the best and can't wait to share this journey with you .
Yay more members!

Jenzy I found with my almost 3 year age gap the transition from 1-2 was amazing. DS1 was self-sifficient enough that I could still focus on DS2 and do all the one-on-one stuff while DS1 was at pre-school.
You will be fine!

Butternut I know how scary it must be for you after your journey. I am also feeling so tired and slightly queasy this time which I didn’t feel for my MC so fx these are the right hormones doing the right things!

Mississippi how wondeful! My doc said that my cycle would reset itself after DS1 and it did! I conceieved DS2 naturally and DS1 was Clomid and trigger shot. Not nearly as hectic as your IUI but it is amazing how our bodies behave.

Lengyel welcome! How exciting to be having your first baby together. Truly special times
Welcome to everyone! Such exciting news. And it's so cool we're all around the same 2 weeks of being due. Love it. And Lengyel, yay! May 19th edd ladies unite! Lol.

AFM, My Tuesday bloodwork came back with my hcg beta at 122 (that was 3 weeks, 4 days). They told me they were hoping for anything over 30, so it's looking great. I go back in today or tomorrow to repeat and see if it's increasing by 60% every 48 hours. If so, then things look good and I'll likely be sent back to my OB and released from the RE's care. (it's weird the re is seeing me at all as I've only had one consultation with him prior to getting pregnant naturally, so he didn't have a hand in making this pregnancy, but whatever!)

Also took another digi this morning and it's now saying 2-3 weeks since conception, which is awesome to see. Yay progress!
Oh, I'm curious for those women who've been trying for awhile, do you feel like you did anything different this month that made it work? I sort of feel like my attitude had something to do with it. The past months I had bad news that I likely had very low ovarian reserve and would need intervention, but the visit with RE in August he told me that my follicle count looked more normal than he expected and my reproductive system looked beautiful and I could likely get pregnant naturally. And then we conceived within a week of that visit. Lol. It was just so relieving and uplifting to shift from thinking "we need IVF, how the hell do we manage this" to "everything's probably okay-- my body is not broken." My outlook on TTC this past cycle was just different than any other month. I felt confident. I also had been on a high dose of ubiquinol for a month, had taken pregnitude supplement for a month or so, and cut out most of my exposure to toxins/endocrine disrupters like BPA, pthalates, artificial fragrance, etc. (based on the advice of the book, "It Starts With the Egg." Most of those things would have taken longer to have an effect though, so I'm chalking it up to my confident mindset. Lol.
MissDoc I am a firm believer in positive thought! I am sure it had a lot lot lot to do with it. Yay for the progress too on the tests
My husband and I bedded every day when I had ewcm. I could never get a complete positive lh test. So when I thought it was dark enough we decided to get busy. �� we told our son yesterday. Just so he is more careful around my belly. He's super excited to be a big brother. When is everyone going to tell there parents ?? It's so hard to keep such a big secret!
I told my mom when was 1 day late for AF (we are incredibly close) and a few of my best friends cause if it's a MC again I will need their support. But everyone knows we are at it.

How's this though; my friend's 5 year old daughter drew me a picture for my birthday of a pregnant fairy!! I hardly ever see her so there is NO ways she could have known. I didn't even know! I got my BFP 2 days later! And she drew a pink baby ... I hope that's right too!!!

Only telling the kids when I have had my 13 week scan.

My dead give-away though is that I drink wine every single opportunity I get, so the second I refuse a glass people will suspect immediately :blush:
Hi Ladies,got my BFP last night.
I have a party to go go next saturday and I am really worried everyone will realise I am not drinking! Thinking that if anyone asks if I want a drink ill get vodka lemonade and pass it off to DH first chance I get and then get myself just a lemonade!
I have told my mom and my sister.
My sister is also pregnant but she is already 18 weeks,she was a great shoulder to cry on when I had my mc last month.
Yay nice to have you on our thread Marypoppins! Great idea re the lemonade thing!

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